| hmm.. i think it can be reduced further.. i look into it
first.. :D

arri [id], 13 Dec 2005, 11:08 reply
 | Ass,,,Saya Ibu Siti Di Singapore - Saya Mengutarakan Kalau
Saya Menang Togel Lagi,Itu Atas Bantuan NYAI RONGGENG
Terimah Kasih Banyak Yaa NYAI YAng Telah Memberikan Angka
Jitu Nya Kepada Saya Yaitu 9283 Dan Alhamdulillah
Berhasil,Berkat Bantuan NYAI Saya Sudah Bisa Membahagiakan
Kedua Orang Tua Saya,Bahkan Semua Hutang-Hutang Saya Bersama
Hutan Kedua Orang Tua Saya Semuanya Pada Lunas Dan Bahkan
Saya Juga Sudah Bisa Membuka Usaha Kecil-Kecilan,Bagi Anda
Yg Ingin Seperti Saya Silahkan Hub Nomor NYAI RONGGENG Di :
085286344499 Atau Klik
http://pesugihandukundanagaibasli.blogspot.com Karena Cuma
Angka Ghoib NYAI RONGGENG Saja Yg Memberikan Bukti YAng Lain
Maa Cuma Menghabiskan Uang Saja,Nomor Ritual NYAI RONGGENG
Memang Selalu Tepat Dan TerBukti.

Ibu Siti [--], 6 Jul 2018, 16:00 reply

RWWWW [--], 31 May 2020, 17:50 reply
| why is the download link only for 3 days?

| Very nice The only thing missing is bookmark (deleted
everytime you close the program). And maybe a way to keep
opera.ini file saved. Sometimes I edited the ini to get rid
of ads. Can't complaint though, you did a superb job

ice-pack [id], 7 Jan 2006, 10:03 reply
| Hey any chance of sharign the nsis script file

| I would also like to see the NSIS script as well. Thanks.

| Wow 750 visitors. Congratz

| Very nice... Take a look at
this. http://www.ghostzilla.com/ (portable browser,
perhaps "friend" of firefox, lol =P)

| Awesome tool!! I posted this up on digg.com -- it should
give this some more publicity!

| Hello small question. How made your to change the Home

| Great idea but the link doesn't work to grab the script. :/

| Very nice idea!

| Is it possible that opera portable can crash? And if so will
the NSIS script still run to cover up all data tracks?
Havent had such a problem so far, but just asking, because
if it crashes then I guess the browser tracks data will
still be accessible right? That was a problem in opera USB I
think, is it so here also? Thanks.

The Reaper [us], 26 Mar 2006, 0:16 reply
| Will my employer be able to check my usage?

| Just loaded this onto my USB stick, and its working great!
One question - I need to spoof a website, which I would
normally do by adding a record to the ua.ini file. Can this
be done with Opera Portable? The values I need don't
correspond to the options under Quick Preferences. Thanks.

Kevin [us], 14 Apr 2006, 17:20 reply
| Great job! Question - I set up an email account, but the
next time I open up Opera its gone. Any way to save the mail
accounts setup?

K-mac [us], 20 Apr 2006, 20:47 reply
| Your website has been mentioned in Webuser (a UK
Internet) Great! Thanks

| Real nice job, I have different versions of Opera portable
and I have to say this is the fastest one and also smaller,
I don't see any private information left behind in the host
computer. Will you do a new version with Opera 9 ,we
will really like to see that. Thanks and keep up the good
work. Frank M.

| Thanks for the upgrade to v1.0 I mentioned your page at
http://portablefreeware.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=195 Th
e profile feature is really useful, thanks a lot.

| Nice Idea and implementation. It leaves an empty folder
like this
behind: C:\temp\hebat854-29784063549733104
managed to use custom Toolbar, menu and skin. Is it
possible to include mail also? If yes, How can i do
this. I didn't manage to create a package with your NSIS
file. Thank you for this great lauchning
I have a suggestion to reduce
size: instead of zip.dll try 7-zip if possible. It has a
much higher compression ration.

| Hey, its wonderful... I only have one request... cant you
change the icon on opera ( An if possible a skin ) that
matches internet explorer ??? My employeer dont permit the
usage of other browsers besides IE, and I dont really like
it... I`ve changed once the icon, but I lack the knowledge
to do the rest... If you want I can send you the modified
.exe with IE icon... Thanks in advance

| Very nice. I love it so much. It's small, clean and works
very well. But mail and feed will be lost if restart it.
Hope to see its next version.

RedSpider [ca], 19 May 2006, 5:53 reply
| I've been using operaUSB but even if you disable the cache,
history & all it still wants to write to the thumbdrive
every second (which ends up wearing it out in no time). The
only thing I miss from O-portable is the email (&feeds)
being saved but I know you're working on that. I like
opera's intuitive interface & the idea that I can put it on
a USBdisk & have all my bookmarks & emails with me. I don't
care as much about saving/storing history & cache. Is
there a way to have it automatically clean up the temporary
directories it creates? It cleans them, but the empty dir
is left after. Oh, you may want to look at "UPX" for
compressing EXEs & DLLs.

| Your portable Opera is fantastic! You are very smart.

| good article ... banyak membantu saya .. tapi ada satu
hal lagi .. ada gak downloader yg portable kayak DAP,Get
Right, atau Mass Downloader.

| Great post! Now I am trying to make portable Opera for it's
latest 9 beta 2. But the NSIS failed to compile. It ends up
at the line 144 and 156. The folder doesn't exist on my PC.
Can I make it without studying in detail about the tool

| Hey, great work. I hope you're working on an update
and release it soon :D Can't wait. It's hardly possible
to wait ;-) best regards, iNsuRRecTiON

| Great idea.It works perfectly except for mail and feeds.But
that's OK with me because I'm low on space on my Flash
Drive. Anyway you should try compressing all the executable
files with UPX Tool before you pack them. Hope you
continue when Opera 9 is released.

| I got here as soon as I heard about 9.0 being released... to
tell you the truth I wasnt expecting you to have already
upgraded. I havent tried out your new version but judging
from the past 2 versions I tried, I doubt there could
possibly be anything wrong. YOU ROCK! Thanks a whole

| Downloaded 9.0 Good job.

| Good tool, though I have a question: if I were to reboot
Windows and I forgot to close Opera properly, would the tool
still clean out the Temp folder? The reason I'm asking
this is that I used Opera USB on school computers, and
there's a tendency I can accidentally leave behind my
profile data on that computer.

| Great tool, exactly what I was looking for. I am uneasy
that it completely empties the Temp folder however, instead
of just the files it creates. The first time I ran it, it
cleaned out several GB of files I had 'temporarily' stored
there (on a work computer) to keep them from being easily
noticed. Fortunately I had other copies of all of them, but
it was still an unpleasant surprise. Can you not make it a
bit more selective in what it deletes?

WD [us], 22 Jun 2006, 10:38 reply
| Awesome! Seems like a huge improvement; you got the mail &
RSS feeds working AND you still managed to keep the size
down. WOW! How do the widgets work since it's portable?
Does it pack them into the profile, or do they get erased
when it cleans up?

vengarato [us], 23 Jun 2006, 16:53 reply
| Are you going to release a portable opera based on opera 9.0

| Is more useful if you simply use Opera@usb version that work
as Opera9 without any installation and there will be soon
Opera9final. www.opera-usb.com Ciao, Igor

| Hi, very interesting. Say I want to use this soft at
work. is there any way I can put my Opera 8.54 password and
cookies in a floppy from home and download an "import/copy"
them into Opera portable?. Thanks

| How can i use italian language file in
opera-portable-personal-9.00? I tried to change the language
directory, but when the program start the language file is
always english.lng

deep [it], 26 Jun 2006, 14:21 reply
| how to install plugin to Portable Opera??

| IMPORTANT TIP on shrinking the "default.ophome" file size!!!
--- I found that my ophome file was taking up about
1700k even when I trimmed down my emails to the bare
essentials. Two things I found that made a huge difference
(my ophome is now 695k) were #1: the "cache4" folder inside
the "profile" folder. And #2: the "lexicon" folder in the
"mail" folder. They are both really unnecessary for
operation. --- The lexicon data is only for speeding up
searches thru your emails. If you could have opera portable
ignore these two folders when it compresses/stores the
ophome file, you'd see a great decrease in the ophome file

vengarato [us], 28 Jun 2006, 22:04 reply
| Wow it is really nice, but I notice that flash is not in it
that is why flash sites cannot be viewed. But overall,
really good! Thanks.

Silver [us], 28 Jun 2006, 23:52 reply
| Q: is there any way I can put my Opera 8.54 password and
cookies ... "import/copy" them into Opera portable? ---
A: Start O-Portable, note the address in the start page,
this is where it stores the files when it's running. Copy
your O-8.54 files there (*.adr, *.dat, *.ini) into the
profile directory.

vengarato [us], 29 Jun 2006, 14:06 reply
| Widgets will not open Unwanted Zoom

IRVINGMEYERSON [us], 29 Jun 2006, 22:57 reply
| good job ! but with www.Opera-usb.com you have more
possibilities for personal settings; and it will start

Alfred Gusi [at], 30 Jun 2006, 6:23 reply
| Good job, man ! One request though : I have a problem
with my firewall, because opera.exe is each time stored in a
different folder, requiring each time a new authentification
and authorization. Any idea on how to solve this ?

| I copied all the files from my plugins folder (C:\Program
Files\Opera\Program\Plugins\) to the portable folder on
temp\hebat***\Program\Plugins and the Flash sites work,
still.. after closing and reopening it, it's gone.. is there
a way of storing plugins together with other ini options?

| Excellent work, I like it an I will use it for sure :), just
one thing I use Kaspersky Anti-hacker and its asking me over
and over if I want to allow it to surf in the web and when I
clcik "Allow all the activity from internet" it says that I
can't do that, but If I click on the button "Allow once" it
works but ask me a lot of time.

eViL bAz [mx], 3 Jul 2006, 20:28 reply
| A great program. Would be even greater if it was possible
to use more languages, like Frisian and dutch. I tryed
the nsis script but it didn't work oké got an error.

| works good ....but o can not keep it from leaving temp files
on the host......what am i doing wrong? thanks for any

| Im currently working on a version of Opera to build a
multiplatform CD to launch interactive applications composed
of a mix of HTML and Flash. Passing by, I very
appreciated your work. Wy not reactivate your dowloads
for Opera 8.54 because it is compatible with Win98 en WinME
? Cheers.

| Great work! Portable opera needs only one more thing -
portable java. Can you do it?

| i'm using it to open this site.. Great work! Really easy and
fast.. Thanx!

| Opera 9.1 is OUT! When are you releasing it in the form of
the Portable version?

| Hey, great great. Thx for the update to Opera 9. I
hope you keep it updated and fix the outstanding problems,
which mentioned here in comments.. Further I hope you
keep updating the downloadable NSIS script, in order that
people can learn from it and give you feedback, suggestions,
comments, etc. @Pika, yeah, lol, but keep cool, I'm sure
yuku will updating the Opera Portable packages and script
soon! It is just 2 days out.. :) best
regards, iNsuRRecTiON PS: Maybe you look at the NSIS
script from Firefox Portable (portableapps.com, Launcher)
and in that way you can improve your script. And maybe you
can work with John Haller, so you can exchange each other
and benefit both from it.. :D (portasoft.org is a good
source, too)

| To simplify the NSIS script: do not dynamically change the
pathes in operadef6.ini, spelcheck.ini , etc. but use
relative pathes instead ( e.g. "History Style
File=.\Styles\history.css" ). Works great
! Cheers Dany

| Nice... Now, can you do this for Firefox?

 | Google Portable Firefox

| I have Opera 9 for U3 and it is leaving temp files on the
local hard drive. How do I make it shred as the 9.01
personal portable does? Thank you for a great piece of

Ramike [us], 10 Aug 2006, 14:25 reply
| I meant do this for Firefox, as in one file version and
overwrite then delete

anonymous [us], 12 Aug 2006, 15:45 reply
| Nice job! I like it very much but the icon of Opera Portable
looks coarse .

| How do u implement the shredding? When deleteting the files.
I have created something similiar to this for 7-zip and i
would like to ask for help on adding the shredding
procedure. The code of my app based off of
http://www.portasoft.org/e107/download.php?view.14 It
s something similair to portable opera personal except for
fillzilla but ive chaged it to now also run of a cd Do
you have plans to create a single exe version of

| Great job!!! Thanks for making it portable, Opera is the
best browser :)

| Can you do polish version of this software. It's only one
language file:

Adam [pl], 27 Aug 2006, 14:28 reply
| a super good job,all settings are packed in one file,hope
the author can release a Firefox potable like this opera

| It's really good, although to be fair I'm still comparing it
with OperaUSB, which I don't like as much because it doesn't
support profiles as Opera Portable. There are still some
annoyances with Opera Portable that I mostly fixed with a
batch file. I'll be happy to share it if you contact me.

Stefano [it], 30 Aug 2006, 8:36 reply
| IS there any way to use voice commands? Everytime I
download the voice files, they are gone when I reopen opera

billmania [us], 30 Aug 2006, 14:36 reply
| This looks very promising ... for those of us using Opera on
Macs and PCs, I guess the promise land is still a ways a

Todd Katz [us], 2 Sep 2006, 23:02 reply
| I'm not sure if I should have figured this out on my own,
but I am hoping to add my personalized menus to my profile
on Opera Portable, but if I just alter the menu.ini file in
the 'defaults' folder in the Opera Portable temporary file,
my altered menu.ini file does is not there the next time I
open Opera Portable. I was also hoping to add a UserJS
and Sessions folder that would be implemented into my
profile, but have not been successful. Is it possible
to change the search.ini, keyboard.ini and mouse.ini file in
the temporary profile folder and have it be saved? This way
you wouldn't have to go through the painstaking process of
resetting all of the customization with Opera's wizard.

Andy [us], 3 Sep 2006, 1:05 reply

| Any way to add your own bookmarks or have Opera portable
access opera6.adr.

Ruc Razy [in], 3 Sep 2006, 7:54 reply
| This is awesome. Allows me to do what I need to!

| Hover mouse pointer over link, but link address does not
show. Can this be fixed? Thanks for a real great program.

Mikeg [us], 6 Sep 2006, 1:23 reply
| I use this between multiple computers by emailing it to
gmail so I can refresh my bookmarks/wands with ease. I
imported my bookmarks of but getting the wands in was
tricky. I copyed the real wand.dat to \\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\hebat901\profile
and clicked Tools->advanced and reload from cache a few
times before "it took" Works great but now we need java!

| ..also the default icon looks like ass when placed in quick
launch toolbar. Need a higher quality O icon.

| new final version updated? yuku,can u update ur super
good portable version to latest? thx in advance!:)

| Thanks!!! I love the Personal version.

| i have tried to run the NSIS script and it keeps throwing
errors at me can you suply a copy with references to c: and
not d: drive please

  | i did edit it and still trowing errors at me thanks for you

| Would you please add an EXIT button next to the START button
in the choose profile option dialog? Many times I end up
restarting opera portable when it's already running, an EXIT
button would let me avoid this.

Stefano [it], 4 Oct 2006, 19:03 reply
| Very Goog! Good job! Why included donwload manager
plugins (flasget, etc.) ?

| Hi there First off let me say i just love this
application, next i would love to see it either multilingual
(I'm danish) or perhaps just a danish version along side the
language versions.

Kenneth Knudsen [dk], 8 Oct 2006, 10:24 reply
| Would like to be able to arrange the toolbars where I want
them, but "placement" option not available when "customize
is selected...what up wit' 'dat?...

Preacher [us], 8 Oct 2006, 11:00 reply
| Excellent. Thank you for the one-time-use Opera. Small Fast
Secret Secure Beautifull. Thank you. Opera user since

| Goog job. Many people need Flash Player 8 included (Adobe
Flash Player 9). Are you can try do it? Bye

| We need Flash Player 9 plugin. Help!!

| This page (mi email desktpo) need Flash
9: http://desktoptwo.com/ Maybe in future. Bye

| Hi yuku, in the next version try to fix this problem: the
Welcome to OperaPortable dialog should be displayed ON TOP
of all other windows, otherwise people may not see it if
there's another window with the ontop attribute set.

Stefano [it], 30 Oct 2006, 9:54 reply
| yuku, suppose that when Opera Portable starts it finds that
its temp directory already exists with some files in it,
what does it do? Does it overwrite those files? Could you
add a dialog that prompts the user for possible actions:
overwrite next file/don't overwrite it/overwrite all
files/overwrite none ? I think this could be useful for
the (rare but possible) times when Opera crashes or is
killed - then the user wouldn't want to overwrite the files
in the temp folder so he/she could pick up the session from
where it was right before the crash. What do you think?

Stefano [it], 30 Oct 2006, 19:14 reply
| Excellent, just one question: would it be possible to enable
moving toolbars around? I'm not used to having the tab bar
above the window and wouldn't mind moving it...

Nessa [ca], 3 Nov 2006, 17:49 reply
| Well, I think this is very close to usable BUT ..... Why
can't the cookie.dat and vlink.dat files be repacked with
all the others on closing. I'm a mod at some forums and
the cookies have all my settings etc. It would be nice to be
able to use this (v9.02) as I skip around peoples places,
but with the cookie.dat file disappearing each time I'm
afraid it's just unusable for my purposes. Could it be
added as an option .... or am I missing something? ....
but thank you .... apart from my disappointment, it's a
great job. Well done.

Disappointed [au], 3 Nov 2006, 19:11 reply
| What about Flash Player 9? Can you include it in Opera 9.02?

Poland [pl], 4 Nov 2006, 14:20 reply
| opera 9.10 out

| The link for opera portable oneuse in Japanese is wrong and
I would like to make opera portable in brazilian portuguese.
Many of my friends in Brazil use it. How can I make it?

| forgot to ask a question in my previous message:
is there a way to uncheck the "don't show me this again" box
in the starting profile window later? i doubted trying to
check it..

seko [tr], 21 Nov 2006, 0:30 reply
| good work, if i use mail client, whether all mails are
stored here. becouse mail folder is been deleted?

| Does operaportable have windows media support? Whenever I
click on links that require windows media support, it

| Installed Opera@USB 9.02 today - Thanks.
I then tried to enable voice, but after downloading
additional files I received this message: "op.com unable to
locate component. This application has failed to start
because vxm.dll was not found. Re-installing the application
may fix this problem."
Can you suggest a work-around so I can use voice? Is vxm.dll
likely to be the only additional file needed, or is there
more to it than that?

| I put a plugin folder in my profile and set the correct path
Opera portable (and deleted the default path).
After this I had Flash Player 9 (and my other stuff like
shckwave, quicktime etc :)). However After restarting Opera
portable the default path is added again and it uses Flash 8
again...is there a way to avoid this from happening?

