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Today I found a memory usage comparison test for Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 browsers in ZDNet.
However, I think the measurement that was used is not appropriate.
So, I tried to create the comparison myself, including Opera 9 and Internet Explorer 7 browsers,
and the results were... unlike the expectation.
 Hari ini aku menemukan perbandingan pemakaian memori
untuk browser Firefox 2 dan Firefox 3 di ZDNet.
Tapi, ukuran yang dipakai menurutku tidak sesuai.
Jadi, aku coba buat sendiri tes berbagai browser termasuk Opera 9 dan Internet Explorer 7,
dan hasilnya ternyata... tidak sesuai dugaan.
I saw the article titled "Memory test - Firefox vs Firefox 3.0 b1". I am interested in that kind of browser comparison, so I clicked at the screenshots there.
But, to my disappointment, the memory usage that is measured is determined by "Memory Usage" column of Windows Task Manager. It is NOT the correct method of measuring memory usage, because it only indicated how much memory is "active", not the total memory allocated by the program. To get how much memory allocated, the correct column is "VM Size" in XP or "Commit Charge" in Vista. Actually programs such as TaskInfo are able to reduce the "Memory Usage" of any program (e.g. 5 MB only for Firefox 2). Hence, "Memory Usage" is not a good measure for memory usage.
So, I ran a test of Firefox 2, Firefox 3 beta 1, Opera 9, and Internet Explorer 7 to see the real memory usage. As a bonus, Javascript speed test is added from Celtic Kane.
I ran all the test in an almost-clean Windows XP installation. Firefox's profile directory were set differently for Firefox 2 and 3. Screenshots with Task Manager open are always available :) No plug-ins (even flash) or extensions were installed!
Step 0 - install
Firefox 2 |
Firefox 3 |
Opera 9 |
IE 7 |
Installer name |
Firefox Setup |
Firefox Setup 3.0 Beta 1.exe |
Opera_9.24_Eng _Setup.exe |
IE7-WindowsXP -x86-enu.exe |
Installer size |
5.74 MB |
6.40 MB |
4.69 MB |
14.7 MB |
Installed size |
19.9 MB |
22.8 MB |
4.81 MB (yeah!) |
Who knows? |
Step 1 - blank
I set the browser's start-up page to be blank. Then I started the browser and here are the memory usage.
Firefox 2 |
Firefox 3 |
Opera 9 |
IE 7 |
VM Usage |
11,672 KB |
13,076 KB |
12,568 KB |
11,616 KB |
Screenshot |
IE is the best for blank page (HEHE)
Step 2 - Google only
I opened www.google.com which redirected me to www.google.com.sg since I am currently in Singapore.
Firefox 2 |
Firefox 3 |
Opera 9 |
IE 7 |
VM Usage |
12,152 KB |
13,432 KB |
14,056 KB |
15,128 KB |
Screenshot |
Here we can see the worseness of IE starts to appear.
Step 3 - Digg only
Why Digg? Because it is loaded with lots of Javascript.
Firefox 2 |
Firefox 3 |
Opera 9 |
IE 7 |
VM Usage |
18,700 KB |
22,280 KB |
19,780 KB |
30,920 KB |
Screenshot |
I am quite disappointed knowing that Firefox 3 is not better in terms of memory usage than Firefox 2. IE? WOW.
Step 4 - open 7 and 12 sites and a digg page
I tried to open 7 sites below:
- www.yahoo.com
- www.cnn.com
- www.opera.com
- www.firefox.com
- www.netcraft.com
- www.slashdot.org
- www.amazon.com
After all are loaded, I clicked on each of the 7 tabs two times to let the browser actually draw the page elements on screen. Then I opened 5 more sites below and clicked each of them again.
- www.bbc.co.uk
- www.detik.com
- www.kompas.com
- www.cnet.com
- www.kejut.com
I added one more, which is the digg page for the ZDNet's memory test, but this time I clicked the "Expand Tree" to make the page very long and Javascript-intensive.
I calculated the difference in memory usage before and after opening the last page.
Firefox 2 |
Firefox 3 |
Opera 9 |
IE 7 |
After 7 sites |
40,556 KB |
45,320 KB |
44,284 KB |
71,120 KB |
Screenshot |
After 12 sites |
59,648 KB |
59,068 KB |
65,492 KB |
99,936 KB |
Screenshot |
After add last page |
73,540 KB |
73,244 KB |
75,800 KB |
119,748 KB |
Increase in memory |
13,892 KB |
14,176 KB |
10,308 KB |
19,812 KB |
Screenshot |
Only after opening 12 pages then Firefox 3 uses less memory than Firefox 2? I wonder why. Opera has the lowest increase of memory when opening the last page. I think because Opera is still very efficient in the Javascript processing.
Step 5 - clean up
After the previous step, I closed all the 12 tabs, and I set the last tab to about:blank. I wanted to know how much the browsers clean up the memory. Result:
Firefox 2 |
Firefox 3 |
Opera 9 |
IE 7 |
VM Usage |
46,952 KB |
55,936 KB |
61,588 KB |
56,860 KB |
Screenshot |
I hoped this was the best thing in Firefox 3, but my hope was wrong! Firefox 3 still consumed much more memory than Firefox 2. WHY? I don't know. Opera, as I expected, still used much memory, because I can click the trash-can and open closed tab, and the opening will be very fast, looks like the pages are still in memory.
Bonus - Javascript speed test
I wondered, did the Firefox developers made Javascript execution faster in Firefox 3? At least I can be proud of it if they did. So I used the test from Celtic Kane to measure it.
Firefox 2 |
Firefox 3 |
Opera 9 |
IE 7 |
VM Usage |
15,520 KB |
16,696 KB |
15,920 KB |
22,392 KB |
Total Duration |
1832 ms |
2974 ms |
931 ms |
1262 ms |
Relative to Opera |
1.97 times |
3.19 times |
1.00 times |
1.36 times |
Screenshot |
Nothing interesting about the memory usage... but !? how come Firefox 3 is very slow? I tried not only once, but more than five times and it was still about the same.
Firefox 3 does not uses less memory than Firefox 2. It also does not clear unused memory when all the pages are closed. However, both Firefox 2 and 3 are still conservative compared to IE 7. It is surprising that Firefox 3 is significantly slower in Javascript execution than Firefox 2.
Opera uses slightly more memory than Firefox, and IE is really a memory hog. When switching tabs I needed to wait about ~0.4 seconds in IE but it was instant in Firefox and Opera.
I still have the test machine unmodified by this time, if anyone want to suggest a test that would be better reflects the better memory management of Firefox 3, please write down below. Suggestions and comments are happily welcomed! ↓
Written by: yuku
| Interesting. Thanks.
The web pages you (And Adrian Kingsley-Hughes) used for your
tests both serve up ads. These ads can be different each
time the page is downloaded or refreshed. In step 3 above,
the Opera page is clearly showing a different ad. There must
be some variation in the size of ads served up- a Flash
animation will be much larger than a simple banner. How much
does this variation in ad size affect the result, I wonder?

