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Jumpa lagi di daftar doa exam setelah dua semester tidak muncul karena yang punya sudah lulus S1 ^^ . Kali ini, daftar doa exam merupakan hasil kerja sama antara kejut.com dan NTU-ISCF (Indonesian Students Christian Fellowship).

Seperti biasa, tak terasa exam sudah di depan mata. Pertanyaan yang paling sering ditanyakan menjelang exam adalah: "Gimana persiapan belajarnya?" Jawaban bervariasi dari yang dengan mantap berkata "udah mulai" sampe yang dengan pusing menjawab "masih sibuk projek dan kuis". Bagaimanapun keadaannya, tetap semangat ya!

Marilah kita melakukan segala sesuatu untuk kemuliaan Tuhan. Tugas kita adalah melakukan segala sesuatu yang telah ditugaskan kepada kita dengan sebaik-baiknya. Soal hasil dan lainnya, serahkan saja semuanya itu kepada Tuhan.

Masa exam ini bisa menjadi waktu yang tepat untuk menunjukkan kepedulian kita kepada teman-teman kita yang akan atau sedang exam. Caranya?

  • Kirim cemilan-cemilan yang berperan aktif untuk menambah tenaga dan menaikkan berat badan saat exam
  • Bantuin belajar
  • Kasih semangat dan penghiburan lewat sms maupun telepon  
  • MENDOAKAN. Satu hal mudah yang bisa kita lakukan.

Mungkin kadang-kadang kita kurang bisa melihat manfaat doa kita terhadap orang yang kita doakan. Selain orangnya tidak dapat sesuatu yang kelihatan dari kita, doa kita juga belum tentu dikabulkan Tuhan. Biarpun begitu doa adalah salah satu wujud perhatian tulus kita kepada orang lain. Saat kita merasa perlu mendoakan orang lain, itu berarti orang itu mendapat tempat di hati kita, sehingga kita ingin membawa orang itu dalam percakapan pribadi kita dengan Tuhan.  

Daftar doa exam ini dibuat supaya kita bisa saling mendoakan selama masa exam ini. Silakan isi formulir di bawah ini dengan jadwal exam kamu supaya orang lain bisa tahu apa exam kalian dan kapan kalian exam. Yang sedang IA juga bisa ikut mengisi lho. Daftar ujian bisa dilihat di sini tiap hari atau lewat e-mail harian.

Tentu saja ini tidak hanya untuk orang-orang yang beragama Kristen tapi juga terbuka untuk umum. Kasih tahu teman-teman yang lain juga ya!

Kamu juga bisa ikutan doa bareng sebelum masuk ruang exam yang biasa dilakukan oleh teman-teman ISCF. Kalau kamu mau, tolong cek kotak di bawah ya. Biar bisa dikontak nanti waktu hari exam.

Selamat mengisi dan mendoakan ^^

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Isi subjekmu di kotak-kotak di bawah ini. 1 subjek 1 kotak

  • Contoh benar:
    • CSC206
    • FE1007
  • Contoh salah:
    • semua!
    • CSC201 - CSC207
    • HW210 (ga bole tulis yg gada exam)
    • CSC205/CPE205 (tulis salah satu aja)
    • ' or 1=1; drop table EXAM; --
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Jumlah terdaftar :1579