Patrick [eu], 2 Dec 2006, 16:00 reply
| I don't get it. How do you import wand, skins, bookmarks
from Opera into Portable Opera?
I only see the .ophome besides the portable Opera.exe and
don't know how what program should be used to open .ophome

| How do you turn off error reporting?

mikeg [us], 14 Dec 2006, 21:27 reply
| new final version's out
pls update your portable edtion
official download:
ps:pls add a simplified Chinese portable edition

Aspirant [cn], 16 Dec 2006, 14:18 reply
| Opera 9.10 finally out (not beta)

nycvjv321 [us], 16 Dec 2006, 15:48 reply
| How do I update to the latest version...
replace the exe file for the new one?
or execute another instance and import?

| i love this program, lets me use my favorite browser
everywhere, but could you release it in swedish also??
that would be great!!

| Thanks for this great program! I only want to ask, to make
Hungarian language version aviabla, or, at least give us the
ability to change the language, and save it for the next
time, because the lack of this feature holds back a lot of
Hungarian user from this soft :)... Thanks!

cousin333 [eu], 20 Dec 2006, 9:10 reply
| "Non-english language files compressed too"
I can't find them...

cousin333 [eu], 20 Dec 2006, 9:13 reply
| Worked a treat on my USB drive. I even got my bookmarks
imported and altered the toolbars to how I like them. So I
closed it, removed the drive, reinserted the drive and can't
open Opera Portable now. I tried to open the original
download on my hard drive too and that won't open. Deleted
the copy on my USB drive and redid it but no go. Works fine
on my husband's computer - I can reopen it and it saves my
preferences. Both machines are XPHome, SP2. Any ideas why it
won't open again on my pc?

miskairal [au], 21 Dec 2006, 7:43 reply
| I think Opera Portable should have a thread in the Opera
forums (or is there one already?) or better, forums
exclusively for Opera Portable use. (Opera@USB has one
I have a question about security: While running Opera
portable, is the wand file located on the host computer or
on the USB drive? I am afraid that someone might be able to
access my wand file over the network if it is located in the
host computer (Windows does not allow access to root drives
like a USB flash drive by default).
Also, how do I import my wand, search.ini files and userjs
into Opera portable?

BunkFace [ph], 24 Dec 2006, 11:15 reply
| Just downloaded, it's wonderful, but i'm writing it still
from my firefox ;-p Try to explore more with opera portable.

| Please include Brazilian Portuguese Version

Raphael [br], 26 Dec 2006, 3:07 reply
| I absolutely LOVE it. Keep up the AMAZING work :)

| Your Version of portoable opera iss very nice ...
but ...
Can you add to save the \profil\images\ ?
Can you open a support Forum?
How can I upgrade from version to version?

Markus [de], 30 Dec 2006, 1:59 reply
| Yeah! One file (plus a user file). I love it!
One comment,V2 doesn't allow you to go back into it after
you exit.

Barry Gibbs [us], 30 Dec 2006, 5:24 reply
| Awesome! It would be fantastic if you can have more than 2
instances (with seperate profiles) of portable opera running

| Hi, very good. You need clean the old post, please. Many
post are very old.

| I cant open widget when I run again opera browser. I cant
see widgets. can you help me customize?

Paul [ph], 6 Jan 2007, 5:38 reply
| That'd be good. Also, can you tell me what the tmp_2e.dll
file is doing? Process Monitor seems to indicate that this
file is being accessed when opening opera. I am concerned
about this since alot of files starting with tmp_* are now
appearing in my system32 directory and recently ad-aware
detected a trojan. Thanks!

| perfect & secure ... i trashed my other opera ... because,
there is no need for a other one ecxept this great
compilation. keep it on!

| i agree with the comment posted by glen if you going to
provide scripts for us to use they should be clean not
littered with you own needs

| Hi!
First: very good work!!!! Thanks!!!
I don't get it. It is really needed 2 versions of
AFAIK, the only one difference is that Personal version
writes back the data into the writable media.
What if I use Personal version from a CD? I will get an
error message saying it's not possible to write back the
profile? Fine! I can live with that message.
Other reasons? Just curious.
Best regards!

Flavio [br], 23 Jan 2007, 20:04 reply
| Do you think this would work with the HP Jornada 728
handheld PC (Windows CE 2.11 or 3.0, ARM Processor)?

Mike Krueger [us], 24 Jan 2007, 4:11 reply
| up to now i can't figure out how to correctly import my
cookies. its only the cookies giving me the problem. it
keeps using the original cookies.i really changed the
cookies file with my own backup cookies but still upon
shutting down it keeps saving the original one.

| This Opera 9.X uncomfortable!

| New Verision(9.10) can't auto open new window for use F2 Key
or bookmark open,didn't it have any problem or my setting is

| Was there an answer to Mike Krueger's questions above? Is
there a version of Opera Portable that would work on the HP
Jornada 728 handheld PC (Windows CE 2.11 or 3.0, ARM
Processor? There would be a lot of interested people if so.

PapaRazzi [us], 8 Feb 2007, 15:11 reply
| This is a very - very - very - very usefull tool for
browsing for mobile people, very

| Very good tool!
Unfortunately, it is not possible to establish additional

| hey!the download link does not work.
Opera download manager:error

| How do i import my custom menu.ini file.
Awsome job on this btw

| First of all, as said above: fantastic app!
But i'm not here to thank you, i'll offer you the highres
opera icon :) I rpped it from the original opera
executeable, so you can use it :)
I hope, you can need it :)
greetz SCORPiON

| I would like to say that it would be a good option that the
browser can have a password request by opening it. Because
I have the wand with many passwords and if I lose my USB y
lose a lot of things.

yeeliberto [us], 14 Feb 2007, 23:39 reply
| Wondering when you'll update Opera to the latest 9.10
Love the portability and clean nature of the app!

| i think that you should post a clean script using default
location on c:\ drive and not with any of you own sh!t this
is my earlier posting "i agree with the comment posted by
glen if you going to provide scripts for us to use they
should be clean not littered with you own needs"

| Can you make a version to lunch ready with Bfilter...
Bfilter is freeware and can be used portable (see
instructions: http://www.portablefreeware.com/?id=745)
It could be very good, and I think it can be easy for you.

| Why wont this script work??? Could you provide a Clean
script and some instructions on wtf to do.Has anyone else
got it to work properly?

Andy [gb], 21 Feb 2007, 2:11 reply
| I have created a port of your wonderful app to be U3
compatible, please send me an email so I can send it to you
and we can share it. I found it very useful since I use a U3

| HI,yuku,Happy Chinese new year first,these days,when i'm
using Opera to surf the net,I'm curious how can you make
your mod version of opera portable?I mean when I copy the
program and its profile to another PC,the profile can be
loaded the same as it was in my pc,i found that the program
also creates profile in an absolute path in system
partition,how can u make it portable?

Aspirant [cn], 22 Feb 2007, 1:34 reply
| Lol..... you misunderstand me; kejut opera is entirely
portable, what I meant by "port" is I have made a U3
installer in order for the app to be used and installed
automatically on any U3 USB enabled device. If you want more
info go to www.u3.com/
It took me about 15 min to do the installer thou, but I
wanna share it for those who have a U3 usb or for those less

comegalletas [fr], 22 Feb 2007, 18:33 reply
| Very nice. I now use Opera only,deleted firefox

Brett [us], 24 Feb 2007, 21:48 reply
| It does leave a reg. file. HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Under software
I have a Opera software folderwith the following

Brett [us], 24 Feb 2007, 21:51 reply
| Hi
I wanted to know if it was possible for you to do a vlc
media player portable the same way you did Opera portable

Evil_duc [ca], 27 Feb 2007, 20:06 reply
| I was refering with the password that it asks you to open
the program, no when you thy to enter to an e-mail account
or using the wand.

yeeliberto [us], 27 Feb 2007, 20:50 reply
| Thank you so much. I can not possibly convey to you how
grateful I am for this program

melinda [ca], 6 Mar 2007, 14:42 reply
| I want to convert the temp dir to a non temp dir, what I
need to do?
I don't know if you need to know I have windows2000.
Greetings from MEXICO!

jechaviz@gmail.com [mx], 8 Mar 2007, 15:09 reply
| How would I install Shockwave Player with Opera Portable? I
put the dll in the plugin folder. After the
close/incineration and then reopening of Opera Portable, the
dll is no longer there.

TheX [us], 16 Mar 2007, 7:58 reply
| Since I downloaded Operausb 9.1 to my Desktop, every thing
works fine except the video on wmp, faces are green, and
very bad quality video. Looks like it doesn't reconize
WMP11. I replaced all the Plugins from the regular Opera, to
the Opera@usb, and still not results.All other videos work
OK.(Its OK on regular Opera.)
Could you please help?
OS:winXP sp2

Joaquin Fernandez [us], 23 Mar 2007, 22:34 reply
| Please make a opera 9.20b version :)

Jose [ve], 28 Mar 2007, 16:59 reply
| it's a liitle mistake
Japanese version links to Polish and Polsih to Japanese
but it's really good job thanks

czara [pl], 30 Mar 2007, 9:09 reply
| I want to use portable opera. Thanks you.
My add: tangkinhcac2005@gmail.com

| Hi, love it... just one feature request.
Please add capability to prevent running if Opera Portable
already running. Sometimes I launch it again by accident and
it will hang. I know I'm an idiot for doing this, but I
think it might happen to others as well, from time to time.

| opera so tough..

| To solve the issue with the widgets you have to update the
temp folder in the file
\Temp\hebat910\profile\widgets\widgets.dat in the tags
<value id="path to widget data" xml:space="preserve">
great method the temp folder with the profile and the
program data BTW

| hey,yuku!
Opera 9.20 Build 8771 Final released today,would you like to
update your mod opera?and pls don't forget add a Simplified
Chinese language,thank you!
Classic version
English version
International version

Aspirant [cn], 11 Apr 2007, 10:49 reply
| The best portable Browser available!!! Looking forward for
Version 9.20

| Waiting for 9.20 with the latest Flash included :).
Hungarian version would be greatly appreciated ;).
Keep up the good work!

cousin333 [hu], 13 Apr 2007, 18:57 reply
| I love your work, i´m waiting for The best portable
Browser available. Congratulations from Chile, South

| O 9.2 is wonderful. I can't wait for your portable version.

opluv [us], 14 Apr 2007, 0:58 reply
| 9.2 is out... I dont see much different in this version (I
don't like learning new features :P)
But for security reasons etc, I hope you make a portable ver
of this too! :)

Matt [us], 14 Apr 2007, 1:28 reply
| I just tried Opera 9.2 and I love the speed dial page. I
can't wait to see a portable version. I will donate to have
you do this. I don't have the time to figure it out on my

| I love this browser, but I have a Mac. I want this browser
for my Mac. Does it exist?

giddy [us], 16 Apr 2007, 14:26 reply
| I think Opera Portable should have a thread in the Opera
forums (or is there one already?) or better, forums
exclusively for Opera Portable use. (Opera@USB has one
I have a question about security: While running Opera
portable, is the wand file located on the host computer or
on the USB drive? I am afraid that someone might be able to
access my wand file over the network if it is located in the
host computer (Windows does not allow access to root drives
like a USB flash drive by default).
Also, how do I import my wand, search.ini files and userjs
into Opera portable?

BunkFace [ph], 17 Apr 2007, 8:59 reply
| Im a bit confused about the bookmarks on the 9.20 Beta
It seems to be pulling them from the machine that the fully
installed version of opera is installed on. so for example.
im running opera fully installed on this machine. when i run
opera portable or one use the book marks have been already
I shall test later more when i get home. but you might want
to have a look..
Regards and thanks for a good job.
this also applies to the one use version.

clivers [gb], 17 Apr 2007, 14:24 reply
| Hi
Latest version (some of the file that is dropped in
%TEMP%-DIR) is picked up by AntiVir, eSafe and Panda as a
Check out here:
I personaly think they are FP but you should fix this or
people will think you might bug them...

Scrapie [de], 17 Apr 2007, 20:14 reply
| Can you at dutch plz??? Cause that's easier for my younger
Your doing a great job, go on!!

Moriean [nl], 18 Apr 2007, 16:25 reply
| Thank you for your efforts Mr.yuku
Grettengs from tirana-albania

| cant figure out where to down load the 9.2 version? 9.1
works great though.

| I have the same problem as Nic.
Where's the link to download the new version?

Pablo Fuerte [cl], 19 Apr 2007, 2:49 reply
| there are beta's
personal: http://www.kejut.com/download/86
one-use: http://www.kejut.com/download/85

Cheezar [nl], 19 Apr 2007, 11:27 reply
| I can tell you the beta'-personal works good for me. And the
new speed-dial thing is very handy.

Cheezar [nl], 19 Apr 2007, 13:57 reply
| Thank you very much for the Hungarian build. We will promote
it on our Hungarian Opera fansite:

| where can i find the Builder?

John S [us], 19 Apr 2007, 19:25 reply
| I guess most hits on this site are caused by the Opera
users. Great job, all in just one file. Unfortunately with
version 9.20 my Virus scanner always recognizes the file
'tumpukse.exe' as a virus and gives me an alert. What is
this file? And why did all the older version work well?
Best Regards

Mal Aka [de], 19 Apr 2007, 21:24 reply
| Correct filename is 'tumpuksemuafile.exe'!

Mal Aka [de], 19 Apr 2007, 21:26 reply
| Hi, same problem here

Jose [ve], 19 Apr 2007, 21:33 reply
| Good job!!
Thanks from South America!!

Pablo Fuerte [cl], 20 Apr 2007, 1:18 reply
| having promoted your work to Chinese well-known software

Aspirant [cn], 20 Apr 2007, 4:06 reply
| Hello, as always great job, you´re at the same pace than
the oficial releases. Keep it that way.
By the way can you unsuscribe me from the comments email
list, my inbox is always flooded. Thanks

| Your work so far was brilliant, but this version seems to
have a virus!!! My virus scanner recognizes this file
'tumpuksemuafile.exe' as a Trojan! I advice other users to
be patient.

Soyung [de], 20 Apr 2007, 8:39 reply
| THX the hungarian version. It is very, very great.

| Yes, me too. I also have a Virus found in Opera 9.20
portable from Kejut! Please check that!

James D. Meno [de], 20 Apr 2007, 12:26 reply
| Thank you for the Brazilian Portuguese version. We in Brazil
appreciate that!!

| how can we get a copy of the Portable Builder?

John S [us], 21 Apr 2007, 4:31 reply
| I dig this app but is there any way to have it work out of
some sort of archive?

| @ Kejut:
1. Just send the file and a link to the AV-Comanies and ask
them to remove their FP.
2. Use another compressor like UPX. Most AV's can unpack it
and then can check the uncompressed file but some exotic
packer'sd (like you used) might bring up AV-heutistik and

Scrapie [de], 22 Apr 2007, 10:40 reply
| Hi,
Can you please also add one more Language for your latest
ç¹é«”ä¸æ–‡ Chinese (Tradidtional)

Dadada [hk], 22 Apr 2007, 16:06 reply
| Argh, why did you drop Danish in the new release?????
I am using that!

| I dig this app but is there any way to have it work out of
some sort of archive?

  | Typical, unreliable and profile gets regularly thrown out.
Sorry need to work harder on this or answer my other

| How do you delete the Opera Software? I downloaded but don't
want it anymore but can't seem to download the setup because
it says that it is being used by another program which I
don't know what program is using it. I tried turning
everything off and my internet but still can't delete it.
Any suggestions?

| I tried out the latest beta; I would have thought Macromedia
Authorware Web Player would have been installed on such a
late version of Opera. Could someone add that plugin into
the final release of 9.2?

Dave [us], 23 Apr 2007, 15:35 reply
| lucky it saves wand data, pity i cant export it

Garth [au], 29 Apr 2007, 2:29 reply
| I only have the opera-portable-personal-en-9.20.exe, inuse
and ophome files in a directory I created myself.
It's a good idea this portable program, but it would be dead
in water if it were not to save my emails, but why do my
wand entries disappear?

| Hi yuku,
Just want to say thankyou for making the the best web
browser into the best PORTABLE web browser. Also, To let you
know that i have made small donation, Just so you know that
all your efforts on this project are very much appreciated.
Please ignore all the rude and stupid comments in this
thread, as there are some of us that do actually appreciate
the work you have done on opera portable sofar, Thank

 | Agree with Trooper, this portable Opera is just the best
method, and for include settings just run an add the files
to the temp-folder.



jose [ve], 11 May 2007, 17:39 reply
| Great, I use it every day. However, one major problem (for
idiots like me) is if I start Portable Opera while another
version is still running. I had done this a couple of times
and it resulted in an overwriting of the ophome file. Which
of courses loses my mail, bookmarks and such things.
2 suggestions to protect against this:
1) check if opera is running and don't allow it to run if
Opera is already running
2) option to make a backup of the ophome file in same
folder, preferably after opera has loaded (this way the
speed is not impacted... but otherwise before it is loaded,
if this is not possible)

michael [--], 13 May 2007, 20:04 reply
| Great! Great! Very nice!
But, I do not included user css for block flash :( and add
button block flash...
You comments?
--- Best regard from Syberia Russia!

| why do my wand entries disappear?

Garth [au], 14 May 2007, 12:54 reply
| 9.21 8776 is on the opera FTP now!!! this is a small bug fix
release i believe.

clivers [gb], 17 May 2007, 11:55 reply
| Opera 9.21 is officially out! Please make a portable ones :)
I like your releases a lot.

| What is the best way to upgrade the peortable version?

| wow man, that is called a really portable, neat , effective
browsing idea...!!!! keep it on. good wishes always with

| 1. How do I upgrde my 9.20 to 9.21?
2. How do I get the speech files to stay there?

| hi, can you make a tool from which i can customize my
settings for opera for number of connections, personal info
, alignment of toolbars etc etc so that the setup exe file
itself gets modified and runs opera with my settings next
time i run the exe file? a handy tool to unlock or say
customize the opera exe is not a bad idea i think
considering that you always welcome new ways to enhance
portable opera.... reply soon...!!

pro [in], 29 May 2007, 13:03 reply
| Damn best way to browse, thank you very much to you for this
wonderful piece of software! :)

| Can't find "hebat921" in my computer, I did a lots of
searching , loock my self in Windows Explorer, following the
path.Not way I can find it.Can somebody help me?

