Score | Name | Title |
622 | operaportable | Opera Portable - Opera in USB, CD, LAN, Wherever! Opera Sekali Klik Tanpa Instal |
350 | folderpicture | Make your computer look more gorgeous Jadikan komputermu tampil lebih hidup |
332 | priorityrules | Which one I should do first? Kerjain yang mana dulu yah? |
324 | copet2 | Beware: Pickpocket Awas: Copet |
317 | tablet | Tips and Recommendations on Choosing an Android Tablet at the End of 2013 Tips Memilih Tablet Android dan Rekomendasi Untuk Akhir Tahun 2013 |
315 | copet | Am I ALMOST Got Stolen? Apakah Aku Hampir Kecurian? |
314 | sampah | Trash Article Artikel Sampah |
312 | peteydanpolly | Love is a Fallacy - a story of Petey and Polly Cinta adalah Kesalahan Logika - kisah Petey dan Polly |
306 | doraemon2 | The Last Episode (Ending) of Doraemon (Part 2) Episode Terakhir (Ending) Doraemon (Bagian 2) |
296 | partikelindo | Slang Particles in Indonesian Language Partikel dalam Percakapan Bahasa Indonesia |
289 | coret | Striking a text in order to make it unreadable Mencoret tulisan sehingga tak terbaca lagi |
285 | operamini | Adding Google Search Engine to Opera Mini Tambah Mesin Cari Google ke Opera Mini |
284 | doraemon1 | The Last Episode (Ending) of Doraemon Episode Terakhir (Ending) Doraemon |
282 | hospitalincident | Friday Night Horror Story: Terrifying Incident in The Hospital Cerita Horror Jumat Malam: Insiden Mengerikan di Rumah Sakit |
280 | flatworld | Who Made the World Flat? Siapa yang Membuat Bumi Datar? |
279 | supereyes | Who Has the Super Eyes? Siapa Punya Mata Super? |
279 | lifehappily | Live Happily Ever After Hidup Bahagia Selamanya |
279 | resepjapan2 | Making Bread using a Rice Cooker (Japan #2) Membuat Roti dengan Reskuker (Japan #2) |
278 | kbbimobile | KBBI Mobile: Free Indonesian Dictionary for mobile phones Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Edisi Ponsel |
276 | exam12 | Exam Prayer List April 2009 Daftar Doa Exam April 2009 |
273 | corsage | Corsage is Trending among Girls Corsage dalam Trend Wanita Masa Kini |
272 | exam8 | Exam Prayer List April-May 2007 Daftar Doa Exam April-Mei 2007 |
272 | exam6 | Exam Prayer List April-May 2006 Daftar Doa Exam April-Mei 2006 |
271 | suara | Is iPod really save? Apakah iPod benar-benar aman? |
267 | kataulang | Why can't reduplicated words be written using "2"? Kenapa kata ulang tak boleh ditulis pakai "2"? |
267 | exam18 | Exam Prayer List Apr/May 2012 Daftar Doa Exam Apr/Mei 2012 |
267 | exam14 | Exam Prayer List Apr/May 2010 Daftar Doa Exam Apr/May 2010 |
266 | protractor | Protractor is Not Used for Attacking People Busur Derajat bukan untuk Menyerang Orang |
265 | unimportant603 | ELEVEN unimportant things which are OK not to know it SEBELAS hal ga penting yang boleh juga diketahui |
264 | browsermemory | Memory Usage Test: Firefox 2 & 3, Opera 9, IE 7 Tes Pemakaian Memori: Firefox 2 & 3, Opera 9, IE 7 |
261 | eyecare | To See with No Eyes Melihat Tanpa Mata |
261 | unimportant512 | 10 Unimportant things which are OK not to know it 10 Hal ga penting yang boleh juga diketahui |
261 | infotainmentkorea107 | Korean Infotainment - July 2011 Infotainment Korea - Juli 2011 |
260 | isitimportant1 | Could these be things that you never thought before? Mungkin ini hal-hal yang tak pernah terpikirkan? |
260 | rainbow | Rainbow in Donesia Pelangi Mejikuhibiniu |
258 | japan2 | Let's Make Japan #2! Mari Membuat Japan #2! |