Rabu, 12 Nov 2008, 9:00
Andre SugiartoAB105Organisational behaviour & designHall L
Koe Han BengAE2008Mechanics of materialsHall E
Jefri Sanusi TeguhCBC428Advanced bioorganic chemistryHall C
Sally Alexia Anggoman AngCSC421Natural language processingHall F
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaEE4105Cellular communication system de...Hall 10
Dian Charlo ValentineFE1006Mathematics 1Hall B
Enrico SimanjuntakFE1006Mathematics 1Hall B
Handiyadi TantionoFE1006Mathematics 1Hall B
Samuel HanriaFE1006Mathematics 1Hall B
Darwin KusumaMP2001Mechanics of materialsHall D
Irving Paul GIrsangMP2001Mechanics of materialsHall D
Koh Wee LiangMP2001Mechanics of materialsHall...
stifenMP2001Mechanics of materialsHall...
Aditya Heru PrathamaMP4011Mechanical system design and ana...Hall F
Hadi SalimMP4011Mechanical system design and ana...Hall F
Valencia AngMP4011Mechanical system design and ana...Hall F
Rabu, 12 Nov 2008, 13:00
Jennifer ChandraAB113Information technologyHall F
RANDY LASMANAAB113Information technologyHall F
Arif Ardhie SidhartaBF307Derivative securitiesHall C
Garlia Wiwoho SutinahBF307Derivative securitiesHall C
Yosua Michael MaranathaBS101AIntroductory biologyHall L
Brian MarshalCSC204Computer graphics and applicationsHall C
Irana PantowCV4202Human resources management and e...Hall E
Astrid AmeliaEE2001Circuit analysisHall A
Hadi Widjaya TjioeEE4285Computational IntelligenceHall B
KristoEE4285Computational IntelligenceHall B
stifenHE205International tradeHall D
Michael Sanjaya WiraMP3007Real-time software for mechatron...Hall C
Rabu, 12 Nov 2008, 17:00
Adhi KurniantoHE191Principles of economicsHall A
Ayrine Natalie ChiuHE191Principles of economicsHall A
Brian MarshalHE191Principles of economicsHall A
Dian Charlo ValentineHE191Principles of economicsHall L
Dina Christiani JoewonoHE191Principles of economicsHall A
Enrico SimanjuntakHE191Principles of economicsHall...
FELICIA FIBIANI PERMATASARIHE191Principles of economicsHall B
Handiyadi TantionoHE191Principles of economicsHall B
Hendrik Santoso SugiartoHE191Principles of economicsHall B
Indra Kurniawan LimHE191Principles of economicsHall A
inge wongHE191Principles of economicsHall A
Meriska SudarmadjiHE191Principles of economicsHall A
NikolausHE191Principles of economicsHall A
Nina Kurniasih Pratomo Ju...HE191Principles of economicsHall A
Raymond ChristopherHE191Principles of economicsHall A
RENDI EIN JANVIER YOHANESHE191Principles of economicsHall...
Yosua Michael MaranathaHE191Principles of economicsHall C
Abednego Trianto KurniawanHMF2French language level 2Hall D
SEPTIAN BUDI WALUYANHS809Understanding china todayHall E
Hiu Lia AndriyaniIC0101Internet fundamentalsHall 10
Joseph KurniawanMB106Fundamentals of managementHall F
MelMB106Fundamentals of managementHall F
Kamis, 13 Nov 2008, 9:00
Go Ka DiamBS301NeurobiologyHall F
Maria NovianiBS301NeurobiologyHall F
Timotius Marvin SuhartonoBS301NeurobiologyHall F
Ayrine Natalie ChiuCBC213Organic and bioorganic chemistryHall B
MelCBC934Heterocyclic chemistryHall A
Joseph KurniawanCH3003Chemical thermodynamicsHall L
Gabriella KhoesadiCPE202Microprocessor programmingHall C
Brian MarshalCSC201Microprocessor programmingHall C
Ivan Steven JayawanCV2001Engineering probability & statis...Hall D
Kurniawan Prasetya PiethCV2001Engineering probability & statis...Hall D
CahyadiMAS311Real analysis IHall B
Christian BudimanMP4E02Human factors In designHall D
Hadi SalimMP4E02Human factors In designHall D
Valencia AngMP4E02Human factors In designHall D
NikolausMS2003Applied chemistryHall A
Stefanus SetiadiMS2003Applied chemistryHall A
Adhi KurniantoMS4003Nanomaterials & biomaterialsHall A
Ricksen Surya WinardhiPAP311Quantum mechanics IIHall F
SEPTIAN BUDI WALUYANPAP311Quantum mechanics IIHall F
Kamis, 13 Nov 2008, 13:00
Steffanie Berlian Simatup...AC213Developing business Information ...Hall L
Indra Kurniawan LimCH1004Materials and energy balancesHall D
Nina Kurniasih Pratomo Ju...CH1004Materials and energy balancesHall D
Adrian IskandarCPE302Computer networksHall C
Hezron Freddy ManurungCPE302Computer networksHall C
inge wongCSC102Introduction to programmingHall E
Kartini MulyadiCSC302Net centric computingHall B
Rocky StephanusCSC302Net centric computingHall B
Arifin EffendiCV3202Steel designHall F
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan JapCV3202Steel designHall F
Irana PantowCV3202Steel designHall F
Trieska Yokhebed WahyudiCV3202Steel designHall F
KristoEE4041Human resource managementHall A
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaEE4041Human resource managementHall A
Yosafat Tri HanggoroEE4041Human resource managementHall A
monica lesmanaHG101Fundamentals of linguistics: min...Hall F
FELICIA FIBIANI PERMATASARIMAS181Calculus for the sciences IHall B
Hendrik Santoso SugiartoMAS181Calculus for the sciences IHall B
Marcella GiovanniMAS181Calculus for the sciences IHall B
Sandy Adhitia EkahanaPAP213Thermal physicsHall F
Kamis, 13 Nov 2008, 17:00
Gabriella KhoesadiBS801Genes r usHall...
Indra KristantoBS801Genes r usHall A
Marcia CalisaBS801Genes r usHall A
Ng ChristineBS801Genes r usHall A
Stephen Nathaniel GunawanBS801Genes r usHall A
Joseph KurniawanCH4106Formulation of active pharmaceut...Hall C
Brian MarshalEE8084Cyber securityHall L
monica lesmanaEE8084Cyber securityHall L
Samuel HanriaEE8084Cyber securityHall L
Steffanie Berlian Simatup...EE8084Cyber securityHall L
Darwin KusumaHMJ2Japanese language level 2Hall D
Kurniawan Prasetya PiethHMJ2Japanese language level 2Hall D
Shilvia KasdaniHMJ2Japanese language level 2Hall D
stifenHMJ2Japanese language level 2Hall D
Widodo AndreasHMJ2Japanese language level 2Hall D
Sally Alexia Anggoman AngHMJ6Japanese language level 6Hall D
Adrian IskandarMB103Principles of marketingHall B
Daniel Perdana SimandjuntakMB103Principles of marketingHall B
daniel senjaya wongMB103Principles of marketingHall B
RENDI EIN JANVIER YOHANESMB103Principles of marketingHall B
clement zichri angMP8082Systems for everyoneHall L