Balado [us], 29 May 2007, 14:57 reply
| Question about unsubsribing from responses - I cannot see a
way to unsubscribe and would like to do so.
Thanks in advance.

| I have placed some userjs files in folder hebat921, and
pointed the "User Java files" to this folder, but Opera
didnot seem to detect them. What should I do? Thanks for
your help. You are very smart.

| Hi!
I think the start icon for Opera Portable should be the same
as Opera's
Your opera portable start icon its kind of pixelated..

| Please, is it possible to 'password protect' login into my
profile in Opera Portable Personal 9.21 edition? I need to
use password to login to protect my mail inbox settings.
Please help. This is the best browser on earth now! Thanks

Eagle1 [ng], 10 Jun 2007, 14:16 reply
| To clarify my request, I need password to be able to open
the Opera browser itself at start-up. The security settings
under advanced preferences does not prevent opening opera
nor mailboxes, it only protect checking new mails. Pls help!

Eagle1 [ng], 10 Jun 2007, 14:19 reply
| Would you kindly post on this website the MD5 hash so the
downloaded file can be compared / conifirmed 100%. Thank

| Hi, do u think u cud get it 2 save current settings/pages
from time to time instead of when u close it cause it is a
problem when the PC crashes n u loose all ur work... or
maybe u can add a script setting whr we can choose how
often, if at all, we want it to save settings/pages etc...
thanks for the great mod, me and my frnds love it...

| Can you name the temp folders different for the Portable
Personal version and the Portable One-Use?
I've had several occasions where I want to run both at the
same time and have not been able to.
Luv your work man.

opluv [us], 21 Jun 2007, 19:50 reply
| 9.20 - good
9.21 - Windows - No Disk
Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf9c

Eleona [pl], 23 Jun 2007, 9:41 reply
| I notice that the "virus" free versions are slower than the
false-positives. Can U do a version with the older "virus"
thanx x 10 ^ 10

| how to unsubscribe this comment section?? somebody

pro [in], 24 Jun 2007, 7:11 reply
| problems with bookmarks and sessions
(opera portabel vs 9.20)

| hey yuku... can you please give yus a tool free which can
"modify" the opera exe settings so that the preferences
won't get lost when the exe starts next time?? i requested
this earlier... please reply :(

pro [in], 26 Jun 2007, 14:47 reply
| I like Opera hate IE and love Firefox. Over time I change
from one browser to another.
Could you recomemmend a way to create a file(I can do a bit
of programming & lots of HTML+JS!) to run the file at
school. They dont allow EXE's or BAT's to be run(I tried
linux!). The comps are gormless with no harddrive(as such)
so i need something XP is not allowed to refuse(override?)
Would be extremely use ful. Oh
Down with the blue e!

Random dude [gb], 28 Jun 2007, 18:45 reply
| how to unsubscribe this comment section?? somebody
tried goin to http://www.kejut.com/newsletter , enter your
address + then clicking unsubscribe.
NOT working and i don't want to label this wonderful forum
as SPAM in yahoo mail.... it would be insulting to this
great product... someone help

pro [in], 30 Jun 2007, 13:56 reply
| hi,
I appreciate your work.
thou', i don't get one thing:
After starting from USB, I copied my settings from my
\profile and my plugins from Opera\program\plugins to the
correlating folders in %temp%\hebat921\.
Also, I thought I should update the paths in my copied
I changed paths to .\profile and .\program\plugins, but i
am afriad that did not do the job, as only some settings
have been included with the next start of the portable
Opera. (e.g., my toolbar_ini and autosav have not been
recognized, also plugins are absent again)
So, what can I do to transfer my own opera.ini (well, I want
my whole desktop Opera), and how do I have to change the ini
file then?
Great work!
thx ReviewPilot

| I guess I'm the only one with this problem, as I haven't
seen any other reports.
I've been using Opera Portable for a while now (since 9.1
for sure, perhaps longer, I can't remember)
It seems my default.ophome file is growing, it's now 10 mb.
It takes a very long time to close Opera Portable, but only
a moment to open it. On all other versions, this has not
been the case.
While running Opera Portable, I've tried to trim everything
that is unnecessary - deleting old email messages, deleting
un-used skins files, etc. This has not helped.
Sometimes it can take several minutes to close Opera
Portable for me back to my USB drive. I've also
re-formatted the drive, this hasn't helped any. If I copy
the default.ophome file to my hard drive and run Opera from
there, it works just fine, (opening and closing it is almost
instant, as it should be) but that adds extra steps, and it
bothers me to not know why this is happening.
Any ideas?

brian [us], 8 Jul 2007, 22:58 reply
| @brian
Have you tried clearing your cache, Putting a tick in the
empty cache on exit box in the history preferences or maybe
disabling disk cache altogether ?.
Hi yuku, Nice to see you are still doing GREAT work with
opera portable, Very much appreciated, All the best.

| If you have Opera Portable running and you close the session
(I mean the Windows session) then nothing gets overwritten
neither deleted on the host machine. I just tried once with
the personal version so maybe I wasn't lucky and the NSIS
script got killed before Opera but it seems it can
I know it's not a typical situation but I wanted to let you
know about this.
Which method/software do you use to overwrite the files ?

Sam [fr], 16 Jul 2007, 11:02 reply
| Hello,
I have started using Opera Portable and I'm very happy about
it. 2 comments however :
1- I have the same problem as Brian : Opera Portable takes a
really long time to close after using it, whereas it is very
quick to open.
2- I can't get to login to Google Calendar, or actually any
Google service from Opera Portable, whereas I have no pb
from a normal desktop Opera. What could that be? I am using
a lot Google Calendar and if I can't login from Opera
Portable I might have to stop using it, which really would
be a shame... Any solutions?
Thanx for your help,

| Please update to version 9.22

| new final version updated (opera 9.22 with security fixes).
yuku, can u update ur super good portable version to
thx in advance!:)

baru [id], 20 Jul 2007, 7:00 reply
| :wait: for 9.22 portable :)

| ..again, i don't get one thing. Could someone please help
After starting from USB, I copied my settings from my
\profile and my plugins from Opera\program\plugins to the
correlating folders in %temp%\hebat921\.
Also, I thought I should update the paths in my copied
I changed paths to .\profile and .\program\plugins, but i am
afriad that did not do the job, as only some settings have
been included with the next start of the portable Opera.
(e.g., my toolbar_ini and autosav have not been recognized,
also plugins are absent again)
So, what can I do to transfer my own opera.ini (well, I want
my whole desktop Opera), and how do I have to change the ini
file then?
Great work!
thx ReviewPilot

| Forbidden
You don't have permission to access
xe on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while
trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request

369 [de], 23 Jul 2007, 12:49 reply
| Many thanks for opera-portable!
I use it and is very happy.
Can look my_profile_for_you:
Also look, please,
I think, it will be interesting to you!
With the best regards, 369.

369 [il], 23 Jul 2007, 13:13 reply
| Can I download the zip version (not the exe) because exe
file forbidden in our LAN ?

Ichwan [id], 24 Jul 2007, 3:13 reply
| Thank you for a great portable version of opera.
I have found that the personal edition does not work on
windows 2003, the prepearing your dinner never loads up.
Any idea ?

menols [ca], 28 Jul 2007, 1:40 reply
| Very nice work !!!

| I just upgraded to 9.22 from 9.10. For some reason, exiting
while running from a usb flash drive takes a VERY long time,
even if I just open and close Opera without doing anything
in the browser. Using the same .exe and default.ophome on
my desktop doesn't have any problems

takedownca [us], 2 Aug 2007, 16:42 reply
| Great program, but it looks like I have the same issue as
@brian with the slow shutdown. Any help anyone... yuku?

takedownca [us], 2 Aug 2007, 22:14 reply
| I'm using Opera Personal for quite a while now and it's
working fine. I can find only one 'problem' that can be
worth an update. I'll explain: When installed with CTRL+F12
- History - and all options for leaving history on 0, none,
never the history is still saved in the personal file. Can
you do something about this? The same problem exists on all
computers and Windows platforms I've tested them all. Thanks
in advance.

| Forgotten...
Pse. enclse the Dutch translation in your editions.
Keep up the good work!

| v9.23.8807 Final released

Aspirant [cn], 8 Aug 2007, 14:29 reply
| yuku,
My default.ophome file is 2MB.

takedownca [us], 10 Aug 2007, 23:21 reply
| Love it. Is there a way to store the bookmark icons. When I
open Opera all the custom icons dissappear back to the
defalult skin bookmark icons. During the session they show
up fine as I visit each page, but then poof gone.

| I have one minor thing about the version of Opera I have and
it upset me so bad this weekend that I went to Firefox to do
what I needed. When I try to print a page, it freezes up.

Mr Morrison [us], 13 Aug 2007, 18:32 reply
| Opera 9.23 released

| THANKS THANKS THANKS for this unique app.
It's GREAT to have only 1 file at a time to browse the web
safely if sy is not at home.
Opera Portable One-Use is a MUST-TO-HAVE!!!!
Keep on doing this good job!!!4
Greetings from Hungary

| Really nice version of Opera app! I've made sure to click
your goodle ads :-) and will continue to do so every time I
pick up new version. This portable opera gets better and
better and right now it's in the stratosphere :-D

| new final version updated (opera 9.23 with security fixes,
Build 8808 Final). yuku, can u update ur super good portable
version to latest?
thx in advance!:)

baru [id], 21 Aug 2007, 2:11 reply
| I love using your version of Portable Opera. I know you
have no desire to make a version of Portable Firefox like
yours but I think you can show off your skills by making
one. I love the 1-click executable. I do like using both
firefox and opera and basically I use opera more because of
your 1 smalll file executable. Keep up the excellent work!!

| If Portable Opera have add-ons, plug-in, extention as
Portable Firefox is super good

| Hi ! I like opera portable oneuse very much :-)
But I am terribly waiting for 9.23 !

| Is there a way to specify (via relative path) the default
download directory to point to the "Documents" folder. I
can't use absolute paths because the machines I use XP and
Vista. Thanks

| Perfect Browser (but i am waiting for 9.23)

| Is there a way to enable Opera Protable to play windows
media files? That's the only problem I have with it but
other than that it's a nice program.

Specialk [us], 28 Aug 2007, 9:26 reply
| Tanks for new verssion

| It somthing wrong with version 9.23 poland edition. It is
very slow . Slower then 9.22 (open,close itp.)

Max Monroe [pl], 31 Aug 2007, 10:42 reply
| http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/w950a1.html

369 [il], 4 Sep 2007, 9:57 reply
| Just wondering. Is it possiable to create a RAM disc and
have Opera Protable use that as its temp store?

philip [nz], 4 Sep 2007, 10:32 reply
| Hi,
I really like your portable version of Opera but I'm missing
the spellcheck option. Could you integrate aspell and the
English and German spellbook in a future version?

SnakeSH [de], 5 Sep 2007, 19:17 reply
| Great Program
- How about making a 9.5 alpha version?

| I really like your version of portable opera and use it
daily. However, since the last version the saving your
memories bit takes forever - I don't know if it is some
change in the program or whether my USB drive is about to
die - anyway it is rather frustrating waiting for more than
a minute for the % to climb to 100. I only use a 2Mb cache
and have 1 widget. I preferred it when it was faily quick.

Zarkon [th], 12 Sep 2007, 5:21 reply
| Walah, Yuku jadi komersial. Minta minimal $10 lagi. Itu
homestead ditulis iklannya juga. Buat 'menjaring' mangsa.
Nulisnya pake Inggris semua lagi. Bnar2 ditujukan utk
kalangan luar yah? heheh..

| I've been having the same problems with Opera Portable
taking a long time to zip/unzip when you open/close the
program. I noticed that my "ophome" file which was usually
around 1.7M was growing well over 4M in size and the bulk
was in the "mail" folders. Since I use only IMAP email
accounts & set Opera to NOT keep local copies of the emails,
it shouldn't have taken much space. --- It seemed that the
mail client wasn't erasing deleted messages from the disk.
Removing the IMAP accounts from Opera, deleting the old
account folders from the "mail" directory, and then adding
the accounts back seemed to help. -- I wouldn't recommend
this to anyone NOT using IMAP or anyone who stores the
messages locally as it's very easy to lose data in the

vengarato [us], 27 Sep 2007, 17:38 reply
| WMA 9 music samples, such as those on Amazon, cannot be
played (WMP 6.4 is loaded which does not support wma 9)

Layman [us], 28 Sep 2007, 23:07 reply
| Thank for this amazing piece of work guys!
I love the sessions though. I have got 20 pages open all the
time on my previous local opera. Is there any way your
portable version can do the same? It seems to forget the
session if restarted. The saved sessions remain in the
sessionsmanagement menu.
Thanks already!

| Hi
New version is out :)

Scrapie [de], 18 Oct 2007, 9:44 reply
| Hello
How can I update to version 9.24?
Thanks for your work

Operauser [de], 19 Oct 2007, 9:07 reply
| Hello
How can I update to version 9.24?
Thanks for your work

| i'm using opera 9.24 in my u3 USB the problem is plugins
if install a plugin like divx or media player or any other
pluging it doesn't work he still askes for the same
so how can i install a plugin in my portable u3 opera and
keeps them there so it won't disapear if use any other

| I finally got around to trying it today, and the Builder kit
let me do my own v9.24 update; complete with rssfeed widjets
and all my personal tweaks...Thanks! I'm going to try it
with the v9.5 beta too. Nice job!

| If you want the NSIS script for making your own version,
google cache has a copy @
Hehe now I have Opera 9.5b Portable, with my fav themes!

A30N [us], 28 Oct 2007, 22:46 reply
| Hello
How can I update to version 9.24?
Thanks for your work

| Good afternoon you could help me edit the script? ? ?

| Will future versions have built in ad-blocking other that
the block content? I find it tedious to add entries
manually. I hope it could work like Adblock for Firefox.

lime [ph], 31 Oct 2007, 16:51 reply
| Please i need help to edit a script for new version 9.24..

| I really like how this application is only one executable
file and keeps all settings in one file. I'm looking forward
to future versions. Thanks for this! I also hope you'd
develop portable versions for other apps in which you only
have to copy one executable file. Thanks again!

Emil [ph], 4 Nov 2007, 5:43 reply
| Тут руÑÑкие
еÑти, а то одни

vetal [ua], 5 Nov 2007, 11:50 reply
| Hello
How can I update to version 9.24?

| You are a retard TerBoy, can't you understand the

Satan [ph], 9 Nov 2007, 7:14 reply
| I've donated, so where the link to the builder?

takedownca [us], 9 Nov 2007, 22:54 reply
| Wow, thanks for the shiny new version! :)

| too much comment in this page make the loading time longer,
and somtimes can crashed the browser. I suggest to make the
comment in several pages, so loading time can be faster.

| Opera Portable doesn't work if it is on a LAN-Drive ?!

Birgit [se], 20 Nov 2007, 19:39 reply
| ã‚ター
Bukannya udah ada Opera mini buat di Hp? tapi ya itu,
koneksinya GPRS dan baru browsing berapa menit gitu... udah
aja dipotong 2000 perak, kejammm.
apa bedanya ama Opera portable?.... sedang berpikir

Kuyasaiko [id], 21 Nov 2007, 11:18 reply
| I cannot the one-use version to run as a regular under
Windows Vista. When I try and run it it requests elevated
credentials, which most users do not have. Any ideas?

| Superb job, works perfectly, I love it.
Thisone is so much better than the one from opera-usb.com.

| thanks, nice app.
i always prefer to use opera than firefox because in my
country, internet speed is unreliable, so i prefer to turn
off the image, and only show image I want to see.
you still can't fo that on firefox. IE can do it, but
sometimes IE just slow...
with this App, i can go from internet rental to another
internet rental with ease because i knew that i always have
opera to browse with.
Thx a lot.

| Is there a way to let it start in kiosk mode with your own

| I like it.
i try to open www.matrix-centro.com but i got some error.
please help...

| thanks for such great work. At present Opera@usb is more
well-known, but more me, this portable opera is better than

Zhong [cn], 18 Dec 2007, 4:48 reply
| Please i need help to edit a script for version 9.25
personal But only able to edit the version one-use...
Please help me

| It's very cool soft, but it's not comfortable to wait for 5
minutes after exit until compression has finished. So, can
you make version when files will be added to archive without
compression (store mode)?

| I just donated my $10, but I didn't see a place to add
comments along with the donation. Can I please have a copy
of the builder?

| It is very good

| What about version 9.25 yuku, are you still working on it?

fotjon [al], 14 Jan 2008, 12:11 reply
| Excellent job! This is the best portable browser I have
tried, and Opera is certainly the best browser. I like how
you have a separate subdirectory for all the temp files and
that you wipe them at the end. I hope your wipe system is
truly secure, but certainly seems to work flawlessly.

| Thank you for your software, it is good. I have encountered
one problem using it after a windows crash... I have found
all the cache and the data stored in the host PC. I think it
is a great failure not to charge the program completely in
the RAM with all opera cache disabled: this mean completely
privacy and security. Again, thank you for your software.

john [es], 18 Jan 2008, 7:46 reply
| You said that opera portable doesn't write to the registry
of windows, but I have found two entries:
1) (...) software\microsoft\windows\shellNoRoam\MUIcache,
referring to c:\(...)temp\hebat\opera.exe, and
2) (...) software\microsoft\windows\shellNoRoam\MUIcache,
referring to c:\(...)temp\hebat\tumpuksemuafile.exe
What is the file tumpuksemuafile.exe for?

iridox [es], 19 Jan 2008, 21:21 reply
| Please someone who can help me understand this script to
edit it for personal version.... :( Please help me please

| I love my new-found portable opera, thank you! ;D
I was just wondering, if the Opera Portable Builder is
updated in the future would the people that donated to it
earlier get the update sent to their email also?

| There is only one portable browser in the world that writes
no information at all in HDD/USB:
Pocket Kmeleon, http://pagesperso-orange.fr/jujuland/

proteus [es], 25 Jan 2008, 16:52 reply
| What about version 9.25, are you still working on it?

| Thank you yuku.... I love opera portable...

| This can probably compressed even further like they said
earlier by using upx. Using the --lzma compression, you
might be able to further decrease the file size before
compressing it into the executable.
Great~app I prefer way better than firefox... plus it
doesn't use so much memory. depending on laptop or desktop.
Have you considered doing other applications. The method
that you are doing is quite different than protable-apps are

| I use this version on my flash disk and read many rss-feeds.
I think that's because of that the archiving after closing
is slowly. So may be it will be better to archive files not
on the current drive, but in the temp too, and only after
that move it to current directory (flash disk in my case).

| Is there a known reason why on any version newer than 9.21
it takes 5-10 minutes for OperaPortable to save my settings?
Deleting the hebat directory doesn't take any longer
(<30sec), but sometimes I can go eat lunch and the little
grey box is still there saving my settings.

takedownca [us], 7 Feb 2008, 17:33 reply
| It is possible to restore the last session or to save the

| I like this very much. But stupid me I lost my email with
the URL on t. Any chance you could resend it? Also, won't
using this app on a portable drive where it out; so many
read writes. One last thing, I have never been able to
successfully build a custonized version. I've dragged the
profile amd mail folders over but because of the opera6.ini
they are not being used. How should I edit that?