| Interesting. Thanks.
Hope you can add safari in for the benchmark. (Konqueror and
Nautilus also ^^)

imam [sg], 24 Nov 2007, 19:04 reply
| good review...

| Im my humble experience FF is a complete memory hog compared
to IE. Not sure what you are doing wrong but IE is faster
and trimmer.

| very good thanks!!

| On Windows 2000 at least, the VM number may be either
greater or smaller than the Memory Usage number. Processes
like Outlook with many windows open but minimized can have
VM twice the size of Memory Usage, while the System Idle
process shows only Memory Usage (16k) with 0 VM.
This leads me to believe that the actual correct measure of
total allocated memory is the sum of the two. And the
distribution between the two can affect how that process
influences or is influenced by memory swapping of other
processes. The PageFaults number is a measure of the amount
of swapping in and out of Virtual Memory the process has
done since startup.
The Commit Charge number may be more like a total, but I
cannot say authoritatively on that.

| Tampaknya Firefox2 masih yang terbaik.

Agam [id], 10 Dec 2007, 15:25 reply
| wow,bagus sekali analisismu bang,ini membuktikan keunggulan
n kelemahan masing2 browser..thanks,useful sekali bwtku.

| firefox 3nya kan masih beta.. tunggu aja versi fullnya..

LeonLanford [id], 31 Dec 2007, 19:49 reply
| agreed, VM (virtual memory) never seems to be included in
memory usage of programs when this is clearly important,
sometimes the physical memory usage is much lower than the
VM usage. surely an improvement to the tests would be to
give VM usage and or a total memory usage and maybe an
accumulative memory used when leaving the browser open or is
that the same as the memory clean up?

| nice comparison. i think people should stick with IE6 if PC
is lowsy 1

| weh,., nice comparisson... thank ya...

budi pasadena [id], 26 Feb 2008, 8:12 reply
| I wonder how Maxthon would compare? While it uses IE's
rendering engine, that does *not* mean it will perform
similarly to IE. I could use the engine from a Chevy truck
in a boat, and obviously those two vehicles would have very
different usage statistics. I use it (on top of IE6, can't
find a reason to switch to IE7) and find it consistently
uses much less memory than FF 2. And for some reason, after
a few hours usage I have to restart FF because of it's
memory and pagefile usage, sometimes above 350MB for each
(and I only have 512MB RAM/1024 pagefile)!
I'm a webpage developer, and do a lot of JavaScript stuff,
so that might account for part of it. Anyways, this is a
great article. Thanks!

| This is a very good article. I've been using Opera for a
while now. I don't know how memory efficient it is, but it
definitely feels much faster than Firefox.
Only problem is some Javascript (which is browser
dependent), so I have to use Firefox now and then. Forget
about IE ! hehe ..
Again , good article !

| well done tests, but the first beta of FF3 was still not
optimized, which could explain the high memory consumption
and speed drop. Try beta 3 or 4, and the performance gains
should be significative.

| super article thanks you administrator

| ini yg sy cari ^^ T.O.P B.G.T

| Great article. Thanks for the effort. Don't really see need
to to change from IE6 on my old Latitude 600! Just get more
memory. Less disruption.

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Salam Super.

voker [id], 22 Jun 2008, 11:17 reply
| thanks for this review ,
what i see from it that opera9 is almost the best?
the newer version (9.51) is thicker and slower and take 2
much mem usage but still better than ie and firefox3 but
forefox 2 is the best

| With turbo mode disabled (type about:config in the address
bar), Opera uses much less memory and does not seem much

Raco [de], 15 Oct 2008, 9:53 reply
| tambahin chrommeee:P

evn [sg], 30 Oct 2008, 7:29 reply
| Semua itu bohong brooo.....
Daftar Penipu di Intenet: SCAM!!!!!
1. http://surfjunky.com (saya udah dapat hampir 200 dollar
tetapi tetap tidak bisa di cashout padahal katanya minimal
cashout nya $25 )
2. http://24funds.com (saya sempat invest 50 dollar tetapi
setelah mau login malah katanya username dan password salah
padahal jelas-jelas dia mengirim email konfirmasi bahwa
password dan usename saya memang itu)

Prihatin sekali [us], 20 Nov 2008, 4:59 reply
| is your firefox 3 installed with plugins?
like adblock or noscript?
coz if no, then im really sticking with opera

weeeee [ph], 29 Jun 2009, 23:04 reply
| biasa saja....