Jumat, 14 Nov 2008, 9:00
Adela Josephine AB311Strategic managementHall D
Arif Ardhie SidhartaAB311Strategic managementHall D
Edwin Boaz SoenaryoCPE409Computer architectureHall B
Edwin Lesmana TjiongCSC406Computer architectureHall B
Tio Favian AntoniusCSC406Computer architectureHall B
Edwin HoEE3003Integrated electronicsHall A
Hadi Widjaya TjioeEE3003Integrated electronicsHall A
Stefanus TedjaseputroEE3003Integrated electronicsHall A
Enrico SimanjuntakFE1001Physics IHall L
Dina Christiani JoewonoMP3003Heat transferHall F
Melita SumitroMP3003Heat transferHall F
Handiyadi TantionoMS1001Physics IHall E
Samuel HanriaMS1001Physics IHall E
Jumat, 14 Nov 2008, 14:30
Marcia CalisaBG2031BiomaterialsHall F
Ng ChristineBG2031BiomaterialsHall F
Stephen Nathaniel GunawanBG2031BiomaterialsHall F
Theresia Indahayu KurniawanBG2031BiomaterialsHall F
Yolanda Aphrilia SetiaganiBS205BiostatisticsHall D
Henni DjunaidiBS405Current topics In muscle biology...Hall D
Ayrine Natalie ChiuCBC932Polymer chemistryHall C
Ricksen Surya WinardhiCBC932Polymer chemistryHall C
Widodo AndreasCBC932Polymer chemistryHall C
Adrian IskandarCPE301Digital communicationsHall A
Hezron Freddy ManurungCPE301Digital communicationsHall A
inge wongCSC103Foundation mathematicsHall A
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaEE4152Digital communicationsHall B
Arif Ardhie SidhartaHE204AIntroductory econometricsHall E
Darwin KusumaMP2007Mathematics 4Hall F
Irving Paul GIrsangMP2007Mathematics 4Hall F
Koh Wee LiangMP2007Mathematics 4Hall F
Gunadi WihardjoMP4F02Manufacturing systems and automa...Hall F
Marvin Sugi Hartono MP4F02Manufacturing systems and automa...Hall F
Rivan RivaldyMP4F02Manufacturing systems and automa...Hall F
Yannata KurniawanMP4F02Manufacturing systems and automa...Hall F
Yudhistira Andi PrasetyoMP4F02Manufacturing systems and automa...Hall F
Senin, 17 Nov 2008, 9:00
Jennifer ChandraAA101Accounting IHall B
RANDY LASMANAAA101Accounting IHall B
Jefri Sanusi TeguhCBC423Asymmetric synthesisHall E
Arifin EffendiCV3201Reinforced concrete designHall F
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan JapCV3201Reinforced concrete designHall F
Irana PantowCV3201Reinforced concrete designHall F
Trieska Yokhebed WahyudiCV3201Reinforced concrete designHall F
Edwin HoEE3002MicroprocessorsHall D
Dian Charlo ValentineFE1008ComputingHall C
Yosua Michael MaranathaFE1008ComputingHall C
Adela Josephine HP204Personality and Individual diffe...Hall F
Garlia Wiwoho SutinahHP204Personality and Individual diffe...Hall F
Darwin KusumaMP2004Manufacturing technology and mat...Hall A
Irving Paul GIrsangMP2004Manufacturing technology and mat...Hall A
stifenMP2004Manufacturing technology and mat...Hall A
Senin, 17 Nov 2008, 13:00
Meriska SudarmadjiBG1006Mathematics for engineers aHall L
daniel senjaya wongBS103Organic chemistryHall B
Go Ka DiamBS302Research seminarsHall B
Maria NovianiBS302Research seminarsHall B
Timotius Marvin SuhartonoBS302Research seminarsHall B
Indra Kurniawan LimCH1006Mathematics for engineers aHall L
Nina Kurniasih Pratomo Ju...CH1006Mathematics for engineers aHall L
Adrian IskandarCPE303Database systemsHall F
Hezron Freddy ManurungCPE303Database systemsHall F
Koe Han BengMAS213Linear algebra IIHall E
Raymond ChristopherMATH1CLinear algebra and differential ...Hall E
Dina Christiani JoewonoMP3001Dynamics & controlHall A
Senin, 17 Nov 2008, 17:00
Jasmine WidodoBG4225Physiological engineering and ar...Hall E
Ratna Ekawati DharmawanBG4225Physiological engineering and ar...Hall E
Shilvia KasdaniCOM402Media law,ethics and policyHall C
Tio Favian AntoniusCSC183Engineers and societyHall F
Go Ka DiamHP802Working In the 21st centuryHall L
Joseph KurniawanHP802Working In the 21st centuryHall L
Maria NovianiHP802Working In the 21st centuryHall L
Rocky StephanusHP802Working In the 21st centuryHall L
Theresia Indahayu KurniawanHP802Working In the 21st centuryHall L
Hiu Lia AndriyaniIC0103E-commerce technologyHall D
Dian Charlo ValentineMAS801It's discreetly discrete wld:mat...Hall A
Yosafat Tri HanggoroMAS801It's discreetly discrete wld:mat...Hall A
Ayrine Natalie ChiuMB101AccountingHall B
Handiyadi TantionoMB101AccountingHall B
Henni DjunaidiMB101AccountingHall B
Ivan Steven JayawanMB101AccountingHall B
NikolausMB101AccountingHall B
Samuel HanriaMB101AccountingHall B
Selasa, 18 Nov 2008, 9:00
Marcia CalisaBG2004Electronics for biomedical engin...Hall C
Ng ChristineBG2004Electronics for biomedical engin...Hall C
Stephen Nathaniel GunawanBG2004Electronics for biomedical engin...Hall C
Theresia Indahayu KurniawanBG2004Electronics for biomedical engin...Hall C
MelCBC311Chemical spectroscopy and applic...Hall F
Widodo AndreasCBC311Chemical spectroscopy and applic...Hall F
Gabriella KhoesadiCPE203Software systems and modelsHall B
Ivan Steven JayawanCV2101Mechanics of materialsHall E
Kurniawan Prasetya PiethCV2101Mechanics of materialsHall E
Astrid AmeliaEE2004Digital electronicsHall A
KristoEE4268Robotics & automationHall K
Yosafat Tri HanggoroEE4305Digital design with hdlHall K
clement zichri angHE321Intermediate econometricsHall D
Aditya Heru PrathamaMP4D01Air conditioning - an energy app...Hall D
Adhi KurniantoMS3007Analysis of materialsHall F
Cinthya LieMS3007Analysis of materialsHall F
Isabella Mantini HalimMS3007Analysis of materialsHall F
Marlene AgusMS3007Analysis of materialsHall F
Selasa, 18 Nov 2008, 13:00
Indra KristantoBG3002Control In biosystemsHall C
Maya VaniaBG3002Control In biosystemsHall C
Yolanda Aphrilia SetiaganiBS201PhysiologyHall A
Henni DjunaidiBS408Current topics In ImmunologyHall C
FELICIA FIBIANI PERMATASARICBC111Principles of modern chemistry w...Hall D
Hendrik Santoso SugiartoCBC111Principles of modern chemistry w...Hall D
Marcella GiovanniCBC111Principles of modern chemistry w...Hall D
Adrian IskandarCPE184Human resource management & entr...Hall E
Gabriella KhoesadiCPE184Human resource management & entr...Hall E
Hezron Freddy ManurungCPE184Human resource management & entr...Hall E