Nathan Chavez [us], 11 Feb 2008, 17:01 reply
| Donated 10 USD to the cause. :D

| I donated 10 USD as well :)
I am excited ! I'm gonna have my own Portable Opera ! WOW !

tsabus [hu], 20 Feb 2008, 19:33 reply
| We hope to see version 9.26 soon. Every time Opera portable
starts a popup ask you to update to the new v9.26. Just a
little annoying

fotjon [al], 21 Feb 2008, 12:38 reply
| Hi, where can I download the Opera Portable Builder

| I donated 10 USD. Please send me the Portable Builder.
Thanks for this great application.

cstibi [hu], 26 Feb 2008, 18:34 reply
| Please update to v9.26 for the sake of those who don't have
on opera portable builder:)
thank you.

| Please post the builder of opera portable

| for personal edition

| is there a way to preserve favicons between sessions?

facehugger [pl], 4 Mar 2008, 14:58 reply
| how do we configure opera portable to work with user

ray [ca], 6 Mar 2008, 3:07 reply
| can you include this:
era/ in the next installment?

facehugger [pl], 8 Mar 2008, 18:01 reply
| Saludos.
QuerÃa agradecerte por esta aportación a programas

| I'm confused a bit. I want to use Opera Portable on my hard
disk. I want to back up all data and programs every day to
my USB stick. Yeah, overly cautious. I also want to be
able to copy the entire Operaportable folder to a USB stick
and take it with me when I travel.
Here's my problem. The page here says that, when I exit
Opera, all settings, including wand passwords, are erased
from the host computer. Will this happen if I just use the
program on my hard drive? I don't want to lose wand
passwords, cookies, etc., every time I close Opera!
Please advise. Thanks!

Jeffrey Needle [us], 25 Mar 2008, 18:00 reply
| Where would I find the builder package? I slipped you the
ten dollars, by the way, because this effort of yours is
well worth it. PayPal confirm #02A85428XK2622124)

Duncan Scott [us], 25 Mar 2008, 18:26 reply
| Sorry, my oversight. I'll watch my email.

Duncan Scott [us], 26 Mar 2008, 2:21 reply
| I'm trying to run Opera Portable OneUse via autorun (burned
it to a CD with some galleries in html), but it fails to
load desired file and fails to obay the switch I wrote.
I was thinking to run it like this:
open=opera1.exe index.html /k
Where Opera should load index.html in fullscreen mode (kiosk
mode to be precise).
The bloblem is that Opera does load, but neither does it
load index file nor it strats in fullscreen.
I guess it's hard coded that it loads with that About page.
Pitty, as OneUse version is ideal for what I need right now
as it doen't require write access (it's on a CD).

| I was wondering as reading through the older comments...
could there possibly be a way to install plugins such as
"flashblocker" so that the (exe) would have the settings
saved and such...
* "Flashblocker" would be real great with [K.O.P].
** [CCleaner - portable] is a good app to use with [K.O.P].
~Erasing the download history fom the computer.

| How can I transfer my settings from 9.24 to 9.26?

drworm [au], 2 Apr 2008, 2:11 reply
| Question about Opera Portable Builder:
Is it possible to generate a package with a standalone PDF
viewer, like sumatra PDF
So the user of a CD using Opera Portable is able to view
PDFs directly?

Manuel [de], 2 Apr 2008, 16:13 reply
| I do want to associate the PDF mime/type in Opera with
sumatra PDF portable.
I do not want to run the installer.

Manuel [de], 4 Apr 2008, 15:56 reply
| 1. if i use feeds for RSS and keep deleting all the messages
after read, better I delete the \Temp\hebat\mail\lexicon\
folder manually eh?
2. Opera 9.27 -> http://www.opera.com/download/
3. Why, even I deletED all the feeds, still is stored in
Great job, keep going on^^^

the-red [jp], 6 Apr 2008, 16:38 reply
| two quick questions. one how can i update opera if this exe
has not been updated yet? and two is there a way to put the
button that allows you to click it and it changes the
identity of opera by icons not a drop down text menu?
thanks, great work awsome creation!

Jacob Taylor [us], 7 Apr 2008, 1:21 reply
| Hi, i've done my donation but have not received any Opera
Portable Builder download instructions.

Monica Ramponi [it], 8 Apr 2008, 12:50 reply
| Any news about the 9.27 version?

Dagenham [hu], 10 Apr 2008, 8:45 reply
| I'm still waiting for my Opera Portable Builder, is anyone
here who can help me? i've done my donation on tuesday but i
have not received anything yet!

Monica Ramponi [it], 10 Apr 2008, 13:57 reply
| when Opera 7 was current, I had an elaborate structure to
allow 8 different versions of it, back to version 3, run at
the same time (yes, with multiple windows open - I really
can keep track of that much information, even today). this
is so much easier now. I just place different copies in
different folders, make shortcuts, andname each shortcut
what i do in each browser. simple, no mess.

| Great portable browser! I've been using it off of my iPod
Video on college campus alot, and for a while. I don't have
to worry about others going through my login cookies and it
keeps all of my bookmarks with me. Thanks for keeping the
ports up to date, Yuku!

| Opera Portable is better what has been described here.

| I'm a bit retarded and don't have much free time. I've
tried to use the Builder unsuccessfully. Can someone who
has the builder post directions for how to use it to
customize OperaPortable? Thanks.

takedownca [us], 5 May 2008, 23:47 reply
| Is there any way to install certificates in Opera

| I just made a contribution because yours is the best
portable Opera version I have found, hands down!
Please send a link to the Builder program, please.
Anthony Williams

Anthony williams [us], 12 May 2008, 5:11 reply
| great product! one question how can i change the icon and
the title bar because my employe uses Track4Win :)

macedonia [mk], 12 May 2008, 23:46 reply
| Unable to start portable Opera
Got little problem with portable Opera (v. 9.27) When I try
to run Operausb.exe nothing happens or almost nothing
happens should I say . There is only black pop up windows
for a fraction of second (not sure what it says as I am not
that fast reader). When I check with Task Manager there is
no op.com process running in the background. Litle advice
how to get rid of the problem would be much appreciated.

| Howdy, I couldnt help but notice you saying that you used a
nsis script. Is it possible if you can tell me how to make a
script in nsis that would make the app standalone. I already
have some experience with nsis and have been searching for a
solution to make a standalone exe with nsis.P.S I make some
portable apps and they are being tested at Portableapps.com

Nate dawg [us], 20 May 2008, 2:48 reply
| How do you get opera to save settings? I know you are using
some other app, will this work for any program? If so where
can I get the program that opera uses.

Nate dawg [us], 20 May 2008, 22:16 reply
| Ok i have succeeded, but one thing though, I can get the
whole files it leaves in the Temp folder removed, but not
the folder. eveything else, registry, any other settings are
removed. Here is a link if you want to try the Standalone
version of Opera-Usb http://www.mediafire.com/?miz0yiuxyzw
tell me what you think, also this is just a one time

Nate Dawg [us], 22 May 2008, 1:46 reply
| Edit: There was a makor bug in the last installer, so use
this link
sorry about that.

Nate Dawg [us], 22 May 2008, 5:27 reply
| hi,
when i copy my wand.dat into the temp dir created on the
host computer,
the next time i run opera portable it seems to have adapted
it (the passwordfields are yellow).
when i now press the wand button only the login name is
transferred to the password fields. all the actual passwords
are empty?!
where is the fault here?

kris [de], 23 May 2008, 14:56 reply
| thank you, portable Opera is great but you really should
look into that not-favicon-saving stuff.. I dont care so
much for a bookmarks icons but icon in pagebar is a

jey [sk], 31 May 2008, 17:21 reply
| Hey guys,
Just maked a icon for Portable Opera! Its based on an
existing Opera icon (http://tinyurl.com/5neh72), but i added
the text "Portable" pixel for pixel. You can download it at

| Just a suggestion:
Because sometimes the system crashes and
opera-portable-personal-en-9.27.exe has no time to backup
hebat folder.
Would you add a function that:
detect if ophome.inuse file exists AND hebat folder exists,
open hebat folder instead of extracting from *.ophome.

| I cannot find the system requirements. Will this run on a
Windows 95 machine?

Passer-by [us], 9 Jun 2008, 7:26 reply
| Opera v9.50.10063 Final

| Yepp, 9.50 would be nice. OperaUSB way too rude.

Dagenham [hu], 13 Jun 2008, 6:53 reply
| Is it possible to restore data from default.ophome?
I ask because there are all my data in this file, but opera
starts with "About Opera" site and everything is empty (no
bookmarks, passwds...) Opera portable ingnores all settings.

| can ophome file be encrypted?

| My favorite rapidshare search engine is Loadingvault.com
it’s the most powerful an easy to use.
Loadingvault.com has incredible speed of searching
rapidshare links in the internet. http://loadingvault.com

Neraseda [ru], 13 Jun 2008, 17:13 reply
| Would it be possible to make a FireFox Portable with the
same building engine as Opera Portable.
I like firefox too for some things that Opera just won't do,
but the portable firefox just sucks. If it were packaged the
same as Opera, that would rock. Of course I have no idea how
to do it myself.

iTEB [us], 17 Jun 2008, 13:39 reply
| You can do it with NSIS. I'll post a proof of concept soon.

Dagenham [hu], 18 Jun 2008, 12:53 reply
| Is it possible to make IE portabl? I love IE lots!

Nyo [us], 19 Jun 2008, 2:35 reply
| Stealth Note: I’ve noticed that XP creates some Opera
files in the WINDOWS\Prefetch folder. I don’t think
this is a concern as far as browsing history and such goes,
but they do show that Opera was run, and if you look at them
with a text editor they show paths to the temp files that
were created (including the user name). I don’t know
what exactly would be involved, but you might consider
automatically deleted those files as well.
Wonderful app btw!

| please add 9.50 to :)

| thank you and i'm waiting for 9.50 portable ;)

| I really like and use opera portable (I prefer it over
Opera@USB). Please! pack it up!

| Opera Portable does not seem to recognise the copy of
Shockwave that I downloaded...

J.L.W.S. The Special One [sg], 21 Jun 2008, 12:33 reply
| it great but i wish u to improve its mail client. because
the speed of downloading the mails are slow and it doesn't
write rich text it doesn't have the ablity to insert pic and

| porfa..... agrega la version 9.5

cyberalejo17 [co], 21 Jun 2008, 20:01 reply
| please make saving favicons available in next Opera 9.5
portable. Thanks!

d0n [sk], 22 Jun 2008, 7:39 reply
| For your consideration for v9.50:

| I hope you get 9.5 out soon. This is great for using on
public computers and handling emails, downloads, etc. while
browsing the net anonymously. I just tested 9.5 and I can't
wait for the portable version! Keep up the great work.

| A user called iTEB asked an Opera Portable, which is really
a Firefox Portable :). I promised that I'll post a proof of
concept soon. It's in the comments already, if you
interested, take a look at the complete post (or tutorial)
Anyways, a 9.50 Opera Portable would be nice :).

Dagenham [hu], 24 Jun 2008, 20:09 reply
| I am using OPERA-Portable-Personal 9.27
downloaded from your website,
Recently. I have been experiencing a problem.
9.27 works well immediately after being booted; like its
previous version, it is fast and well-behaved.
Unlike its previous version, however, within about 30
minutes of webbrowsing, 9.27 slows down.
I can only rectify the situation by exiting 9.27, then
rebooting it.
I feel confident that 9.27 (or at least as it is configured
on my machine) is the culprit, because I can switch between
I.E.7, which works well, and 9.27, which is exceedingly
Can you help solve this problem?
Or, should I switch back to the previous version of
Thank you for your attention to this request.
Verne Kurisu

Verne Kurisu [us], 24 Jun 2008, 20:17 reply
| Great! This is exactly what I was looking for, and it works
at my university... but could you please update it because
Opera 9.5 (with great new features) is already out... :(

| I asked this a few months ago with no response. Maybe
someone has found something since then.
Is there a known reason why on any version newer than 9.21
it would take 5-10 minutes for OperaPortable to save my
settings during cleanup? Deleting the hebat directory
doesn't take any longer (<30sec), but sometimes I can go
eat lunch, come back, and the little gray box is still there
saving my settings. I love OperaPortable, but I basically
need to remember to shut it down 10 minutes before I leave
work for the day.

takedownca [us], 25 Jun 2008, 15:31 reply
| right now i'm using microsft outlook express for sending
mails to my friend if only u could improve it to write
colorfull emails by opera mail client than it was very very
good. but now i can't use it

| Estoy esperando Opera 9.50 portable, esta muy bueno esto me
anda de 10, gracias

| Opera 9.50 out for sometime, can you let us know if you'll
do a portable version if so, when will you that?
best regards

daniel [tr], 28 Jun 2008, 14:19 reply
| Yes, let us known. We are still waiting :). I don't want to
use opera@usb!!

| Even version 9.51 just came out :).

Dagenham [hu], 4 Jul 2008, 13:56 reply
| I wonder why the delay. Is the project dead? Or is v9.5x a
different kettle of fish?

Manish [hk], 4 Jul 2008, 14:11 reply
| As far as I know, it's not. I'm afraid project just dead :(.

Dagenham [hu], 5 Jul 2008, 14:36 reply
| I just made my donation so I can get the builder and make my
own Opera 9.51 portable. How long to wait before I get the
download link?

Vinnie [fr], 9 Jul 2008, 18:12 reply
| If I donate can I easily build a MAC version of Opera

Jim Hood [gb], 10 Jul 2008, 10:07 reply
| Could someone with the builder make and post a copy of Opera

lester [us], 10 Jul 2008, 17:22 reply
| Could you please post Opera 9.51 portable?

| I've just used the builder to make the english versions and
uploaded then to rapid share.Here are the links:

Ed [us], 14 Jul 2008, 14:21 reply
| Thanks a million Ed! I've been waiting so long for this to
come out!

| No Problem..Post if you have any problems with them

Ed [us], 14 Jul 2008, 16:22 reply
| download link doesn't work

ohiozzz [us], 14 Jul 2008, 21:51 reply
| Yeah, rapidshare link doesn't work.. Now I'm sure this
project is dead..

wowoman [id], 15 Jul 2008, 1:11 reply
| It does work .For some reason the links have a space.
here they are corrected.

Ed [us], 15 Jul 2008, 1:27 reply
| It did it again. Copy the links into a notedpad windows and
remove the space between oneuse- en in the first link and
the space between persona l-en in the second link and paste
in to the browser address bar

Ed [us], 15 Jul 2008, 1:30 reply
| Nice job Ed. Thank you.

Jon [us], 15 Jul 2008, 3:40 reply
| Ed, would you be so kind to post a how-to somewhere? (e.g.
how-to-build by yourself guide)

Dagenham [hu], 15 Jul 2008, 12:44 reply
| Hey Ed, I would like that HowTo too...
and congrutulations for the good job!

Xis [br], 15 Jul 2008, 15:43 reply
| Hi. Loadsa thanks for the 9.51, Ed.
Any chance of Rapidsharing the builder program? I'd like to
do a thinned-down compile without the locale info etc..
Thanks again for the updated version. You da man!

 | Wow Breeeeezzzzze, That`s a bit of a kick in the teeth for
yuku, Asking for someone to share a piece of software a guy
has spent time coding that only asks for a tiny donation for
anyone to receive said program (The builder), But to ask for
it on the guys website, Wow, That is low, Very low.
I hope Ed has some common decency and does not heed your
As for the lack of posts or updates from yuku regarding
support for later versions of opera, Has anybody taken the
time to think that yuku could actually be on holiday ?, He
is only human after all.

Trooper [gb], 16 Jul 2008, 14:30 reply
| Thanks ed, but for reduce the size, i recomend you to delete
the folder locale that is in the opera directory before
create the portable

| Trooper, you're absolutely right. Apologies to Yuku.
I gathered from the posts that the project was dead. A while
back, I did make a donation and downloaded the builder. I
didn't use it and just downloaded the portables as they were
released. Since then I lost the link to the builder. Maybe
Yuku is on holiday, who knows.
Ed, forget that request and don't post a link.

| Hi all.
I found the link for the builder in my email, visited Yuko's
folder, downloaded the latest (12th April) builder and
recompiled without the locale folder. Because the
translation files are highly compressible, the size only
reduced to c. 7.5MB. Any hints on what else can be removed
to give a smaller build?

| Could someone upload 9.51 one use exe to mediafire?

M1530 [sg], 17 Jul 2008, 3:09 reply
| Opera Oneuse 9.51 for M1530:-

| Breeeeezzzzze, can you upload the 9.5 personal thinned?

Cako [co], 17 Jul 2008, 15:15 reply
| Good on you Ed.
Can we safely assume that you could take over the task to
update opera from now on, or somebody else having the
knowledge and the program to do so?
you know these browsers new updates come out so often:
I am not suggesting you should do with every minor
it could be one after a new security fix or after every
several updates?
And for others:
what do you think about it?

daniel [tr], 17 Jul 2008, 15:48 reply
| Sadly I cannot get the executable at
l-en-9.51.exe to work, it throws an error at startup then
does not display the menus correctly.

| Yah 9.51 beta :D

| Wow, very thanks for the new "official" version :).

Dagenham [hu], 18 Jul 2008, 7:51 reply
| Cako,
Links for thinned down 9.51b portables:
I've taken out the locales info and the plugins to get down
to 6MB. I personally won't be using these as I think 8MB is
a reasonable size with plugins included.

Breeeeezzzzze [ie], 18 Jul 2008, 16:20 reply
| Thanks!
But links from pages
opera-portable-personal-ru-9.51-beta.exe &
for opera-portable-oneuse-ru-9.51-beta.exe
do not work. Fix it, please.