255 | isitimportant2 | Is it important? Important? See for yourself. Ah, masa ga penting? Coba liat dulu, mungkin menambah wawasan! |
255 | searching_using_google | Searching from scratches Pencarian dari serpihan-serpihan |
254 | kompresisms | SMS Text Compression Kompresi Teks SMS |
254 | infotainmentkorea106 | Korean Infotainment: June 2011 Infotainment Korea - Juni 2011 |
253 | jalan | A's Problems Masalah Si A |
253 | unixuevalentine | Unixue Valentine Valentine yang Unix |
250 | exam | Exam Prayer List Daftar Doa Exam |
249 | daftar_facebook | Joining Facebook Cara Daftar Facebook |
248 | badhabit | Not interesting, please don't read! Bukan cerita menarik, jangan baca! |
248 | asus-notebook-terbaik | ASUS My Best and Favorite Notebook ASUS Notebook Terbaik dan Favoritku |
247 | pocketfantasy | Fantasy in My Pocket Fantasi di Kantongku |
247 | mysteriousdriver | Friday Night Horror Story: Mysterious Bike Driver at Night-time Cerita Horror Jumat Malam: Ojol Misterius di Malam Hari |
247 | tekateki1 | Half a Bucket and Something is Better than Something Setengah Ember dan Sesuatu Lebih Baik daripada Sesuatu |
246 | valentinesingle | Valentine for Singles Hari Kasih Sayang untuk Para Jomblo |
245 | lostwallet | Wallet Lost, Life is Meaningless Dompet Hilang, Hidup Tanpa Arti |
245 | infotainmentkorea108 | Korean Infotainment - August 2011 Infotainment Korea - Agustus 2011 |
243 | futuredream | Short story: A Couple's Dream Cerpen: Mimpi Sepasang Manusia |
243 | hospitalwhisper | Friday Night Horror Story: Mysterious Whispers in The Hospital Cerita Horror Jumat Malam: Bisikan Misterius di Rumah Sakit |
243 | infotainmentkorea201 | Korean Infotainment - January 2012 Infotainment Korea - Januari 2012 |
243 | codejam | Experience during Round 1 of Google Code Jam 2005 Pengalaman Babak 1 Google Code Jam 2005 |
240 | pemilu | PEMILU an informative app about 2014 Indonesian General Election PEMILU sebuah aplikasi informatif soal Pemilihan Umum Indonesia 2014 |
237 | story | A letter to no one Surat bagi entah |
236 | lawofattraction | The Law of Attraction (not Physics) Hukum Daya Tarik (bukan Fisika) |
234 | tekateki2 | Riddles 2: Survey and Train Teka-teki 2: Survei dan Kereta |
233 | update | Updates and Unintentful Stories Perkembangan dan Kisah-kisah Ga Jelas |
230 | name | A Story about Names Sebuah Kisah Tentang Nama |
225 | about | About Tentang |
223 | christmas2009 | It happened just before Christmas Itu terjadi tepat sebelum Natal |
222 | isitimportant3 | Things from four years ago that jump out today Hal-hal empat tahun lalu yang mencuat saat ini |
222 | playboy | Playboy Dressed as a Mobile Phone Playboy Berkedok Ponsel |
221 | jelas | Original or Retelling Asli atau Pengulangan |
219 | usefulapps | Useful Apps when Visiting Indonesia Aplikasi yang Berguna Ketika Mengunjungi Indonesia |
218 | harrypotter4 | Harry Potter 4 is Expensive you know! Harry Potter 4 Mahal ah! |
216 | ASUS-Zenfone-smartphone-Android-terbaik | ASUS ZenFone The Best Android Smartphone ASUS ZenFone Smartphone Android Terbaik |
215 | exam7 | Exam Prayer List Nov-Dec 2006 Daftar Doa Exam Nov-Des 2006 |
214 | padanggurun | Desert Padang Gurun |
214 | infotainmentkorea109 | Korean Infotainment - September 2011 Infotainment Korea - September 2011 |
212 | dzone | DZone Top Links RSS RSS tautan teratas dari DZone |
212 | utama | A Surprise for You! Unique Articles and more... Kejutan Untukmu! Artikel Unik dan lain-lain... |