Kartini MulyadiCSC184Human resource management & entr...Hall E
Rocky StephanusCSC184Human resource management & entr...Hall E
Edwin HoEE3012Communication principlesHall L
Stefanus TedjaseputroEE3012Communication principlesHall L
Enrico SimanjuntakFE1005Materials scienceHall B
Handiyadi TantionoFE1005Materials scienceHall B
Samuel HanriaFE1005Materials scienceHall B
Hadi SalimMP4E01Industrial designHall D
Valencia AngMP4E01Industrial designHall D
Selasa, 18 Nov 2008, 17:00
Raymond ChristopherCM102How computers workHall B
inge wongHMC1Chinese language level 1Hall D
SEPTIAN BUDI WALUYANHMC1Chinese language level 1Hall D
clement zichri angHMC2Chinese language level 2Hall D
Ivan Steven JayawanHP803Are you okay? mental health In s...Hall F
Kurniawan Prasetya PiethHP803Are you okay? mental health In s...Hall F
Michael Sanjaya WiraHP803Are you okay? mental health In s...Hall F
Stefanus SetiadiHP803Are you okay? mental health In s...Hall F
Aditya Heru PrathamaMB219Principles of risk and InsuranceHall D
CahyadiMB219Principles of risk and InsuranceHall D
Christian BudimanMB219Principles of risk and InsuranceHall D
Rabu, 19 Nov 2008, 9:00
Goliath BeniahCH4001Chemical, biological and plant s...Hall B
Gabriella KhoesadiCPE201Digital circuits & systemsHall A
Kartini MulyadiCSC304Ai and Intelligent systemsHall E
Rocky StephanusCSC304Ai and Intelligent systemsHall E
Astrid AmeliaEE2003Semiconductor fundamentalsHall A
Dian Charlo ValentineFE1002Physics IIHall D
monica lesmanaHG102Fundamentals of linguistics(b): ...Hall B
Dina Christiani JoewonoMP3002Mechanics of deformable solidsHall C
Melita SumitroMP3002Mechanics of deformable solidsHall C
Michael Sanjaya WiraMP3002Mechanics of deformable solidsHall C
NikolausMS2006Thermodynamics & kinetics of mat...Hall A
Stefanus SetiadiMS2006Thermodynamics & kinetics of mat...Hall A
Rabu, 19 Nov 2008, 13:00
Andre SugiartoAB112MarketingHall A
Steffanie Berlian Simatup...AB112MarketingHall A
Go Ka DiamBS305Plant biologyHall C
Maria NovianiBS305Plant biologyHall C
Timotius Marvin SuhartonoBS305Plant biologyHall C
Ayrine Natalie ChiuCBC212Inorganic and bioinorganic chemi...Hall D
Brian MarshalCSC105Data structures and object-orien...Hall E
Arifin EffendiCV3101Structures IIHall F
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan JapCV3101Structures IIHall F
Irana PantowCV3101Structures IIHall F
Trieska Yokhebed WahyudiCV3101Structures IIHall F
Stefanus TedjaseputroEE3013Semiconductor devices & processingHall L
FELICIA FIBIANI PERMATASARIMAS110Introduction to scientific progr...Hall L
Hendrik Santoso SugiartoMAS110Introduction to scientific progr...Hall L
Raymond ChristopherMAS110Introduction to scientific progr...Hall L
Irving Paul GIrsangMP2006Mathematics 3Hall B
Koh Wee LiangMP2006Mathematics 3Hall B
Rabu, 19 Nov 2008, 17:00
Ivan Steven JayawanCV2601Fluid mechanicsHall E
FELICIA FIBIANI PERMATASARIEE8091Sound In our daily lifeHall B
Hendrik Santoso SugiartoEE8091Sound In our daily lifeHall B
Astrid AmeliaGV17Magic of voice In the world of a...Hall B
Abednego Trianto KurniawanHS816Understanding singapore societyHall C
clement zichri angMB107Fundamentals of business lawHall D
Kamis, 20 Nov 2008, 9:00
Marcia CalisaBG2012Biofluid systemsHall D
Ng ChristineBG2012Biofluid systemsHall D
Stephen Nathaniel GunawanBG2012Biofluid systemsHall D
Theresia Indahayu KurniawanBG2012Biofluid systemsHall D
Yolanda Aphrilia SetiaganiBS203Advanced cell biologyHall L
Henni DjunaidiBS406Current topics In cell biologyHall F
Joseph KurniawanCH2003Fluid systemsHall D
Gabriella KhoesadiCPE204Discrete mathematics and algorit...Hall B
Daniel Perdana SimandjuntakHE401Advanced microeconomicsHall F
CahyadiMAS316Regression analysisHall B
Aditya Heru PrathamaMP4005Fluid dynamicsHall F
Hadi SalimMP4005Fluid dynamicsHall F
Valencia AngMP4005Fluid dynamicsHall F
Cinthya LieMS3003Materials failureHall C
Isabella Mantini HalimMS3003Materials failureHall C
Marlene AgusMS3003Materials failureHall C
SEPTIAN BUDI WALUYANPAP361Semiconductor processingHall L
Kamis, 20 Nov 2008, 13:00
Steffanie Berlian Simatup...AA201Accounting measurement and discl...Hall L
Indra KristantoBG3003Signal processing In biosystemsHall A
Maya VaniaBG3003Signal processing In biosystemsHall A
Enrico SimanjuntakBS1004Life sciencesHall A
Handiyadi TantionoBS1004Life sciencesHall A
Samuel HanriaBS1004Life sciencesHall A
Marcella GiovanniCBC121Biological chemistry 1Hall B
Yosafat Tri HanggoroEE4341Advanced analog circuitsHall C
Daniel Perdana SimandjuntakHE306Urban and transport economicsHall F
monica lesmanaHG210Bilingualism and multilingualismHall D
Koe Han BengMAS211Calculus IIiHall B
Yosua Michael MaranathaMATH1ACalculus of one variableHall C
Christian BudimanMP4006RoboticsHall F
Gunadi WihardjoMP4006RoboticsHall F
Marvin Sugi Hartono MP4006RoboticsHall F
marwinMP4006RoboticsHall F
Rivan RivaldyMP4006RoboticsHall F
Yannata KurniawanMP4006RoboticsHall F
Sandy Adhitia EkahanaPAP211Quantum mechanics 1Hall F
Raymond ChristopherPHYS1CWaves and quantum mechanicsHall F
Kamis, 20 Nov 2008, 17:00
Hana BoenjaminADM240Survey of modern art,1900-1945Hall A
MelCBC922Medicinal chemistryHall B
Ayrine Natalie ChiuCBC931Industrial chemistryHall B
Widodo AndreasCBC931Industrial chemistryHall B
Goliath BeniahCH4243Advanced reaction engineeringHall D
Arifin EffendiEM104Air quality managementHall D
Go Ka DiamEM104Air quality managementHall D
Hiu Lia AndriyaniHH101What Is history? concepts, pract...Hall D
Melita SumitroHMS2Spanish language level 2Hall B
Kartini MulyadiHP806Psychology of crisis stress mana...Hall C
Koe Han BengHS815Why we work? social understandin...Hall C
Abednego Trianto KurniawanMB102Business financeHall A
Astrid AmeliaMB102Business financeHall A
Stefanus SetiadiMB102Business financeHall A
Yannata KurniawanMB102Business financeHall A
Hadi Widjaya TjioeMP2014Engineering management analysisHall D
Yudhistira Andi PrasetyoMP2014Engineering management analysisHall D
Jumat, 21 Nov 2008, 9:00