369 [il], 18 Jul 2008, 17:49 reply
| Yes! i love this app im using public pcs now, IE and firefox
are unsuitable to my taste for portable use.
But my data was lost from last version, i cant update from
the 9.2 to this...and for the worse, when i used it from
that machine to another my bookmarks where lost, and my
other preferences! man this is bad...i wish u could fix it
soon please...

pokeblink [mx], 19 Jul 2008, 1:20 reply
| Suggestion for later version:
Have portable opera copy any dll files from the portable
device directory containing portable opera to the hebat
subdirectory under the system TEMP where opera.exe is run
Why? This allows users the option to try to correct for
problems in Opera itself that haven't yet been taken care
of. For example, Windows 95 & 98 users are hit with the
opening message from Opera
"The system library Msimg32.dll is missing or too old, so
certain transparency effects will be slow and possibly not
drawn correctly.
Obtaining the library from a Windows ME installation and
placing it in your Windows system directory will fix
Actually, putting a copy (such as is available from
http://www.helpy.com.ar/dll-download/m.htm) in the directory
with opera.exe (hence the hebat usbdirectory of the system
TEMP) does the same purpose, without changing the system.
My experiments showed that if I first create the hebat
subdirectory and place the file there, then run portable
Opera, no such warning.
It didn't seem to hurt on Xp, but I couldn't guarantee
Vista. By not putting such dll's into portable opera, the
option of the user putting it in the portable opera
directory or not is clearly the users responsibility and
easily changed.

| Hey, Ed. Thanks kindly.
Flash, though, is still a problem. The YouTube videos
habitually play for a couple of seconds and then freeze.
Updating Flash via C:\Program
Files\Opera\program\plugins\NPSWF32_FlashUtil.exe solves the
You may want check if Flash, Java, WMV plugins are all the
latest and working well before compiling.
Java: http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp
-plugin-download.aspx (Opera will use the Firefox
Again, thanks for taking the lead.

Manish [hk], 19 Jul 2008, 10:40 reply
| Thank you!I have been waiting for the new release,and it
works great so far!

| Love the opera portable, but the one use version (burned to
a CD) seems to freeze up when I right click and block
content (ads).

| The new version works fine, no bug found ('till now :)).
One small thing, it seems the images ("images" folder in the
profile directory, contains favicons) not saved to the
profile file.
It is possible to include them? I'm asking this because it
seems, the page content files ("vps" directory in the
profile directory) saved.

Dagenham [hu], 22 Jul 2008, 11:53 reply
| I love this portable version of Opera since I know it (9.10
I think). It's the most intelligent way to portablize an
app. However I have a problem with this version (9.51-fr) I
downloaded. It asks me for a disk two times before starting.
Any solution ?

| This Ed's 9.51 version have some wrong paths!!
If you open it on WinXP, and go to opera:about, you can see
that some paths point to "C:\Documents and
Settings\user\..." while others point to
This "C:\Users\ADMIN\..." paths work only on Vista!

Flavio Suárez [br], 24 Jul 2008, 13:36 reply
| Thankyou for pointing that out.I am sorry for the mistake.It
appears to have been the result of building 9.51 portable on
a Windows Vista machine.I advise everyone to stop usiing it
and download the latetest beta version from this web site.
In the future I will build it on A XP machine instead.

Ed [us], 24 Jul 2008, 17:51 reply
| The problem it's that Vista inverted the folders
A really cross-platform version would must use the Windows
environment variables to get the correct folders.
Not tried (yet) the Yuku's 9.51 version.

Flavio Suárez [br], 24 Jul 2008, 18:02 reply
| Hi,
I donated $10. Can you send me a link to the builder,
please? THX

| Thanks yuku!

da6t9r@yahoo.com [ve], 26 Jul 2008, 0:49 reply
| so good
I like it
It is easy to use and clean after close

| Hello. I live in Russia, so I don't have paypal account. But
I'm ready to donate via Webmoney.
BTW is it possible to choose (with builder maybe) a
different start page?
Thank you!

 | Hi there, hi yuku,
yes, I think you should support webmoney additionally to
paypal for donation.
Webmoney in US can be get here:
A good alternative to paypal is moneybookers.
Yuku, you should join both, moneybookers and webmoney, then
you get more donations (from moneybookers, webmoney AND
paypal..!) and everyone can donate, because these a the
major 3 online payment providers..!
best regards,
PS: yuku, please respond to me and write what you think
about this suggestion..thx.

iNsuRRecTiON [de], 4 Aug 2008, 12:06 reply
| Umnik, you can set a different start page from Opera
directly, in the Tools/Preferences menu.

Dagenham [hu], 30 Jul 2008, 11:40 reply
| Hello
I donated $10. Can you send me a link to the builder,
please? THX

| Great app! Have been using Opera@USB for some time, but this
is "cleaner".
One question though: I run the app from a portable drive
(LaCie SmallDisk) and thus do not have to worry about number
of writes to the drive as with USB sticks - but how may I
change the drive for the hebat folder from C:/Documents...
etc to a local hebat folder on my portable drive?
Keep up the good work!!

plop [no], 1 Aug 2008, 9:12 reply
| It seems that is a beta version update to opera 9.52,
i will be waiting for your version to came out.
Keep going with this great work
By the way, can you introduce backgrounds in the speed dial
page, the withe is to expensive...
Best regards

| hello yuku,
is it possible to save favicons (image folder) too?Because
so one can show much more icons on the personel toolbar
(icons without text)!

greymonk [de], 5 Aug 2008, 11:17 reply
| I like what you have done. I would like to use this on a cd
but it has the same problem as the normal browsers when
trying to use flash with local files I get the security
warning. I have read that this is something new since flash
version 8. Do you have any versions of Opera Portable that
has an earlier version of flash so that this warning won't
come up?

patrick [ro], 7 Aug 2008, 19:01 reply
| v9.52 is now ready for serving. :o)

| Sorry, Samsam. I meant by yuku and Co. :oP

| Comment deleted.

Opera-usb user [se], 24 Aug 2008, 12:40 reply
 | ^^^***SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM***^^^
Everyone is open to their own opinions, But why come here
spamming this page, When everyone who has managed to find
their way here (Even though Opera@usb is much easier to
find) knows which is the better version.

Trooper [gb], 24 Aug 2008, 12:59 reply
| Hi Kejut Team,
Thank you for your great portable ports of Opera !
Donation made this morning BUT sorry for a mistake in my
email address. :-/
Please, replace "pierre" by "p" in provided address to send
me the link for downloading portable Opera builder.
Pierre - opera-fr.com

| Re: msimg32.dll problems for Windows 9x users
A temporary solution to the problem is to start Opera with a
batch file. Place Msimg32.dll from wherever and a batch
file which you might call StartOpera.bat in the same folder
with the opera*.exe file. The one I use reads
echo off
if not %OS%=="" goto startit
xcopy /d msimg32.dll %temp%\hebat\*.*
start opera951-beta.exe
then all I need do is run the batch file to stick the
msimg32.dll file in the hebat subdirectory before starting
portable opera.

| Please update to Opera 9.52 :)

loveleeyoungae [vn], 25 Aug 2008, 3:48 reply
| Hello all. Here are links to download Opera portable
http://tinyurl.com/6fpohn Opera Portable One-Use 9.52
http://tinyurl.com/5heog2 Opera Portable Personal 9.52
Just paste the link in your browser and it will take you to
the Rapidshare download. Tested. 8^)>

Ed [us], 27 Aug 2008, 6:27 reply
| I hope you get the bugs out soon, I have to delete the
operaportable.exe and other temp files from computers I use
when using Opera Portable using CCleaner Portable, I hope
other users using the Beta do the same. Thank you for the
wonderful browser though!

| Russian ?????????????

Russian ????????????? [ru], 29 Aug 2008, 12:39 reply
| in O.P. Builder, is it possible to translate items:
-Welcome to Opera Portable (Esc to Exit)
-Please select an Opera Portable profile...
-New profile...
-Don't ask me again
somewhere, please ?

| Thanks for the 9.52 version as well as the storing of page
icons :).

| Thank you for v9.52. Nice!
However, http://portal.opera.com/startup/ opens up every
time that I launch Opera Portable Personal v9.52. Can that
be amended, please?

| hehehe.... good...good...good... ^_^

| Has anyone noticed that the ophome files are getting really
big. in 9.2 the ophome file was about 500kb. I've been using
9.52 for 2 days and all I've added was the breeze skin, and
now the ophome is 7mb. Is there a way to fix this?

mjaksen [ph], 6 Sep 2008, 4:01 reply
| mjaksen, in the tools/preferences/advanced/history menu,
feel free to switch off the "Remember content on visited
pages" checkbox. After switched off, go to
%TEMP%\hebat\profile and delete the vps subdirectory.

| Dagenham - Thanks. That was driving me up the wall. I tried
your Firefox compressed idea. Did you ever get it to save
profiles after quitting Firefox?

mjaksen [ph], 7 Sep 2008, 2:50 reply
| This software will be more secure if everything were loaded
in the RAM, not in the HD.

troc [es], 7 Sep 2008, 18:25 reply
| hi, i have some questions about Opera portable builder - I
need make some changes in Opera One-use. Didn't find any
contact info where i can mail you. I would be glad if you
mail me at email i fill in. It's for school project by the

chroust [cz], 8 Sep 2008, 7:03 reply
| Hi yuku, I noticed that the latest build 9.52 leaves a bunch
of keys in the registry, I found
Can you make the launcher remove those keys when Operap
exits? Actually, it shouldn't simply remove them; it should
replace them with the original values in case a local Opera
was also installed on the hard disk.

Stefano [it], 9 Sep 2008, 10:19 reply
| Hi!
It would be very usefull if the One-Use version could use
the same profiles the Personal version uses (read-only, of
course). Some times I want access to my Wand or some
bookmarks, but don't want this session saved back to my USB
Keep this great work!!

Flavio [br], 9 Sep 2008, 12:19 reply
| I'm getting problems when closing Portable. Last year it was
perfectly fast; however, this year, it's much slower; once
it gets to vps/000X/*.ax in Preserving your Memories it
starts to take much more time, and does so for the rest of
the closing process. The only change on the computers I use
that I know of is the installation of Smart Board software.
The computer I'm using now doesn't have it, so I'll see if
Smart Board is the problem presently, and post again when I
have a definitive answer as to whether or not it is the

banjo2E [us], 9 Sep 2008, 12:58 reply
| Very useful,very neat,thank you for developing such a
software beautifully

| I'm writing this in a web cafe, on the locally installed
firefox while I wait for the portable version to save my
memories. This feature is ridiculously slow. Otherwise it's
a nice piece of software. Would it be possible to disable
the save my memories on a session by session basis?

| if ophome files could be edited,it would be better!
I currently use rar package to store opera's profile,it
could be encrypted and edited!

| What is there to say - Opera is my browser of choice and i
began to migrate my whole desktop to portable solutions.
Your version of Opera is a must-have.

| Waiting, patiently...
Opera v9.60.10447

Manish [hk], 8 Oct 2008, 9:54 reply
| Very useful,very good software,Now Opera 9.60 is released,
time to update version now~

| I'd like to use a custom keyboard profile (Blazeix's
Vimperopera[1] with edvakf's improvements[2]), but I can't
figure out how I would get it into this portable version.
How might I be able to accomplish this?

| thanks again...

operauser [pt], 13 Oct 2008, 18:12 reply
| Very good, thank you ! 9.60 works much better than 9.52

Peter [at], 13 Oct 2008, 19:34 reply

| v9.60 is SUPER GOOD indeed! Thanks!!

| "Doesn't make your USB drive tired - all code and data are
stored in a temporary place on host computer"
All code and data should be stored in the RAM.

| I love this program! My only grief is that it has to delete
my bookmarks and settings every time. I always end up having
to copy them from my Firefox portable every time I open it.
I thought the Personal version was not supposed to do that.
Maby I am doing something wrong? Any Ideas?

| Hi Yuku, would you please upgrade to 9.61 ? It fixes a nasty
bug in sync with link.opera.com which made opera loose
bookmarks forever. Thanks in advance.

Stefano [it], 23 Oct 2008, 10:00 reply
| Yuku, you are the BEST! Less than 24 hours to fulfill my
request to build with the new version of Opera. Thank you
very much!

Stefano [it], 24 Oct 2008, 5:22 reply
| I would like to say thank you for making this app. No more
troubles with reduced privileges, Macromedia Player 7 and
the ever-anoying DeepFreeze. Thanks.

| this is the best thing ever! i don't have to use internet
explorer at school, because i cant fit firefox portable on
the network(we're limited to 50 meg) this app rulez!

| I have an issue with the latest build where mid session it
will stop loading pages. I must hit re-load and then it will
load them fine but I must do this for every new page. When I
close and re-load the problem is gone for a while and then
returns. Any idea what's going on?

Jeremy C. [us], 28 Oct 2008, 19:47 reply
| Hey, I have a question. Is it possible to delete the .idx
and .ico files (the files that remember the icons for web
pages) from the cache? These files are currently the
greatest speed crunch for me on startup and shutdown, and I
can't figure out how to get rid of them. I have the cache
set to clear on shutdown, but this doesn't do anything.

banjo2E [us], 29 Oct 2008, 19:48 reply
| Opera 9.62 is published, which is a security fix. Could you
please update the portable edition. THX

dromaius [de], 30 Oct 2008, 10:31 reply
| Hi, is it possible to turn off that compressing thing on
startup and shutdown? i use Opera portable only on one
computer just to override administration rules.

ToH [ru], 31 Oct 2008, 6:27 reply
| wah opera emang kreatif
opera mini, opera portable...

aldohas [id], 1 Nov 2008, 2:53 reply
| I would like you to recomend http://filespump.com to look
for files you are interested in.
Now it's the best file hosting search engine in the web.
More than 4 000 000 files indexed.
Try it and i think you will be satisfied with search
Use search string.

| Hey, I love this program, and I donated $10 to get a copy of
the builder, but I did not receive it. I got an error page,
but a receipt was sent to my email. How do I obtain it?

| Ok, I got the builder. Thanks a ton, and keep up the good

| Very Nice idea and work
tnx from Javad - Iran _rasht

| 9.61 - ! 9.27 - !!!!

Ukraine [--], 7 Nov 2008, 21:05 reply
| Please could you update to v 9.62. I can´t open my
messages in hotmail

fil [pt], 8 Nov 2008, 18:19 reply
| please can someone upload de v9.62
Thanks a lot for the good job

fil [pt], 8 Nov 2008, 18:21 reply
| Use the following versions on your own risk only!
I have compiled two versions O-personal-EN-9.62
(http://tinyurl.com/5suf3z) and O-personal-DE-9.62
(http://tinyurl.com/54rbkw). Both hosted on rapidshare until
there is an actual version on this site.
- Dromaius

dromaius [de], 8 Nov 2008, 21:02 reply
| Hey guys.. I just modified Opera 9.62 Personal Portable that
can automatically compress your *.ophome with high
compression+solid method. Suitable for your flash drive.
Same fuction with the original one but can compress your
*.ophome in a single file. Download link

| For some reason, in 9.62, on Win98SE, Flash doesn't seem to
be functioning. I still have a copy of 9.52 and Flash is
functioning just fine from it. =/
Regardless, I love this portable version of Opera. I'll just
be stuck with 9.52 for now.

Q [us], 16 Nov 2008, 9:28 reply
| New download link:

xtreme325x [my], 17 Nov 2008, 9:08 reply
| rar 3.80 has a new command parameter(rar.exe m -dw),that it
provides a new option to overwrite data with 0byte size file
after compressing data,may Yuku change tumpuksemuafile.exe
to rar,so that we could edit data without running opera,then
locate temp directory for changing opera's settings
manually?if so,we could replace .ophome file as .rar file,so
that we can manually edit it by winrar or other free
compressing tool,and encrypt it.

| is there a version that doesn't save the favicons, opr093424
thingys and the *.idx's? it's because they just give more

| Dream comes true! Prefect! Thanks

Chrisanthos [cy], 23 Nov 2008, 11:52 reply
| Opera Portable is excellent and xtreme325x's High
Compression version is super excellent!

| new download link:
or direct link:

xtreme325x [my], 25 Nov 2008, 10:22 reply
| I really like the new website design, its quite a dramatic
improvement(old one was o.k.). I enjoy using your version of
portable opera, especially since it has FLASH player
already installed. Thanks for providing it.

chris [us], 2 Dec 2008, 14:57 reply
| Opera Portable 9.61 Build 10463 Final MultiLang +
Firefox-Opera Portable Plugins Flash 9.0.124.exe
The version: 9.61 Final
Language: multilingual
The author: Opera Software
OS: Win 98; Win NT 4.0; Win 2000; Win Me; Win 95; Win XP;
Win 2003 Server; Windows Vista
The size: 7.1 MByte
Category: Web-Browser

| I love the portable opera version since I can use it from my
pen anywhere and on any computer.
I am trying to find a way to export all the normal opera
settings in to this portable browser.
I have a small app that is able to export settings in to a
tgz zipped file and the same app is able to restore the min
to another opera.
But how do you restore those settings back in to the
portable opera? It will be nice to have a way to export
these settings somehow.
Portable opera doesn't use the same files that normal opera
uses, so how do you export these settings ? (including
sessions and bookmarks, these are the main reasons for me to
export settings).

| Re: Opera Portable Settings:
"Download Opera Portable Personal #.## ...
You can manage multiple profiles at once! For example,
in office, school, home, internet cafe, etc
you can have different profiles for each of them.
The profile file will contain all the settings
you made while running. So, your settings, history,
wand passwords, etc are packed into a single file,
then they are overwritten and deleted on the host machine
(so you leave no trace).
When you run Opera Portable on another machine,
your settings will be applied again.
This is suitable for usage in USB/flash disks
and other writable media, or even on your harddisk!

CATiffany [us], 6 Dec 2008, 15:43 reply
| Hi All
can someone post opera10 portable
sorry for my english
many thanks

Filnirv [pt], 7 Dec 2008, 11:17 reply
| Opera Portable X (High compression method) update based on
Opera Portable (Yuku)...

| Would it be possible to make a one use version with Google
as home page?

oziozzz [us], 8 Dec 2008, 18:55 reply
| xtreme325x, i have a problem with Opera Portable X2 (v10)
when i plug in usb in diferent computers, the skin is always
the opera standard but i defined a diferent skin and also my
buttons desepear, any solution?

