31 Oct 2005
Morning Chores

crowded library gates...a usual sight of the hardworking students of NTU (yang rajin ya...)

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Crowded... pening deh...

Lesmanahadi [id], 31 Oct 2005, 16:59 reply
is it really really hardworking students of NTU? I don'y believe it.. ^ ^ is it a library at NTU?

kairi ^ ^ [id], 2 Nov 2005, 17:38 reply
Yup, that is lee wee nam library.
I think the picture taken when they were waiting for library to open in the morning (then they can study or hog the place!!)
That is normal sight in ntu :D
(maap atas inggris yang amburadul)

bebek [sg], 9 Nov 2005, 10:03 reply
what is that?? its a very complicated....^^'

tamayaki [id], 10 Jul 2006, 7:11 reply
its like ant get sugar ^_^ hi.....hiiii....hiiii

afira [id], 10 Nov 2006, 23:06 reply
it's like take "BLT" in the post office

jo [id], 25 Nov 2008, 4:50 reply