Steffanie Berlian Simatup...AA202Accounting for decision making &...Hall C
Freddy Kusnadi TanCSC422Neural networksHall L
Tio Favian AntoniusCSC422Neural networksHall L
Arifin EffendiCV3401Transportation engineeringHall B
Edwin HoEE3001Engineering electromagneticsHall A
Hadi Widjaya TjioeEE3001Engineering electromagneticsHall A
Stefanus TedjaseputroEE3001Engineering electromagneticsHall A
Dian Charlo ValentineFE1003ChemistryHall D
Enrico SimanjuntakFE1003ChemistryHall E
Daniel Perdana SimandjuntakHE210Development economicsHall E
Garlia Wiwoho SutinahHP320Learning and behavioral analysisHall B
Jasmine WidodoHP320Learning and behavioral analysisHall B
Darwin KusumaMP2010Thermodynamics and heat transferHall B
Irving Paul GIrsangMP2010Thermodynamics and heat transferHall B
Koh Wee LiangMP2010Thermodynamics and heat transferHall B
Jumat, 21 Nov 2008, 14:30
Go Ka DiamBS306Developmental biologyHall C
Maria NovianiBS306Developmental biologyHall C
Timotius Marvin SuhartonoBS306Developmental biologyHall C
Henni DjunaidiBS411Current topics In virology/micro...Hall C
Kartini MulyadiCSC303Software engineering IIHall E
Rocky StephanusCSC303Software engineering IIHall E
Irana PantowCV2301Soil mechanicsHall F
Kurniawan Prasetya PiethCV2301Soil mechanicsHall F
KristoEE4207Control engineering designHall A
Stefanus TedjaseputroEE4340Vlsi systemsHall A
Arif Ardhie SidhartaHE202Intermediate macroeconomicsHall L
Michael Sanjaya WiraMP4C01BiomechanicsHall D
Rivan RivaldyMP4C01BiomechanicsHall D
NikolausMS2030Human resource management & entr...Hall A
Stefanus SetiadiMS2030Human resource management & entr...Hall A
Senin, 24 Nov 2008, 9:00
Jennifer ChandraAB102Financial managementHall D
RANDY LASMANAAB102Financial managementHall D
Ayrine Natalie ChiuCBC961Food chemistry and analysisHall F
Jefri Sanusi TeguhCBC961Food chemistry and analysisHall F
Widodo AndreasCBC961Food chemistry and analysisHall F
Edwin Boaz SoenaryoCPE413Cryptography and network securityHall L
Hezron Freddy ManurungCPE413Cryptography and network securityHall L
Edwin Lesmana TjiongCSC409Cryptography and network securityHall L
Freddy Kusnadi TanCSC409Cryptography and network securityHall L
Edwin HoEE4001Software engineeringHall F
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaEE4001Software engineeringHall F
clement zichri angHE312Political economy of east asiaHall C
Daniel Perdana SimandjuntakHE312Political economy of east asiaHall C
Darwin KusumaMP2008Electrical and electronics: circ...Hall B
Irving Paul GIrsangMP2008Electrical and electronics: circ...Hall B
stifenMP2008Electrical and electronics: circ...Hall B
Melita SumitroMP4A05Mechanics of aerospace materialsHall C
Yudhistira Andi PrasetyoMP4A05Mechanics of aerospace materialsHall C
Senin, 24 Nov 2008, 13:00
Jennifer ChandraAB107Business lawHall A
RANDY LASMANAAB107Business lawHall A
Meriska SudarmadjiBG1003Chemistry for engineersHall L
Indra KristantoBG3004Biomedical ImagingHall B
Maya VaniaBG3004Biomedical ImagingHall B
Indra Kurniawan LimCH1005Materials scienceHall E
Nina Kurniasih Pratomo Ju...CH1005Materials scienceHall E
Shilvia KasdaniCOM460Persuasion and social InfluenceHall F
Brian MarshalCSC101Introduction to computer systemsHall F
inge wongCSC101Introduction to computer systemsHall F
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan JapCV3501Environmental engineeringHall L
Trieska Yokhebed WahyudiCV3501Environmental engineeringHall L
Raymond ChristopherMAS215Probability & statistics IHall D
Ricksen Surya WinardhiMAS215Probability & statistics IHall D
NikolausMS2004Materials structure & mechanical...Hall F
Stefanus SetiadiMS2004Materials structure & mechanical...Hall F
Hendrik Santoso SugiartoPAP111Mechanics & relativityHall L
Marcella GiovanniPAP181Foundations of physics IHall C
Sandy Adhitia EkahanaPAP232Introduction to solidsHall C
Yosua Michael MaranathaPHYS1AMechanicsHall L
Senin, 24 Nov 2008, 17:00
Adhi KurniantoMB363Management decision toolsHall D
Stefanus TedjaseputroMB363Management decision toolsHall D
Selasa, 25 Nov 2008, 9:00
Marcia CalisaBG2005Biomolecular engineering IIHall L
Ng ChristineBG2005Biomolecular engineering IIHall L
Stephen Nathaniel GunawanBG2005Biomolecular engineering IIHall L
Theresia Indahayu KurniawanBG2005Biomolecular engineering IIHall L
Jasmine WidodoBG4234Stem cell fundamentalsHall A
Ratna Ekawati DharmawanBG4234Stem cell fundamentalsHall A
Yolanda Aphrilia SetiaganiBS202MicrobiologyHall C
MelCBC314Physical and biophysical chemist...Hall F
Widodo AndreasCBC314Physical and biophysical chemist...Hall F
Joseph KurniawanCH2005Biomolecular engineering IIHall L
Kartini MulyadiCSC301Programming languagesHall E
Rocky StephanusCSC301Programming languagesHall E
Astrid AmeliaEE2006Engineering mathematics IHall A
Yosafat Tri HanggoroEE4344Analysis & design of Integrated ...Hall F
Ivan Steven JayawanEN2501Environmental chemistryHall K
Arif Ardhie SidhartaHE320Applied econometricsHall C
clement zichri angHE320Applied econometricsHall C
CahyadiMAS321Ordinary differential equationsHall E
Raymond ChristopherMAS321Ordinary differential equationsHall E
Koh Wee LiangMP2002Kinematics and dynamics of machi...Hall B
Aditya Heru PrathamaMP4008Human resource managementHall D
Christian BudimanMP4008Human resource managementHall D
Gunadi WihardjoMP4008Human resource managementHall D
Hadi SalimMP4008Human resource managementHall D
Marvin Sugi Hartono MP4008Human resource managementHall D
marwinMP4008Human resource managementHall D
Rivan RivaldyMP4008Human resource managementHall D
Yannata KurniawanMP4008Human resource managementHall D
Adhi KurniantoMS3001Metallic & ceramic materialsHall D
Cinthya LieMS3001Metallic & ceramic materialsHall D
Isabella Mantini HalimMS3001Metallic & ceramic materialsHall D
Ricksen Surya WinardhiPAP362PhotonicsHall L
Selasa, 25 Nov 2008, 13:00
Koe Han BengAE2005Aerospace dynamicsHall A
daniel senjaya wongBS102Biophysical chemistryHall B
Go Ka DiamBS308Cancer biologyHall A
Maria NovianiBS308Cancer biologyHall A