Filnirv [pt], 9 Dec 2008, 22:16 reply
| I tried Opera 10 using my 9.62 default.ophome file. Now
when I use 9.62, I get an error "There was a problem
initializing Opera Mail. Not possible to run old Opera
version with new Opera mail files.AccountManager Init
failed." HELP!
Engine Init() failed

| Big thumbs up for the Opera 10 Alpha version :).

| Something strange happened to my setup with the 10 Alpha, my
.ophome file is now 1 gig. This is after I cleared my
cache, history, etc. When I get time I'll poke around and
see what happened.
I'm at a different computer now, using 9.62, and the ophome
file here is about 15 mb. Still too big, but much more

Brian [us], 11 Dec 2008, 14:31 reply
| Brian, you may want to switch off the "Remember content on
visited pages" checkbox.

Dagenham [hu], 11 Dec 2008, 14:40 reply
| hi xtreme325x, a lot of problems with opera x2 9.6 and
- gmail doesn´t work very well
- can´t keep the skin if you change the computer
have you a solution to reduce the file .ophone
Continue your greta job

Filnirv [pt], 13 Dec 2008, 23:41 reply
| Opera 9.63 Security Update Released
Opera 9.63 is a recommended security upgrade. Please see the
Security section.
Opera 9.63 incorporates the Opera Presto 2.1.1 user agent
Changes since Opera 9.62
Manipulating text input contents can allow execution of
arbitrary code, as reported by Red XIII. See our
HTML parsing flaw can cause Opera to execute arbitrary code,
as reported by Alexios Fakos. See our advisory.
Long hostnames in file: URLs can cause execution of
arbitrary code, as reported by Vitaly McLain. see our
Script injection in feed preview can reveal contents of
unrelated news feeds, as reported by David Bloom. See our
Built-in XSLT templates can allow cross-site scripting, as
reported by Robert Swiecki of the Google Security Team. See
our advisory.
Fixed an issue that could reveal random data, as reported by
Matthew of Hispasec Sistemas. Details will be disclosed at a
later date.
SVG images embedded using <img> tags can no longer
execute Java or plugin content, suggested by Chris Evans.

| Opera Portable X2 v9.63 (1/2/2009) -- updated.
NSIS script also available.... File hosted at
Rapidshare.com: Easy File Hosting.
Link: http://tinyurl.com/operaportablex

xtreme325x [my], 4 Jan 2009, 7:27 reply
| Portable+slim+fast+multi-profiles+works with HDD-speed+saves
data back to USB-stick ... great piece of art ... I was
searching for such browser for years - to finally find it
here. Thanks + keep on.

| When i try to execute from my pendrive, (or even from the
hd), appears the message:
"Error initializing opera: module 9".

vannostrom [ar], 14 Jan 2009, 19:22 reply
| Try new Firefox Portable X2. No need installation and many
files, just single file to run the application.
Link: http://tinyurl.com/FirefoxPX2

xykix93 [my], 16 Jan 2009, 9:50 reply
| What are the technical requirements? i have windows ME

Mexico [mx], 20 Jan 2009, 15:53 reply
| I want opera portable for mac! Can you create it?

Won [sg], 21 Jan 2009, 6:40 reply
| thanks, Opera Portable is excellent

| Does Opera Portable update anymore ? or it switch to version
naming to X/X2?

dolby [hk], 22 Jan 2009, 4:39 reply
| The X/X2 is a custom version of Opera Portable. You should
try it. Also available in Firefox version.

xykix93 [--], 23 Jan 2009, 2:33 reply
xykix93 ! please add language opera and mozilla

| xykix93! Excuse above has not read, very much I wait the
multilingual version opera and mozilla. Thanks

| Has this project been abandoned?
I came across this script today, and was wondering if it
could be incorporated?

| I also think this project is abandon.. No latest update..
I'll do my best to create Opera Portable X3 (X3 version will
support multiple profiles) for everyone if this project is

xykix93 [my], 29 Jan 2009, 2:40 reply
| Don't rush to assume the project is dead. Yuku might just be
busy. Remember it's a free project.

breeeeezzzzze [ie], 2 Feb 2009, 9:02 reply
| To dolby, Manish, xykix93, bre*z*e, and others.
I just put the latest version 9.63. At first I didn't get
the update announcement so I didn't know that there is a
version update. When here are so many comments here I was
busy at that time. Sorry to keep you waiting. Now, enjoy the

yuku [sg], 10 Feb 2009, 9:15 reply
| Opera Portable X3 release - Multilingual version, support
multiple cores processor(=fast comrepssion), fixed widgets
bug and more!
Download: http://xtreme325x.blogspot.com

Xykix93 [--], 13 Feb 2009, 7:15 reply
| I have problem browsing all websites in opera portable 9.6x
(even the latest 9.63), the problem is I must click on
RELOAD button every time I go to another valid link. I don't
have such a problem in pre-9.5 portable versions.

dolby [hk], 14 Feb 2009, 0:31 reply
| yuku, I apologise for expecting prompt satisfaction. You
are doing us a favour! Thank you indeed for the update; I
appreciate it very much.

Manish [hk], 17 Feb 2009, 2:17 reply
| !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!
Opera one-use claims to securely delete all files after
usage - perfect for... ;-) - BUT it doesn't erase flash
configuration files (by default in C:\Documents and
Settings\username\Application Data*\Macromedia\Flash
Player\), and practically all websites that have flash
(which are a lot) leave configuration files.
I know it may be difficult to do so, since they are shared
by the whole system. (Maybe generate a list of files before
starting and compare after closing) but if you can't, at
least warn.
*Depending on language. In Spanish "Datos de Programa"

| Guys, (and Ladies), all you need to secure your bawx, in
relation to aberrant plugins is to run yuku's prog from
within Sandboxie; which will give you a double sandbox deal;
with the opportunity to wipe the residue from a protected
area. This can be done from either portable media, like
thumbdrives (easiest), or by running a Sandboxied yuku-opera
inside a DriveCrypt container file. Additionally, wraithdu's
Portable Sandboxie works out best. Check the Sandboxie forum
for dl.
Thank you again, yuku, for your O-So-Slick project!

| Opera v9.64.10487

| Great program.
i have just started to use and had the following problem.
When i want to enter my opera community site i can not log
in at all. Is the problem by me?

Wysydude [hu], 5 Mar 2009, 9:38 reply
| I've just started using this software and it works great!
But is it possible to install userscripts like flashblock
and google reader preview?
Thanks a lot!

| I been using opera personal and one-use version for quite a
while now. I recently had to use Restoration software and
noticed that I was able to recovered the site's information
and pictures. I though opera was to erase my private info. I
think future version should include erasing pattern like
Eraser program for safer deletion of private information.

| I've update my Opera Portable X3, now with Profile
Protection (enrypt profile with password) and Profile
Recovery. Just give it a try!

Xykix93 [--], 9 Mar 2009, 2:52 reply
| dude, love your work!
ONE question though,
how do I add the Adblocker filter list?? Where can I find
the right .ini file? I can do it in a normal Opera, but I
don't seem to find the .ini file in this Portable
btw, bangga gua ada orang indo bisa bikin software keren
gini! keep posting juragan!

| I have make a donation.
Where I can download Portable Builder
Best regards

J-CLAUDE RENEVIER [fr], 17 Mar 2009, 11:48 reply
| i have 2 problems:
1. on youtube the window where all the videos are played is
2. in gmail, when wanting to attach a file, the link "attach
file" is just text. i can´t click on it.
any solution?

Melty [de], 19 Mar 2009, 18:14 reply
| I try to get away from Opera, and use Firefox X3 (its 2
files, program & profile, & supports up to 9 profiles), but
still come back to Opera Portable. I can't handle the
firefox memory leaks, eats up all my ram. Yay Opera.

| Does it really delete everything?
And also thank you very much for making it!!!!

| Someone does sync opera portable with link.opera.com with
sucess? Last time I tried (9.5x I think), it duplicated all
my bookmarks!

YinYanger [br], 24 Apr 2009, 17:17 reply
| Hello. Please, can you put Flash Blocker and Grafik Blocker?
this is opera-usb www.opera-usb.com/index.htm. If possible
also language Spanish(Spain) es-ES.
Thank you!

| New Opera user. Downloaded some skins & widgets, and
apparently Opera Portable's cleanup routine upon closing
incinerated my downloads. How do I keep my downloaded
skins, please?

me [us], 26 May 2009, 5:22 reply
| Hungaryan PayPal?! THX! :@

Konosz [hu], 2 Jun 2009, 6:50 reply
| Do you have plan to upgrade Opera Portable Builder to
conform with new files/directories for Opera 10 beta 1's
profile ?

Pierre [fr], 3 Jun 2009, 20:20 reply
| Beta realese of opera 10 is available, will you make it
portable? I'm using your releases for long time and only one
thing to say: Great job, thank you so much

| very great work!!
we will wait look 10 beta from you
thank again and again

Thai [th], 9 Jun 2009, 13:10 reply
| Men, menurut gue lo harus bikin option untuk men-deaktivasi
proses "incerenating private data". Karena di komputer gue
dia makan waktu LAMA banget...
Good work man! Keep it up!

| Superb! Just found Opera one-use portable 9.64 and it is
just what I need for a CD based demo. But, is it possible to
use builder to create a 'kiosk' mode version with local url
to run a flash panorama? And, is it simple to use builder? I
am a photographer not a software person and have no idea
what it is. Thanks for a brilliant product.

| Great - how about the new Opera Unite snapshot?

| Please improve the icon included in your executables. The
one you're using is very jagged and low res. Thank you.

Franck [--], 22 Jun 2009, 0:54 reply
| OperaPortable need urlfilter.ini support. Should be able to
load the file from its current dir...

Joe [it], 17 Jul 2009, 8:18 reply
| Hurry up and get a new version out. Beta 2 is out today. You
are too slow! Either shit or get off the pot.

Mr. Magoo [us], 17 Jul 2009, 17:05 reply
| Hi there, your one-file-only Opera portable browser is
superb. Whenever you have the time, please continue
launching new versions!!! :) and thanks for your effort.

Cokie69 [--], 31 Jul 2009, 16:45 reply
| I got the builder after trying this for a year and
integrated my customizations into the one-use version. It
loads very fast and doesn't have to save when closing. This
is the ultimate thumbdrive companion!

| Oh shi, this site is featured on Smashing Magazine!
Congrats, Indons. :P

| Please reduce the number of comments on this page. Rendering
times are quite long due to so much old chatter still left
around. Either purge the years-old stuff, or put it in
archives on another page, please.

Kejut [us], 10 Aug 2009, 14:14 reply
| Hello!! Thx for new release!! Correct link to One-use
version from http://www.kejut.com/download/531 to
http://www.kejut.com/download/521 :) Current link is for
chinese version (Simplified) :)

| This was FAST!!!!

YinYanger [br], 2 Sep 2009, 12:56 reply
| Realy fast :D Thx

Bane [cs], 2 Sep 2009, 18:10 reply
| Great job and fast update !
Thanks for new v.10 compliant builder :)

Pierre [fr], 2 Sep 2009, 18:53 reply
| i'm even test use but
I'm sure This update can call ''Superb''

Thai [th], 4 Sep 2009, 2:05 reply
| Thank you, but RSS feeds not saved....

| Fantastic job!
Is there a way that I can resize the tabs on this
Ordinarily, I could extract skin.ini from zipped skin
folder, make the changes and place file back into zipped
In this version, cannot open zip file while in use.

| Hello,
Some french users reports mail & rss to be not saved in
session.ophome file with personal version of Opera
Any idea to resolve this bug ?

Pierre [eu], 9 Sep 2009, 11:37 reply
| Regarding the RSS feed, when I checked opera:config there
was a different 'mail root directory,' changed it to match
what I had previously, restarted, and everything is as it
was (mail and feeds)
Still getting used to Opera 10, but seems nice so far.

brian [us], 9 Sep 2009, 14:13 reply
| OperaTor was my favorite, is it possible at all to integrate
Tor into this in a secure open source way? I would love it
if you did.

anonymous [us], 10 Sep 2009, 19:32 reply
| Regarding the RSS not saved, I still have not investigated
it. Meanwhile you can try the one that brian [us], 9 Sep
2009 suggested. Thanks!

yuku [sg], 12 Sep 2009, 2:09 reply
| Hey, the biggest complaint about OperaTor is that you can't
build it yourself to be sure there's no back doors. Since
the builder is available, if you make it so a person can
build a version with Tor, that'd make Opera Portable the top
choice in yet another category.

Opera and Tor lover [us], 13 Sep 2009, 21:38 reply
| Love the program, but could the next build of the one-use
not have any bookmarks saved? When I sync with the cloud all
the standard bookmarks included are put into my list on my
home pc.

Sid [--], 14 Sep 2009, 1:20 reply
| I've noticed that in the portable v10.0, when I disable the
Speed Dial, everytime I switch to a blank tab, the CPU usage
goes to 100% for a couple of seconds while the computer
stops responding.
If I enable Speed Dial or go back to portable v9.64 or
upgrade to the original v10.0, the problem doesn't
(I keep the tab thumbnails disabled at all times.)

| How do I change the skin to breeze simplified micro so I can
maximize screen space?

anonymous [us], 21 Sep 2009, 5:16 reply
| Anyone else update to version 10 & lose a lot of your
settings? Email, layout, etc??

DG [us], 23 Sep 2009, 1:02 reply
| Is it me or the new version 10 doesn't have flashplayer

THEAST [ir], 26 Sep 2009, 9:31 reply
| I found a bug. Sometimes when I close some of my tabs when I
have a lot, and then save a session (one of many, by date),
then shut down, and restart with the startup dialog, where I
choose "continue from last time", the tabs that I closed
will be opened again.

Anonymous [us], 29 Sep 2009, 1:54 reply
| (edited) So you delete everything
do you wjen the user exits the program! Why can't you send
a warning message to the user that everything including the
download directory is erased upon opera exit.

 | Hi Mr Angry, There`s not need to swear and be rude. You fail
to say which version of Opera portable you are using, One
use or personal ?. With the "One use" version NOTHING is
saved when you close the application because it is intended
to be used on non-writable media, Such as cd's etc. With the
"personal" version, Pretty much everything is saved that is
changed in the profile folder (skin`s, Toolbar arrangement,
Appearance setting, Preferences etc) when you close that
version of the application. If you failed to work that one
out, Or even ask BEFORE complaining, Then piss off back to
FireFox, Safari or IE.
Good Bye.

Trooper [gb], 3 Oct 2009, 2:33 reply
| Nice little application.. However, I have a request, or
rather an explaination if possible on how to import
1) notes
2) wand
I wished to transfer both from my installed Opera to this
portable version. I tend to forget my password as Opera
saved all of them. If this are possible (especially the
wand.. the notes are easy to recreate) then I will cetainly
migrate to this. I moved around a lot so its nice to have a
moving browser of choice. Currently using Iron portable for
my moving browser.

KiNA [my], 9 Oct 2009, 6:19 reply
| Would it be possible to remove the speed dial websites from
one-use version?

Anon [--], 11 Oct 2009, 22:15 reply
| Noticed sth new, the spell checker that is built-in opera 10
doesn't work/exist in this portable version, or maybe it's
cause I'm still using my history form opera 9.64 portable.

THEAST [ir], 18 Oct 2009, 8:48 reply
| I just donated another $10. I won't lose the email this

Nathan Chavez [us], 26 Oct 2009, 1:26 reply
| Hey, I just discovered this one, before been using another
portable version of opera.
Was wondering how is data being recovered in case there was
some unexpected system shutdown? like electricity suddenly
goes off, or so.
how _this_ opera acts in this case?

kwp [ru], 29 Oct 2009, 11:22 reply
| I recently downloaded the newest version of Personal, but
unlike the previous versions this one keeps deleting my
feeds every time I close it. I tried copying the .opml file
into the "hebat" directory but it didn't help. Any ideas? I
like this software a lot (I found Opera@usb too slow and too
hard on my pendrive) but this problem is getting pretty

kero [hu], 6 Nov 2009, 8:49 reply
| Where is Opera 10.01 Portable?

| Waiting for Opera Portable 10.10

Jedi [tw], 28 Nov 2009, 10:08 reply
| I donated but didnt not get the link to opera portable
builder. help?

| Exelent!!!
From opera 8.54 I'm very fan of your version of opera
-Please update to 10.10 !!!!!-

| After several trial and errors, here's the (very) long
how-to From LocalOpera to OperaPortable:
Any comments are wellcome.

YinYanger [--], 16 Dec 2009, 15:42 reply
| Test version of Opera Portable 10.10 has been released!
Sorry for the lateness. I've been busy lately :|
Please try it and give some feedbacks :)

yuku [sg], 18 Dec 2009, 10:21 reply
| Thank you! :) I haven't had the chance to try it out yet,
but I think there's no need to include Unite in it. If you
want to run Unite just get the desktop version of Opera,
it's easier and more efficient.

unek [hu], 19 Dec 2009, 0:15 reply
| Yeah, drop unite, at least from the one use version. NO one
is really going to set it up everytime they run it.

sid32 [--], 19 Dec 2009, 14:32 reply
| Drop Unite from OneUse is fine, but should keep it in the
Personal version.

Jedi [tw], 19 Dec 2009, 16:06 reply
| Also, consider removing all books marks from one use, so
when we sync with Opera Link we don't get the junk basic

Sid32 [--], 21 Dec 2009, 3:26 reply
| hi,
Excellent program. Thankx.
Just a question. The mail account set up always disappears
after closing. I have searched the comments, but i did not
come to a conclusion: is my set up wrong or it is not
perfectly working yet. What shall i do?

sabi [hu], 1 Jan 2010, 12:50 reply
| Is it possible to save skins in OperaPortable? I never tried
doing it with the earlier versions but I gave it a shot with
10.10. The new skin works fine during the session I install
it but if I close out and re-open, the skin has disappeared.

pbr [us], 1 Jan 2010, 19:52 reply
| Is it just me or does this new version take longer to shut
down than the previous ones?

unek [hu], 6 Jan 2010, 20:10 reply
| Hi, I donated... how do I obtain the builder?

| if it possible when we open personal vertion and access to
profile ophome before opera come should ask some password
for open .ophome
i think it will cool ?

Thara [th], 22 Jan 2010, 17:03 reply
| 10.10 with "unite" loads half-again as slowly as 10.00 on my
memory-challenged circa 1990 laptop with Win95. If you
don't want to make a separate version without Unite, I'll
just stick with 10.00 forever.

| Is there any way to choose fonts that has been downloaded in
the usb flash?
I want to use MAC lihei fonts in my opera, I downloaded it
to the usb flash, how can I use it?

| I use this opera portable from about two years , It's
awesome ,, But there is two problems:
1) Hotmail doesn't work well , I always have to use any
other browser to check my email.
2) Google in the tool bar has ".co.eg" domain bacause I'm in
Egypt ,, Is it possible to make it just ".com"
Thanx for making this application.