211 | newyear2008 | LIFE : FATE OR CURSE Hidup: Takdir atau Kutukan |
211 | english | Eengooreeshoo cyan sumtaymoozoo bee nottoh English! Inglis ken samtaims bi not English! |
211 | exam17 | Exam Prayer List Nov/Dec 2011 Daftar Doa Exam Nov/Des 2011 |
211 | exam13 | Exam Prayer List Oct/Nov 2009 Daftar Doa Exam Okt/Nov 2009 |
209 | useful_f | How The Word "FUCK" Can Be Useful In Our Life Gimana Kata "FUCK" Bisa Berguna Dalam Hidup |
208 | bedasama | Concentration Test Game: Same or Different? BedaSama: tes konsentrasi beda atau sama? |
208 | indonesia108 | Indonesia from Earth's Perspective - August 2011 Indonesia di Mata Dunia - Agustus 2011 |
206 | ardian | Ardian K Poernomo, 2x Winner of Google India Code Jam Ardian K Poernomo, Pemenang 2x Google India Code Jam |
205 | ghostaroundus | Ghost Around Us Hantu di sekitar kita |
205 | diggv3 | Get Ready for Awesomeness Bersiap Melihat Kehebatan |
205 | cursedbanknotes | Friday Night Horror Story: The Cursed Banknotes Cerita Horror Jumat Malam: Kutukan Lembaran Uang |
204 | exam16 | Exam Prayer List May 2011 Daftar Doa Exam Mei 2011 |
203 | badluckgift | Friday Night Horror Story: The Bad Luck Gift Cerita Horror Jumat Malam: Bingkisan Pembawa Petaka |
202 | myfirstmac | My First Mac Mac Pertamaku |
202 | raid | Watch Your RAID! Awas RAID! |
201 | pandemicsecret | Friday Night Horror Story: This Pandemic actually Hold an Unspeakable Secret Cerita Horror Jumat Malam: Sesungguhnya Pandemi ini Menyimpan Rahasia yang Tak Terungkap |
198 | exam11 | Exam Prayer List November 2008 Daftar Doa Exam November 2008 |
198 | nationalism | Nationalism in Indonesia Buzzing inside Global Pluralism Dengung Nasionalisme di Tengah Pluralisme Global |
196 | plan_your_days | How do you Plan your days? Bagaimana kamu Rencanakan hari-harimu? |
196 | friend | Like there was nothing but there was Seperti tidak ada tapi ada |
195 | girlsgeneration | Girls' Generation as an Idol who has Succeed from Korean Music Industry Girls' Generation sebagai Idola yang Sukses dari Industri Musik Korea |
195 | callcenterchannel | Friday Night Horror Story: A Suspicious Customer Service Channel Cerita Horror Jumat Malam: Saluran Layanan Pelanggan yang Janggal |
195 | busway | Jakarta (Indonesia) Busway (part 1) Busway di Jakarta (bagian 1) |
195 | systemthinking | System Thinking Berpikir Sistem |
194 | nokiasms | Solution to Nokia Slow SMS / Hang Problem Solusi Masalah Kirim SMS Nokia (Lambat/Mandek) |
194 | fatgirl | Short Story: They Say I'm Fat Cerpen: Mereka Bilang Aku Gendut |
193 | busway2 | Jakarta (Indonesia) Busway (part 2) Busway di Jakarta (bagian 2) |
192 | christmas2007 | Merry Christmas 2007 Selamat Natal 2007 |
192 | christmas2005 | Merry Christmas 2005 Selamat Natal 2005 |
192 | gelang | Livestrong wristband? My lecturer wears it... Gelang livestrong? Dosenku pake loh... |
191 | hesavedher | He Saved Her from The Disaster, Really? Dia Menyelamatkan Dia dari Banjir, Benarkah? |
191 | infotainmentkorea112 | Korean Infotainment - December 2011 Infotainment Korea - Desember 2011 |
191 | infotainmentkorea111 | Korean Infotainment - November 2011 Infotainment Korea - November 2011 |
191 | massmedia | Mass Media and Television Programs in Indonesia Media Massa dan Pertelevisian di Indonesia |
190 | christmassms | Christmas SMS SMS Natal |
189 | chinesenewyear2008 | Mandarin Oranges 2008 Jeruk Mandarin 2008 |
189 | pictures | Pictures Gambar-gambar |