Timotius Marvin SuhartonoBS308Cancer biologyHall A
Goliath BeniahCH4002Chemical & biomedical engineerin...Hall B
Hadi Widjaya TjioeEE3011Modelling and controlHall F
Ricksen Surya WinardhiMAS111Foundations of mathematicsHall D
Dina Christiani JoewonoMP3011Engineering designHall C
Melita SumitroMP3011Engineering designHall C
Michael Sanjaya WiraMP3011Engineering designHall C
Yudhistira Andi PrasetyoMP3011Engineering designHall C
Selasa, 25 Nov 2008, 17:00
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan JapCBC811Forensic scienceHall A
Garlia Wiwoho SutinahCBC811Forensic scienceHall A
Hana BoenjaminCBC811Forensic scienceHall A
Marcella GiovanniCBC811Forensic scienceHall B
Sandy Adhitia EkahanaCBC811Forensic scienceHall C
Yolanda Aphrilia SetiaganiCBC811Forensic scienceHall C
Hezron Freddy ManurungMB218International financial managementHall D
Marlene AgusMB218International financial managementHall D
Maya VaniaMB218International financial managementHall D
Shilvia KasdaniMB218International financial managementHall D
Rabu, 26 Nov 2008, 9:00
Edwin Boaz SoenaryoCPE423Parallel processingHall A
Edwin Lesmana TjiongCSC423Parallel processingHall A
Freddy Kusnadi TanCSC423Parallel processingHall A
Sally Alexia Anggoman AngCSC423Parallel processingHall A
Arifin EffendiCV3301Foundation engineeringHall E
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan JapCV3301Foundation engineeringHall E
Trieska Yokhebed WahyudiCV3301Foundation engineeringHall E
Irana PantowCV4553Solid waste managementHall F
Edwin HoEE3017Computer communicationsHall A
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaEE4188Wireless communicationsHall A
KristoEE4265Process control systemsHall B
CahyadiMAS328Stochastic processesHall B
NikolausMS2001Mathematics IIHall B
Stefanus SetiadiMS2001Mathematics IIHall B
Rabu, 26 Nov 2008, 13:00
Andre SugiartoAB103Statistical & quantitative methodsHall A
Meriska SudarmadjiBG1002Bioengineering physicsHall B
Indra KristantoBG3005Biomedical InstrumentationHall B
Maya VaniaBG3005Biomedical InstrumentationHall B
Indra Kurniawan LimCH1020Physical chemistryHall B
Nina Kurniasih Pratomo Ju...CH1020Physical chemistryHall B
Kurniawan Prasetya PiethCV2602Water resources engineeringHall B
Sandy Adhitia EkahanaMAS281Complex methods for the sciencesHall C
Kamis, 27 Nov 2008, 9:00
Andre SugiartoAB106Principles of economicsHall C
Marcia CalisaBG2041Mechanics of materialsHall A
Ng ChristineBG2041Mechanics of materialsHall A
Stephen Nathaniel GunawanBG2041Mechanics of materialsHall A
Theresia Indahayu KurniawanBG2041Mechanics of materialsHall A
Jasmine WidodoBG4902Human resource managementHall F
Maya VaniaBG4902Human resource managementHall F
Ratna Ekawati DharmawanBG4902Human resource managementHall F
Yolanda Aphrilia SetiaganiBS204Experimental molecular and cell ...Hall E
MelCBC316Chemistry and biological chemist...Hall D
Widodo AndreasCBC316Chemistry and biological chemist...Hall D
Joseph KurniawanCH2007Computational methods In chemica...Hall A
Edwin Lesmana TjiongCSC401Advanced algorithmsHall D
Freddy Kusnadi TanCSC401Advanced algorithmsHall D
Sally Alexia Anggoman AngCSC401Advanced algorithmsHall D
Tio Favian AntoniusCSC401Advanced algorithmsHall D
Arifin EffendiCV4000Engineer & societyHall B
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan JapCV4000Engineer & societyHall B
Irana PantowCV4000Engineer & societyHall B
Trieska Yokhebed WahyudiCV4000Engineer & societyHall B
Hadi Widjaya TjioeEE3014Digital signal processingHall D
Christian BudimanMP4007Engineers and societyHall B
Dina Christiani JoewonoMP4007Engineers and societyHall B
Gunadi WihardjoMP4007Engineers and societyHall B
Marvin Sugi Hartono MP4007Engineers and societyHall B
marwinMP4007Engineers and societyHall B
Melita SumitroMP4007Engineers and societyHall B
Michael Sanjaya WiraMP4007Engineers and societyHall B
Rivan RivaldyMP4007Engineers and societyHall B
Yannata KurniawanMP4007Engineers and societyHall B
Yudhistira Andi PrasetyoMP4007Engineers and societyHall B
Adhi KurniantoMS3002Advanced materials processingHall F
Cinthya LieMS3002Advanced materials processingHall F
Isabella Mantini HalimMS3002Advanced materials processingHall F
Marlene AgusMS3002Advanced materials processingHall F
Kamis, 27 Nov 2008, 13:00
Koe Han BengAE2001Fluid mechanicsHall B
daniel senjaya wongBS104Biochemistry I - biomoleculesHall D
Go Ka DiamBS309Human geneticsHall B
Maria NovianiBS309Human geneticsHall B
Timotius Marvin SuhartonoBS309Human geneticsHall B
Marcella GiovanniCBC113Basic organic chemistry with lab...Hall A
KristoEE4273Digital control systemsHall A
stifenMP2005Fluid mechanicsHall B
Jumat, 28 Nov 2008, 9:00
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaEE4153Telecommunication systemsHall A
Hiu Lia AndriyaniMAS446Probabilistic methods In orHall A
Michael Sanjaya WiraMP3006Microprocessor systemsHall B
Gunadi WihardjoMP4F03Quality assurance and managementHall B
Adhi KurniantoMS4030Engineers and societyHall A
Cinthya LieMS4030Engineers and societyHall A
Isabella Mantini HalimMS4030Engineers and societyHall A
Marlene AgusMS4030Engineers and societyHall A
Jumat, 28 Nov 2008, 14:30
Koe Han BengAE2004Circuits & electronicsHall C
Meriska SudarmadjiBG1031Biomolecular engineering IHall A
Indra KristantoBG3006Advanced biocomputational methodsHall A
Maya VaniaBG3006Advanced biocomputational methodsHall A
Indra Kurniawan LimCH1031Biomolecular engineering IHall A
Nina Kurniasih Pratomo Ju...CH1031Biomolecular engineering IHall A
Goliath BeniahCH4223Petroleum refiningHall A
Aditya Heru PrathamaMP4D05Noise and vibration controlHall B
Sandy Adhitia EkahanaPAP221Classical mechanicsHall B
Sabtu, 6 Dec 2008, 23:59
Anthony WisataIAIndustrial attachmentKant...
Maria Regina HartonoIAIndustrial attachmentKant...
Melissa PrawirasatyaIAIndustrial attachmentKant...
Monica Suryana TjinIAIndustrial attachmentKant...
Olivia WijayaIAIndustrial attachmentKant...
Ridwan KurniawanIAIndustrial attachmentKant...
Sonny Budiman SasakaIAIndustrial attachmentKant...