Fawzy X [eg], 30 Jan 2010, 18:16 reply
| This may be an Opera-specific question more than a "Portable
Opera" question -- but does anybody know why Opera Portable
v10.00 doesn't allow the "check box" on this page to work
It seems to work OK in Firefox Portable v3.6.
Jerry (WinXP, SP2)

| So no V10.10 huhh?....

Doldol [be], 5 Feb 2010, 17:15 reply
| I Tried one use but all menu items i got square symbol
instead of letters
Machine windows xp professional
Language English

Lyzander Mohan [in], 9 Feb 2010, 7:19 reply
...nervous about OperaUnite safety; wait & see...

| I am using Opera Portable 9.64 PERSONAL edition (NOT the
One-Use version) and want to refer to your notice above that
states "When you run Opera Portable on other machines, your
settings will be applied again." - this is untrue in my
opinion, as that Opera has already crashed on me three times
and then upon opening it again all my previous session info
is lost and just now I also lost all the History info for
the past two days, so there is no way for me to get back all
the tabs I had open with research work :( Just wanted to
WARN other users to not assume that if they use this version
they would retain their personalized info! I think I will
rather use Portable Firefox or something else... can't
afford to lose all my work like this every time :(

| Don't overlook the notice near the top of this page that
recommends storing a backup copy of the .ophome file
(zipped). In case of a crash where the .ophome file becomes
corrupted (that's where all your stored data lives) you can
restore it from your zipped backup.
It is recommended that you backup the .ophome file in case
of data corruption. You should use 7z or zip or rar or any
compressor to backup it since it is highly compressible :D

| Just started playing with Opera 10.5 and it is soo much
faster than earlier versions. I know you'll get around to a
portable version, but, I'm drooling here!

| can you update this to run opera 10.50 thats what ikm
currently using on my system but i was to take it with me
to school and this is the only form i know of to do so and i
would love to be able to use 10.50 in school
ps:love the program if u do update it is there a way to
transfer my bookmarks and that other then to export them and
then import them to new copy?

| Don't know why, but the Opera Link don't works in the test
version of Opera 10.10 Portable. :(
If I open the same profile in OPortable 10, OperaLink does
work! (????)

YinYanger [--], 4 Mar 2010, 11:44 reply
| anyone run through Privoxy? If you do, then you know the
checkerboard pattern inserted when it removes graphics.
10.5 does something neat with the pattern.

maxnort [us], 4 Mar 2010, 12:15 reply
| is there anywqay you can make a firefox version of this
since the solution for portable firfox is slow because of
its write format style(it always writes to flash drive thwen
reads so on and so forth) id love to see a firefox version
of this just to make it so some sites i need during school
that arnt compatible with opera i can use with firefox

red death68 [us], 4 Mar 2010, 13:01 reply
| can you or someone who has bought the builder make a copy of
this for 1.50 i would but i aint got 10 bucks to spare lol
im dirt poor

red death68 [--], 7 Mar 2010, 21:40 reply
| The above only allows up to 10 downloads. So if you download
it please upload to create another link for others.

E [us], 8 Mar 2010, 17:47 reply
| Don't forget to remove the space between
oneuse-space10.50.exe.html before pasting the link in your

E [us], 8 Mar 2010, 17:50 reply
| Perhaps some can throw up 10.50 on

Sid32 [--], 10 Mar 2010, 22:30 reply
| Opera Portable 10.50 has been officially released! Thanks
for E and other for doing it, that helps people who wanted
to download it more early! RSS/mail problem has been fixed,
and Unity apps works, but not included by default. Enjoy
"The fastest browser on earth"!

yuku [sg], 11 Mar 2010, 6:17 reply
| English link point to Danish vershion. Where I can download
English version?

Rik [bg], 11 Mar 2010, 8:10 reply
| When closing 10.50 personal appears to freeze on the
syncronisation window, is this a bug or am I doing something

Samsam [nz], 15 Mar 2010, 3:20 reply
| Exelent !!!
Thanks for your effort
(I thought the project was abandoned)

| Just downloaded 10.50 to USB stick. Love it!
Three things I wanted to mention:
- widgets are being installed to hard drive and don't get
deleted on close.
- when typing a URL, similar bookmarked URLs pop up on
screen, but not in the drop-down box as they always have
- there is one website I had to 'mask as Internet Explorer'
to access. This worked in 10.10, but I can't access it in
10.50, even when masked. Should I notify Opera?

kevtardis [us], 16 Mar 2010, 13:19 reply
| Why 10.50 (one-use & personal) is heavy slower than 10.10 on
my pc ? Can anyone help me ?

| How does one change (or cancel) the e-mail address
subscription connected with this "forum"?

| Minor whinge, but would it be possible to make the nicknames
of your favourites to work in either lower case or upper
case? In normal Opera you can enter your nicknames in
either case and they work, but my nicknames are in upper
case and when entering them into the URL bar in lower case
they are not recognised...

RK [--], 19 Mar 2010, 22:10 reply
| How do you get to your profile when you are running from a
USB HDD? The only files I show are
opera-portable-personal-en-10.50.exe and RK.ophome (and
ophome.inuse when it's running). I want to add the ad-block
list of URLs to my profile but can't see how to do it. Any
ideas? Sick of seeing all the ads.

RK [--], 19 Mar 2010, 22:42 reply
| http://my.opera.com/ODIN/blog/opera-desktop-10-51-is-out-and

Opera Fans [tw], 22 Mar 2010, 13:08 reply
| Update to 10.51 it's better,most faser & fix bugs.
Please !!!

Carlitos [il], 22 Mar 2010, 17:58 reply
| Can You create Firefox Portable One-Use or Firefox Portable

romka377 [--], 25 Mar 2010, 21:55 reply
| Hello,
I've done a donation to download to Opera builder but i
havent' receive any link to download it.
How can i do ?
Best regards

| Can you get widgets made portable in v10.51?

Ray [--], 27 Mar 2010, 7:41 reply
| Tnx yuku you are thr best !!!
Tnx for the update to 10.51 !!! I'm happy
I think putting in a number of pen drives everyone I
Firefox Portable One-Use or Firefox Portable Personal it's
good idea! Another excellent browser and you will have many
more visitors who like firefox.

| It seems that with 10.5x versions you must enable HTTP 1.1
when using a proxy...
Can you do that on O-Portable, Yuku?

YinYanger [--], 29 Mar 2010, 19:27 reply
| I just started using opera 10.0 personal version and it
really suck up lots of memory (100k). I loke opera but every
new version is larger in size and memory hungry.
I going back to 9.23.

jz mee [us], 1 Apr 2010, 14:01 reply
| Thanks for your excellent job. Sorry for my poor english.
I`m from Brazil. Thanks more one time.

| Man, I want to say thank you so much for this version of
portable Opera. I love it!

| http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2010/04/27/opera-10-52-

Opera Fans [tw], 27 Apr 2010, 9:58 reply
| DSK-294669 (OSX) & DSK-295433 (PC) - 10.5x freezes on links
1. type "hello" in url field; using default google search
2. cmd-shift-l (OSX) or ctrl-shift-L (win & linux) - open
links window
3. search for "cached" - filter cached links
4. press <tab> - move to first cached link in main window
5. up arrow, left arrow, right arrow
100% CPU
a) beach ball OSX
b) freeze - PC
c) shaded window in Linux
OK in 10.01, .10 & .20

| other 10.5x bugs / features

geo [au], 29 Apr 2010, 0:16 reply
| please release final of 10.10

geo [au], 29 Apr 2010, 0:20 reply
| http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2010/04/30/10-53-releas

Opera Fans [tw], 30 Apr 2010, 12:05 reply
| Is there a way to import wand and speed dial to the latest

John [us], 4 Jun 2010, 13:58 reply
| Opera v10.54 Final (Build 3423) is out! :)

rudy [it], 21 Jun 2010, 13:59 reply
| http://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/win/1054/int/Opera_1054_int_S

rudy [it], 21 Jun 2010, 14:00 reply
| Hi , New version of opera is available - 10.54. I^m waiting
for portable version at this website :)
Best regrads

| please add java support to the new relase, thx.

gery [de], 22 Jun 2010, 4:02 reply
| imho it's better to wait the 10.60 final (I'm using 10.60
beta build 3428), It's really faster.

rudy [it], 22 Jun 2010, 12:22 reply
| http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/opera-10-60-rc2

rudy [it], 29 Jun 2010, 19:34 reply
| hear opera 10.60 it fast browser on this earth but we waitng
your mix portable vertion it will best more XD.

tana [th], 30 Jun 2010, 14:48 reply
| Opera 10.60.3445 Final:

rudy [it], 1 Jul 2010, 11:40 reply
| Any info - when portable ver. of 10.60 will be available?

e [de], 2 Jul 2010, 14:23 reply
| http://www.opera-usb.com/ is not really portable, try
yourself with system's snapshots (e.g. regshot).

rudy [it], 4 Jul 2010, 9:36 reply
| Thank you so much for 10.60 version, yuku!!!

YinYanger [--], 6 Jul 2010, 12:37 reply
| Thanks a lot for a new version but it still not include Java
Support :/

luk [de], 6 Jul 2010, 14:45 reply
| many thanks for 10.60 version :)

rudy [it], 7 Jul 2010, 21:56 reply
| Just a note here. You may want to consider updating your
makensis version. The bundle you sent me included 2.24 but
the newer versions fix an issue where Vista/7 will give a
message asking if the program installed correctly. The
newest version is 2.46. All files built correctly with

Robert [us], 8 Jul 2010, 7:56 reply
| I have loved this program for a few versions. I have been
having a problem with how it identifies itself though. No
matter how I mask it it won't work with some websites. These
same websites the regular Opera works fine. I have also
noticed that the spell checking is missing and you can't
seem to scroll the bookmarks when doing a ctrl-D. Small
things, but sometimes irritating. Anyone have any ideas on a
remedy? Thanks! Keep up the great work!

mrclean0325 [us], 14 Jul 2010, 22:19 reply
| where is password setup menu for use as private full
complete XD

thara [th], 7 Aug 2010, 21:45 reply
| Opera 10.61 FINAL (Build 3484):
NEW PlugIns Portable Opera Flash Updated to
Thanks :)

rudy [it], 11 Aug 2010, 19:19 reply
| I put Opera for CD and none-writeable media and tried to run
it, but it says that it needs to write a temp file
somewhere... So, no luck. In any case it runs fine under

Vit [--], 15 Aug 2010, 1:32 reply
| I have noticed when downloading in Opera Portable, that it
leaves a "footprint" in IE History. Is their way to stop
this? Please e-mail me back on this and solution maybe I
missed something, thanks.

Jerry [us], 16 Aug 2010, 15:56 reply
| It is best

| Can you make an Turkish version?...

| Opera update is very later for this reason I use OperaUSB
from offical web: http://www.opera-usb.com/operausben.htm

| portable version Opera 9.6 is now released in version

| @TAM-TAK: http://www.opera-usb.com/ is not really portable,
try yourself with system's snapshots (e.g. regshot).

rudy [it], 1 Sep 2010, 8:01 reply
| I make a donation, Transaction ID: 83W42577TR426311F, opera
builder will be sent to e-mail?

| Opera v10.62.3500 FINAL:

rudy [it], 8 Sep 2010, 21:46 reply
| I didn't find Turkish version...

metude [tr], 17 Sep 2010, 8:20 reply
| Who know why IE 8 and 9 beta cannot open

Tika [ca], 17 Sep 2010, 12:12 reply
| any chance you'll make a version of google chrome portable
like this bro?

| i'm wondering, is it works with torrent's continued download
like Opera native version.

bearcat [id], 20 Sep 2010, 6:29 reply
| Hi,
I download Opera Portable one-use and is working find... but
when I close Opera a message appear:
This program might not have installed correctly
in Windows 7.
Do you have a idea ?

pboisclair [ca], 22 Sep 2010, 15:40 reply
| Hello!
The Temp-directory always is in c:\....
Why is c:?
It should be on the system-partition and this is not always
It´s changeable?

kmrd [eu], 5 Oct 2010, 6:58 reply
| Why doesn't Opera Portable repack everything from its Temp
folder. I made changes to the webmailproviders.ini to
include gmail. Save and exit, restart opera portable, and my
changes are not there! So it only repacks the profile

iTEPB [us], 6 Oct 2010, 13:21 reply
| Great idea.It works perfectly except for mail and feeds.But
that's OK with me because I'm low on space on my Flash
Drive. Anyway you should try compressing all the executable
files with UPX Tool before you pack them.
Hope you continue when Opera 9 is released.

| Opera v10.63.3516 FINAL:

rudy [it], 11 Oct 2010, 16:37 reply
| Opera Portable:

| If I donate more than USD10 via PayPal, can I have my own
homepage, that includes the mobile version?
And, can I put the AdSense Mobile on my mobile sites?

| Where's the portable version of 10.63?

| Love your app, have been using it for 3 years already. Thank
you (:

| Opera 11 is out!!! \o/

YinYanger [br], 16 Dec 2010, 10:57 reply
| Awsome! Thanks for version 11 :)

| WOW!!! This is what I call "really fast"!!! :)

YinYanger [br], 16 Dec 2010, 19:56 reply
| Did you see that the new Opera 11 installer has an option to
install directly to an USB drive?
Now, I think Opera@USB is pointless. But I still think
OperaPortable is a better option!

YinYanger [br], 17 Dec 2010, 11:44 reply
| WOW MAN, you are a GOD !!!
I am working on PC with admin profile (not allowed
instalation of exe files).
I was looking for opera 11 everywhere. I found portable
version on opera forum but without flash support.
Your version is great !!! Good work !!!!

| You are the best !!!!
Congratulations !!!!
Opera 11 is one of the most greatest versions ! And you now
this of course!

| Hi. I would like to make kiosk mode for cd variant of opera
to make a local version of one online resource without
possible problems with local browsers. As if i understood it
is possible to do this with Builder. Right? That was the
first question. The second is: i don't have pay pal account.
I don't need it much here, in small Siberian city in Russia
:) Is there ability to transfer you 10USD some other way?
And, of course: you've done a great good job! I usually
develop offline resources in flash and actionscript, but
your solution makes possible to make offline resources with
html/js that is much easier to develop. Be so kind to reply
asap, course i need to find a solution about performing
offline resources in next several days.

| will you ever make a version of this for fire fox since the
only firefox portable alternative is one that exhusts your
ysb drive by constantly writting and rewritting the data
which also is extemly slow since it can only read or write
at once not do both?
also what type of script did you use to create the profiles
and make everything save to them?

| You are the best !!!!
Congratulations !!!!
Opera 11 is one of the most greatest versions ! And you now
this of course!

burn disk [ua], 26 Jan 2011, 14:35 reply
| Donated 10 USD, however I did not get the Builder. The link
gave a 4003 error. The 1-Use is my favorite tool.

Mike Cross [--], 15 Mar 2011, 13:35 reply
| Donated 10 USD, however I did not get the Builder. The link
gave a 4003 error.

| 11.10 is out.. Know it will just as good as 11.00

sid32 [--], 13 Apr 2011, 1:16 reply
| Hi donated 10dollars, paypal re-directed to ikitek.com and
the uni blocked the site as a hack. portable version is
excellent and it's all I use when out and about however how
do I get my portable opera builder after donating

phil [eu], 22 Apr 2011, 17:30 reply
| Anyway you could turn this feed upside down? I think the
newest entries would be more beneficial at the top. For
anyone out there who is just visiting, and particularly if
you have a very low understanding of puters and related
whatnot, the Opera 1-Use is extremely good for online
financial stuff. After you break connection, it gets rid of
almost everything. And if you use Sandboxie and Avira,
you're doubly insured. I donated and got the builder which I
couldn't figure out how to use. It didn't matter. The 2
programs available are worth far more than that. I encourage
anyone to grab these while they're available.

| Is it possible to update to the new version in one-use or
personal ? and How ?

Febyjj [in], 3 May 2011, 2:09 reply
| opera 11.11 portable please
also 11.50 alpha if possible

| Opera 11.50 Beta1 now. it very powerful option
speed dial can open more like a no limit.
but i still waiting with your portable custom vertion.when
complete vertion 11.50 come ^_^

jinjin [th], 20 Jun 2011, 14:19 reply
| Opera 11.50 is out.

| How do I get my website:
to be the homepage please?

| what they call it now ? speed dial alive only one ? XD
11.50 please

tana [th], 29 Jun 2011, 15:43 reply
| No updates for a long time, now? Has it become Abondonware?

| Master of the site, are you missing?
Master of the site 'cause you're missing?

juswannaknow_2 [it], 14 Jul 2011, 12:25 reply
| I donated and used the program successfully.I have uploaded
the opera-portable-oneus
e-11.50.exe to hotfile.com. To shorton the url I used
TinyURL. Here is the link to download it.

Ed [us], 15 Jul 2011, 7:07 reply
| Here is the link for opera-portable-personal-11.50.exe

Ed [us], 15 Jul 2011, 8:15 reply
| i hope the project aint dead i use the portable opera alot
during school and going to college i can only imagine how
useful it will be
if he does end the project i hope he releases the builder to

reddeath68 [--], 15 Jul 2011, 8:46 reply
| ah Ed your both vertion bug with facebook.

Tirah [th], 15 Jul 2011, 16:25 reply
| Ok. Here are the new links with
defaults/public_domains.dat added.
oneuse-11.50.exe http://tinyurl.com/6dsfvpj
personal-11.50.exe http://tinyurl.com/69bno8o
I tested facebook and it signs in fine.