189 | aviationwatch | Watches with Aviation Theme Jam Tangan dengan tema Penerbangan |
186 | girlfriend | Crazy Article (How to get a girl) Artikel Gilaaa (Bagaimana mendapatkan pacar) |
185 | automaticwatch | Wristwatch and Variants of Automatic Movements Jam Tangan dan Variasi Mesin Otomatis |
184 | lahir | Pregnant and Born Hamil dan Lahir |
183 | tariansangmaut | The Killer's Dance Tarian Sang Maut |
182 | crygirl | Looking at A Girl Crying In Front Of Me Melihat Seorang Gadis Menangis Tepat di Hadapanku |
181 | studentsearch | NTU Student Search Pencarian Murid NTU |
180 | exam15 | Exam Prayer List December 2010 Daftar Doa Exam Desember 2010 |
180 | polygonevolution | Polygon Evolution: Draw shapes with polygons! Flash Version Evolusi Segi Banyak: Menggambar dengan garis lurus saja |
179 | waktukecil | Interesting Thoughts When I Was Small Pikiran Waktu Kecil yang Menarik |
178 | bestsimcard | Best Sim Card for Travelling Around Indonesia Kartu SIM Terbaik untuk Berwisata di Indonesia |
176 | lecture | Lecture, is it necessary? Perlu ke lektur kah? |
175 | undeliciousness | Undeliciousness... what the * is that? Ga Enakan... apaan sih? |
174 | mesothelioma | Mesothelioma... and Ads... and Lawyers Mesothelioma... dan Iklan... dan Pengacara |
173 | seoulyph | Font Seoulyph that Looks like Korean Letters Font Seoulyph yang Terlihat seperti Huruf Korea |
173 | watch | Wrist Watches: An Introduction to Mechanics, Brand, and Everything Else Jam Tangan: Pendahuluan tentang Mesin, Merek, dan Lain-Lain |
173 | kissmegoodbye | "Kiss Me Good-bye" Lyrics in English and Japanese Lirik "Kiss Me Good-bye" bahasa Jepang / Indonesia |
172 | solar24h | Solar: 24h - Get the energy from the sun and sleep tight! Solar: 24h - Kumpulkan listrik dan bunuh nyamuk! |
171 | puisi | Letter for a Friend (å‹ã ã¡ã¸ã®æ‰‹ç´™) Surat untuk Seorang Teman |
171 | guestbook | Guest Book Buku Tamu |
164 | newsletter | Kejut Newsletter Buletin Kejut |
164 | hutang | My debt... oh my debt... Hutaaang... hutaaang.... |
163 | ntufeed | NTU Feed: Automatic Email Checker Using RSS NTU Feed: Otomatis Cek Imel Lewat RSS |
163 | christmas2008 | Merry Christmas 2008! Hmm, what's the meaning? Selamat Natal 2008! Ada artinya ga sih? |
162 | checksum | Always Mistaken without a Calculator? Tanpa Kalkulator Salah Melulu? |
162 | slimmenu | Set menus for "Slim" People Menu Makanan untuk Orang-orang Kurus |
161 | mlm_tianshi | MLM(Multi Level Marketing): TIAN SHI MLM(Pemasaran bertingkat): TIAN SHI |
159 | unbiasedreview | Unbiased Review by a Guy living in a Boarding House Ulasan Tanpa-Berpihak oleh Seorang Anak Kos |
158 | luncur | This is the Time! Inilah Saatnya! |
158 | buyingcellphones | Who buys cellphones? Siapa aja sich yang beli ponsel? |
156 | unbiasedreview1111 | Unbiased Review by a Guy living in a Boarding House, 1111 Edition Ulasan Tanpa-Berpihak oleh Seorang Anak Kos (Edisi 1111) |
155 | circadian | Learning Past-Midnight, Automatically Wake-Up, and Circadian Rhythm Belajar Subuh, Bangun Otomatis, dan Irama Circadia |
154 | sms2myself | SMS IT to your friends SMS untukmu kepada teman-temanmu |
153 | kbbiandroid | Big Indonesian Dictionary for Android phones Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) untuk Android |
152 | chinesenewyear2009 | Chinese New Year 2009 Tahun Baru Imlek 2009 |
152 | chinesenewyear2006 | Chinese New Year 2006 Tahun Baru Imlek 2006 |
151 | gth2008 | Google Treasure Hunt 2008 Solutions Pembahasan Google Treasure Hunt 2008 |