Written by: exam_team

eh eh eh. NIE bisa daftar ga ya? kok kayanya ga bisa?? dataku ga keluar...

lia [sg], 21 Oct 2008, 13:37 reply
Wah, datang kembali!
Itu Oliv kok ngaku2 ada exam.

!peH [sg], 25 Oct 2008, 8:47 reply
huwe... slamat selese IA?
masi jauh liph ^^

~_~ [sg], 29 Oct 2008, 18:08 reply
bentar deh
itu jadi [nama subject][space][exam hall] ato dipisahin pake koma ","
eh kok cuman comment box doang yg preferably in english...
taruh tikus di tempat yg tak lengkap...ntar deh, aku ambilin dari animal house :)

noname [sg], 29 Oct 2008, 16:54 reply
AAAAA..Ridwan nyampah. Tau2 klo kamu IA, gak usah pamer2. :P
Bagi yang IA, harap diisi satu kotak aja ya. Jangan meniru perbuatan yang ...... ini. ^^

Olivia [sg], 30 Oct 2008, 14:59 reply
Masa nyampah. Ini namanya biar didoain lebih banyak =)

Ridwan [sg], 30 Oct 2008, 15:05 reply
Hahahaha, Lia, NIE kan bukan NTU... :p

Theresia [sg], 30 Oct 2008, 15:03 reply
wah marcella punya shoutbox kasian amat.. haha.. ayo2 perbaiki di exam :D

Gunadi [sg], 30 Oct 2008, 16:44 reply
Adrian, kita liat siapa yang tertawa terakhir :p

Hezron [sg], 30 Oct 2008, 16:50 reply
HEZRON, aku gak mau takabur... :p
ingat ya pengalaman semester lalu!