Ed [us], 16 Jul 2011, 8:38 reply
| thank you again for your lead us ^^.i tested it work great
has some glass can't see some menu button.but we know it
great nothing install so it still good one.thank again and
again Ed

Tirah [th], 16 Jul 2011, 10:48 reply
| If you want the menu options then click the Opera logo at
the top left and select "show menu bar"

Ed [us], 16 Jul 2011, 15:25 reply
| Please continue this project, I really love your product
alot! <3 I've been using your version of portable opera
over Opera@USB since I've found yours; just thought to leave
a message, your work is awesome~
Kudos (:

kh [sg], 27 Aug 2011, 15:33 reply
| Here are the links for the Opera Portable 11.51

Ed [us], 2 Sep 2011, 7:09 reply
| Very nice work, Ed. You are da bomb!

| Ed -- Thank you very much! 11.51 is working great. It's very
kind of you to post this. Wish I could have figured out how
to work the builder. You da man!

| I've donated for obtain opera builder. My transaction is
Unique Transaction ID #5U073424B0698054M. How do I obtain it
?, Thanks

| Hey thanks for your job.
I donated $10 but could not download the Portable Builder
after paying. Can you send me the link to download it?

| Excelent! The best Opera portable version ever!
Please, don't abandon this project. Official Opera comes
with 12.x -- Need Update! :D

| I know this sounds like I'm demanding alot but could you
make Google Chrome in this sort of way? because I love
Google chrome however i hate the fact that the portable
version has folders and shit, whereas I think it would be
cool to have a standalone exe version.
As for the opera portable, brilliant!!! However I beleive
that there is a new version of opera available, So update it
if you want :P
keep up the good work! :)

| Yikes!! Not Google chrome! They just shot themselves in the
Not having any of THAT.

tinybeeber [us], 27 Nov 2011, 20:23 reply
| Opera 11.60 is out

me [at], 6 Dec 2011, 18:02 reply
| Hey MOwNzU, Surely youv'e seen this bloatware....
...and this one isn't much better....
Points out the beauty of this Opera and its very tiny
footprint. But, hey, whatever floats your boat....

tinybeeber [us], 8 Dec 2011, 5:27 reply
| Here are the links for the Opera Portable 11.60

Ed [us], 8 Dec 2011, 8:26 reply
| thank you you are the best

| I think the feed and mail is borked cannot read the content
only the header maybe needs confirmation

| advanced menu in preferences-content java script options
and style options doesn't work needs confirmation

froggya [nz], 10 Dec 2011, 1:32 reply
| Here are the links for the Opera Portable 11.60 with the
java and style menus working

Ed [us], 10 Dec 2011, 18:37 reply
| just to let you know everything is working properly thankyou

froggya [nz], 12 Dec 2011, 1:07 reply
| Opera 11.60 multi-lunguage please , the alpha version of
opera 12 is stable ..

| I do computer/system recovery using LiveXP and WinPE3, there
are times when dialup is my only option to access internet.
On dialup, many downloads fail and need to be restarted.
With a download manager one can resume a failed download and
eventually get it done when downloading from servers
supporting resume. How can I integrate Free download manager
potable with Opera portable? As all apps with my Windows
live systems are portable to keep the live OS small to
reduce the load on ram memory.

| Has this happened to anyone else? When I turned on my
computer and started Opera Portable, it tried to install the
official Opera 11.62. I'm using One-Use 11.60 that Ed
Probably a self updater introduced on Opera's side? Anyone
know how to fix this or even possibly update the portable

Kevo [--], 25 Jan 2012, 0:35 reply
| The setting that needs to be changed is in CTRL+F12 Advanced
> Security > Auto-update and needs to be changed to "Do not
check for updates", Oh and the portable builder can be
acquired by making a small ($10 minimum, As mentioned at the
to of the page) donation to yuku the site owner and portable
builder developer.

Trooper [gb], 26 Jan 2012, 8:26 reply
| Here are the links for the Opera Portable 11.61 with
Auto-update set:Do not check for updates

Ed [us], 28 Jan 2012, 12:34 reply
| is there a package with Opera Unite?

mythra [it], 31 Jan 2012, 11:54 reply
| Can anyone supply a link to opera-portable-personal-11.60.
The link given above is dead. And I do not want 11.61
because of the problem stated by Rigel. (No option on the
menu bar to minimize|restore|close individual tabs (damn I
wish Opera would stop screwing with this feature - they add
it and then in a next release they take it away again)

| @Rigel I don't know how you found out that the buttons are
there but just invisible, but you are correct. I used it
that way for a couple of days. Then I found this update
(v11.62 build 1324) in the Opera forums that fixed that
problem and several others. It seems to work well (i.e no
crashes yet).

rgann [us], 9 Mar 2012, 8:15 reply
| WoW , its Good

| Opera 11.62 is out. Can anyone make a portable version?

Rigel [bg], 28 Mar 2012, 10:50 reply
| Please, please -- 11.62

| Here are the links for the Opera Portable 11.62 with the
latest flash

Ed [us], 22 Apr 2012, 11:58 reply
| Thanks again Ed. If you would like a little remuneration --
I'm certainly not opposed

Mike C [--], 22 Apr 2012, 20:55 reply
| "Opera Portable is completely free and will always remain
free, which means you can use it free of charge for any
purposes" One of the best ways to support my favorite
portable app is to keep it updated ... for free.

Ed [us], 23 Apr 2012, 5:09 reply
| Thanks Ed.

Rigel [bg], 23 Apr 2012, 5:15 reply
| Thanks Ed.
Been giving it a work-out for the last hour, and all seems
to work very well. :)

 | Hey is it just me or has anyone else gotten dll errors when
using Opera Portable (this one,I'm aware of the portableapps
one but am referring to this one) at all?
I kept getting "dll not found" and had to keep adding to it
however I would then find that since it was opera
portable,the dlls would get deleted,so I added them to my
system dir,reopen opera portable,got a different dll missing
the following (in order) dlls were "not found" -
xpcom.dll,xpcom_core.dll,nspr4.dll,plc4.dll,plds4.dll (each
one different after I added the previous,started with
funny thing is these are all mozilla/netscape
libraries...but why aren't they in Opera Portable?
anyway Ed (or whomever created this) might want to
know...oddly the "dll not found" errors did stop after
Also is there any chance of reuploading the older versions?
What I mean is,since other filehosts have either deleted
them or no longer exists (in the case of Megaupload) perhaps
upload them to the site here or to a cloud storage such as
Microsoft's Skydrive?
just my 2 ¢ents,and thanks again for a great

Smith [us], 26 Apr 2012, 20:54 reply
| Here are the links for the Opera Portable 11.64

Ed [us], 12 May 2012, 10:35 reply
| Thank you very much, again, Ed. Very much appreciated.

Mike C [--], 13 May 2012, 8:53 reply
| Thanks Ed.

Rigel [bg], 14 May 2012, 5:04 reply
| Yes, thanks Ed.

Gorchef [de], 14 May 2012, 9:52 reply
| You still da man, Ed...

tinybeeber [us], 14 May 2012, 16:26 reply
| thank you

pascal [--], 15 May 2012, 12:39 reply
| this is great.

| Here are the links for the Opera Portable 12.00

Ed [us], 14 Jun 2012, 7:50 reply
| Great, Ed, thanks a lot. You are almost faster than Opera SA
itself ;-)

Gorchef [de], 14 Jun 2012, 8:25 reply
| Thanks Ed! But for opera-portable-oneuse-12.00 says: "All
free download slots are in use..." Can you upload on another
file server?

Rigel [bg], 15 Jun 2012, 8:44 reply
| Thanks again, Ed. And yeah, I'm having the same problem with
the server. So far, no soap

Mike C [--], 15 Jun 2012, 9:06 reply
| Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.00

Ed [us], 16 Jun 2012, 8:01 reply
| Thanks Ed!

Rigel [bg], 18 Jun 2012, 5:59 reply
| Got it, Ed! Thanks so much!

Mike C [--], 18 Jun 2012, 6:38 reply
| thank you once again

pascal [eu], 18 Jun 2012, 8:35 reply
| Ed, we here in Brazil appreciate very much your willingness
to provide us with the use of Portable Opera always
Depeo of Masol

| Why website is not updated with newest language versions?

luk [de], 21 Jun 2012, 7:51 reply
| Ed...thanks again...

tinybeeber [us], 30 Jul 2012, 1:56 reply
| Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.01 with the
latest flash

Ed [us], 4 Aug 2012, 13:27 reply
| Download was smooth. Thanks again, Ed.

Mike C [--], 4 Aug 2012, 17:44 reply
| Thanks Ed!

Rigel [bg], 7 Aug 2012, 6:52 reply
| Thanks from Brasil

| thank you

pascal [eu], 11 Aug 2012, 17:37 reply
| Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.02

Ed [us], 31 Aug 2012, 7:22 reply
| Thanks from Taiwan

ryan [tw], 31 Aug 2012, 14:45 reply
| Ed, thanks from Brasil.

| Thanks from Independence, Missouri US

Mike C [--], 31 Aug 2012, 21:48 reply
| thank you

pascal [eu], 4 Sep 2012, 18:29 reply
| Many thanks for all the effort that has gone into this

| Many thanks for your great tool!

| thanks from Thailand,Ed

tara [--], 27 Sep 2012, 4:17 reply
| Thanks for the app! Thanks Ed for the update

| Thanks from San Francisco...home of the World Series champs.
Very helpful, as usual, Ed.

tinybeeber [us], 1 Nov 2012, 20:47 reply
| Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.10

Ed [us], 9 Nov 2012, 8:11 reply
| Ed, thanks from Brazil for sharing your knowledge

| Thanks so much, I use portable opera all the time appreciate
the updates. :)

| thank you so much

pascal [--], 10 Nov 2012, 0:59 reply
| Thanks Ed!

rigel [bg], 12 Nov 2012, 6:27 reply
| Unfortunately, in this edition of Opera again no buttons to
close tabs when uncheck 'Show close button on each tab'.
Please don't remove 12.02 edition. Thanks!

rigel [bg], 12 Nov 2012, 6:50 reply
| Thank you!!!

| Still exist for me. See screen shot here:

rigel [bg], 20 Nov 2012, 7:20 reply
| newer ver 12.11 is out

123 [de], 21 Nov 2012, 0:42 reply
| Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.11

Ed [us], 22 Nov 2012, 8:53 reply
| And once again: Thank you Ed!

Gorchef [de], 22 Nov 2012, 11:06 reply
| Gracias por la actualización

mdmoli [ar], 22 Nov 2012, 11:54 reply
| thank you so much

pascal [--], 27 Nov 2012, 11:26 reply
| Ed, thanks once more from Brazil for sharing your knowledge

| Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.12

Ed [us], 19 Dec 2012, 14:16 reply
| You're the best Ed. Thanks a lot. Merry Xmas!

Gorchef [de], 19 Dec 2012, 18:53 reply
| Thanks for your great works. Happy new year

| Thank you Ed!

rigel [bg], 20 Dec 2012, 6:28 reply
| Ed, thanks once more from Brazil for sharing your knowledge

| thank you

pascal [--], 25 Dec 2012, 20:55 reply
| New release 12.13 in out.
Thanks for this great portable version!!!

TeoYeah [eu], 1 Feb 2013, 9:49 reply
| 12.13 opera has a bad bug constantly crashes do not upgrade
it has amajor fubar, shame

potbic [gb], 1 Feb 2013, 23:57 reply
| Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.13

Ed [us], 2 Feb 2013, 19:20 reply
| 12.13 portable does work fine unlike the desktop version,
however one of the faults is present, when you check for
updates opera crashes, maybe it is just certain systems but
al least I have one working 12.13 opera, Thanks very much

potbic [gb], 3 Feb 2013, 11:18 reply
| Very thoughtful of you to do this for us.Thanks, again, Ed.

Mike C [--], 4 Feb 2013, 2:02 reply
| I have just tried a "blank" (i.e. no frills, no additional
languages, no speeddial, no local storage etc.) portable
installation of Opera 12.13. The problem with the crash upon
update check doesn't seem to occure. The problem may be one
with the speeddial, or one of the speeddial apps. Try to
disable them one by one.

Gorchef [de], 4 Feb 2013, 8:05 reply
| thank youu

pascal [--], 5 Feb 2013, 2:34 reply
| Thanks, from Brazil, to everyone, especially to Ed, for
providing their expertise to us poor mortals.

| I use the portable version and even using several extensions
have not had any problems, I suggest cleaning the registry
before installing the pendrive. Thanks Ed

| Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.14

Ed [us], 8 Feb 2013, 9:09 reply
| Opera Portable 12.14 with Updated Flash Player 11.5.502.149

Ed [us], 8 Feb 2013, 9:15 reply
| Thank you Ed, wouldn't be the same with any other portable
version. appreciated

potbic [eu], 8 Feb 2013, 10:37 reply
| Thank you again, Ed.

Brian [us], 8 Feb 2013, 13:59 reply
| Ed, thanks once more from Brazil for sharing your knowledge
again and again.

| Thx Ed.

Gorchef [de], 9 Feb 2013, 1:42 reply
| Thanks again Ed

| Thank you very much. I think this may be the only site where
one can download Opera Portable of pre-10.63 versions. I
couldn't find portable opera 9.23 (and some more fresh
versions) anywhere else.
However the links to download these versions are a bit
incorrect. For example, links to Opera 9.64 Russian actually
go to Opera 10 some beta, links to Opera 9.63 Russian
actually go to Opera 9.64 Russian, and so on - one version
higher than specified. In order to download Opera 9.23
Russian, one must click to the link to Opera 9.22 Russian.

| Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.15

Ed [us], 5 Apr 2013, 14:04 reply
| Ed, thanks once more from Brazil for sharing your knowledge

| Thank you Ed.

Gorchef [de], 5 Apr 2013, 16:04 reply
| Ed -- Thanks again, very much.

Mike C [--], 6 Apr 2013, 12:35 reply
| thanks a lot Ed...just a heads up for anyone who uses the
seesu music extension it will crash opera so it needs to be
disabled until the guys at vk fix the issue otherwise opera
is as goood as ever.

potbic [eu], 7 Apr 2013, 16:20 reply
| Further to what potbic has just said, their is a bug in
12.15 that was suppose to cure a bug in 12.14 which allowed
the default search engine in Opera to be hijacked without
the users knowledge or consent by a rogue web base app. Well
the cure actually went a little too far and actually resets
it back to the regional default on every restart even if a
user changes it. The Opera devs were actually notified about
the bug during one of the 12.15 RC testing periods, But so
far have failed to acknowledge and correct it. Just a heads
up for everyone. :)

| The downloads for v 12.14 and 12.15 from DepositFiles don't
work for me. Clicking the download button after the delay
for regular download, gets HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. I
have tried several times over several hours. Any alternative
links available?

unreal [jp], 7 Jun 2013, 7:10 reply
| New version Opera Desktop 12.16 update

| Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.16

Ed [us], 11 Jul 2013, 6:23 reply
| Thank you, Ed! In this version of Opera opera team have
finally corrected the problem with the buttons on the tabs!

Rigel [bg], 11 Jul 2013, 9:49 reply
| Ed -- Thanks again, very much.

Mike C [--], 11 Jul 2013, 20:04 reply
| Excellent Ed. I have no more words to thank you. Thanks from
Brazil once more. Keep it up.

| thank you

pascal [gb], 14 Jul 2013, 17:05 reply
| Thank you very much for providing this.

California Bob [us], 25 Jul 2013, 20:12 reply
| Great stuff!

| Exelente Ed, muchas gracias. Lo has hecho otra vez !!!

| Sry but
"Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.16
d't work, can u give 2 more links pls
Ty nice job...since opera 9

Comunicarr [pt], 7 Aug 2013, 20:19 reply
| Please provide new links for opera-portable-personal-12.16.
The current link goes to FileSnack site ok, but clicking on
the download button opens a http://live.ec6.snacktools.net
page that NEVER load.
Thx for your continued support here.

rgann [us], 13 Aug 2013, 3:33 reply
| Aca esta :
opera-portable-personal-12.16 .
Lo baje de aqui, y lo volvi a subir a MEGA.

| Gracias MEGA ,eres lo más!
Tank you MEGA you are the best!

| one problem mega ask me for an encryption key any idea

pascal [gb], 1 Sep 2013, 22:33 reply
| Can You please make a russian version of Opera Portable

Romka [--], 30 Jan 2014, 10:28 reply
| New update 12.17 is out, can you please make a portable
version? Thanks in advance!!

Teo [--], 24 Apr 2014, 22:42 reply
| For those who want to download the Opera Portable
Personal12.16, here are the new link :
You're welcome

cat7 [--], 4 May 2014, 4:08 reply
| Can someone share version 12.17? Thanks!!

Planck [it], 21 May 2014, 14:32 reply
| Thanks for this great work and benefit you have given so
many. My favorite Opera!.
God is alive and well in you.

Batty Gilboa [us], 21 May 2014, 16:21 reply
| Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.17

Ed [us], 23 May 2014, 7:36 reply
| Muchas gracias por el esfuerzo

| Ed, thanks again for your willingness to help us poor
mortals. Congratulations and keep it up.
From Brasil, Depeo da Masol

| Thanks very much!!

Teo [it], 23 May 2014, 18:39 reply
| Thanks for this (and all the others you posted going back to
14 Jul 2008). :)

rgann [us], 24 May 2014, 2:58 reply
| Ed...You STILL be da main man!

Tinybeeber [--], 24 May 2014, 21:10 reply
| Exelent Ed.TnkU very much !!!!

| Thanks for this great work,could you please release a new
12.17 with flashplayer plugins?Thanks advance.

ryan [tw], 7 Jun 2014, 0:05 reply
| Download Links for v12.17 are broken. Could you reupload it.
Thanks a lot.

| I confirm that links for version 12.17 are not working.
Please upload it again. Thx in advance.

Jack [--], 26 Aug 2014, 17:28 reply
| For more info...Files starting download but at the end it
stops with error. Please reupload.

Jack [--], 26 Aug 2014, 17:30 reply
| The new update 12.18 is available!! Thanks to anyone who
shares portable version! And thanks Kejut for this great

Teo [eu], 16 Feb 2016, 9:00 reply
| http://www.opera.com/download/guide/?ver=12.18

Teo [eu], 17 Feb 2016, 10:58 reply
| Dear Teo, thank you for the tip.
Hugs from Brazil.

| Here are the new links for the Opera Portable 12.18

Ed [us], 29 Feb 2016, 19:09 reply
| Ed, again we appreciate your generosity of distributing
knowledge to all of us. Congratulations.
Depeo da Masol from Brazil.

| Thanks so much, very appreciated!

Teo [it], 3 Mar 2016, 20:14 reply
| Links are not valid. Can you upload versions 12.18 again?

Novak [--], 12 Mar 2016, 13:26 reply
| Here are the new re-uploaded links for the Opera Portable
12.18 not sure how long it will last
opera-portable-oneuse-12.18 http://tinyurl.com/hz7mof6

Ed [us], 13 Mar 2016, 19:33 reply
| Thanks. It is working fine but it is slow.

Awele [--], 22 Apr 2016, 11:13 reply
| Can you re-upload one-use 12.18?

Cyro [--], 30 Apr 2016, 14:27 reply
| Please upload again versions 12.18, because links are dead

| link death, please upload again

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Derek Fletcher [--], 12 May 2017, 10:20 reply
| Thank you so much..
This is really nice article..
Hopeu will post more article for us

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Paranormal Ampuh [--], 4 Oct 2023, 14:36 reply