Adrian [sg], 30 Oct 2008, 16:55 reply
ok deh Adrian, cya on wednesday

Hezron [sg], 30 Oct 2008, 16:56 reply
jangan sedih ya...

Adrian [sg], 30 Oct 2008, 16:57 reply
hahaha... aq sendiri blom cek exam hall.. taunya dari sini XD tpi harus cek nomer seat juga sih.. Jiayou :)

enca [sg], 30 Oct 2008, 17:02 reply
haha datanya NIE ga ada ya...

Tozzy [sg], 30 Oct 2008, 17:05 reply
Iya..gak ada. Sry ya li :P

olivia wijaya [sg], 31 Oct 2008, 1:54 reply
wah..adrian sama hezron jadi chat disini..haha..=P
semangat semuaa...=)

Cinthya [sg], 31 Oct 2008, 5:40 reply
oooo....bgitu toh yg dimaksud ngejunk ala ridwan...hahuahuahuahua...XD

Monica [de], 31 Oct 2008, 8:03 reply
waduh liph maap...tidak bermaksud ngejunk sih...td pikir hanya mencoba...kan IA 10 AUs, ya jd isi 10..gitu...hihi..muaaap....XD

monica [de], 31 Oct 2008, 8:41 reply
hahaha biar rame Cint
yes!!!!!!!!! exam bentar lagi, berapa A ya enaknya? :p

Hezron [sg], 31 Oct 2008, 15:58 reply
wa... hebat jg yah ada kejut.... sampe terkejut liat so kejut...
buat yg IA, tugas doanya sesuai brapa kali anda mendaftar. haha... inget tuh rid eh wan...
Adr ama hzr pamer ah... haha... c ya tmr. hari sehat se NTU. =)
buat yg udah mau nyiapin exams... ORA ET LABORA...

miz DC [sg], 31 Oct 2008, 16:49 reply
Gmn cara gue doain org lain din. Kan lagi IA

Ridwan [sg], 31 Oct 2008, 20:23 reply
lewat si kejut aja.... hehe...

miz DCutez [sg], 1 Nov 2008, 14:19 reply

Olivia [sg], 2 Nov 2008, 13:34 reply
yah, gak jadi d hari sehat nya

Hezron [sg], 1 Nov 2008, 5:13 reply
tapi tetep sehat kok zron... kan bobonya lebi lama. haha.... mg dpn yah. haha...

cutez... [sg], 1 Nov 2008, 14:18 reply
ini sapa lagi ngajak2 pake nama cutez

Hezron [sg], 2 Nov 2008, 16:55 reply
sori zron, cpt cpt jd miz DC nya ilang tinggal cutez nya. udah kesampean jg jalan paginya. haha...
minggu ini lagi ga? ^^

miz DCutez [sg], 13 Nov 2008, 14:59 reply
hbs exam aja deh

Hezron [sg], 16 Nov 2008, 14:40 reply
@ gunadi :
iya neh.. hrs brusaha.. hehehehe ^^
minna-san, ganbatte~ ^~^
btw yg IA ngejunknya paraaahhh =P

cell [sg], 1 Nov 2008, 5:05 reply
ujan ya zron?

Gunadi [sg], 1 Nov 2008, 9:20 reply
iya lah, masa iya dong :p

Hezron [sg], 1 Nov 2008, 13:13 reply
sekolah masak sekodong...
hari sehat gagal!!!

adrian [sg], 1 Nov 2008, 13:15 reply

Gunadi [sg], 2 Nov 2008, 13:19 reply
Yei, bisa mengubah yang IA ngejunk akhirnya. Wohoho...

Olive [sg], 3 Nov 2008, 8:47 reply
Yah jadi dikit deh keliatannya yg IA.

Ridwan [sg], 6 Nov 2008, 15:38 reply
Yosh...selamat belajar ya semuanya ^^
Best wishes for you all!
Duh, gak bisa ikutan belajar nih (nyolot mode :P)

Oliph [sg], 10 Nov 2008, 5:36 reply
Bisa ikutan belajar juga kok! Ikut datang aja ke skolah pas malam2. Setidaknya baca2 apa gitu kek. Nanti aja setelah IA report-nya selesai.

!peH [sg], 13 Nov 2008, 15:44 reply
baca novel..

olivia [sg], 14 Nov 2008, 1:34 reply
Examnya Brian lumayan keren.....

Oliph [sg], 10 Nov 2008, 7:24 reply
kyaaa besok mulaaaii
huahuahua T___T
sukses yapp smuanyaaa! moga2x exam nya lancar2x ajaa =)
[udah tau mo exam malah buka2x internet.. parah nih gw.. jkjkjk]

cella [sg], 11 Nov 2008, 11:38 reply
Wah dataku juga nda keluar...

HgS [sg], 12 Nov 2008, 2:39 reply
dataku juga nih.. tampaknya yang s1 doang yang keluar. selain s1 cuma bisa daftarin imel buat dapat imel harian.

yuku [sg], 12 Nov 2008, 3:03 reply
Sapa yang tanggung jawab hayo...:P

olivia [sg], 13 Nov 2008, 5:39 reply
Buat yg sedang bertarung dengan exams, selamat berjuang.... All the best. God bless.

miz DC [sg], 14 Nov 2008, 5:26 reply
wah, exam_team ini siapa ya? apakah yg sudah lulus s1 ato yang masih berusaha untuk lulus dari s1?

yang sudah lulus s1 juga [sg], 15 Nov 2008, 16:08 reply

olivia [sg], 19 Nov 2008, 2:53 reply