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OK, so Final Fantasy XII (or FF12, so that it can be searched in google) for PS2 was not long time ago just released, 1.7 copies of it were sold in the first four days, and the theme song, "Kiss Me Good-bye" sung by Aki Angela was ranked sixth in Oricon top 10 sales chart for single CDs.
 Oke, jadi Final Fantasy 12 (atau FFXII, biar kecari di gugel) untuk Playstation 2 belum lama ini terbit, masih bahasa Jepang, terjual 1.7 juta kopi hanya dalam 4 hari, dan lagu temanya, "Kiss Me Good-bye" yang dinyanyikan Angela Aki berhasil naik ke peringkat 6 di top 10 penjualan Oricon untuk CD single.
OK, so Final Fantasy XII (or FF12, so that it can be searched in google) for PS2 was not long time ago just released, 1.7 million copies of it were sold in the first four days, and the theme song, "Kiss Me Good-bye" sung by Aki Angela was ranked sixth in Oricon top 10 sales chart for single CDs.
Oke, jadi Final Fantasy 12 (atau FFXII, biar kecari di gugel) untuk Playstation 2 belum lama ini terbit, masih bahasa Jepang, terjual 1.7 juta kopi hanya dalam 4 hari, dan lagu temanya, "Kiss Me Good-bye" yang dinyanyikan Angela Aki berhasil naik ke peringkat 6 di top 10 penjualan Oricon untuk CD single.
From the beginning I liked to search quickly new FF song that is just released, so do this time. And the lyrics that can be obtained from the Internet had a lot of spelling mistakes. So I searched using the Japanese language and I tried to translate and transliterate it below to Romaji (or Roomaji). I hope this one is more correct.
Dari dulu aku suka cepat2 mencari lagu FF yang baru keluar, maka kali ini juga. Dan lirik yang berhasil didapat di Internet kebanyakan salah eja. Maka kucari pakai bahasa Jepang dan kuterjemahkan di bawah ini. Semoga ini yang lebih benar.
There are two version of the song, one is the Japanese version, and another is in English. So in this site we provide both versions. The Japanese version includes the romanization, English and Indonesian translation.
Jump to:
Japanese Version (Original, Romanized (one, two) - English Translation - Indonesian Translation
- English Version (Original)
The Lyrics - Japanese Version
アーティスト アンジェラ・アキ
作詞 アンジェラ・アキ
作曲 植松伸夫
あなたは迷っていても ドアは開いているよ
二人の世界だけでは 満たされないのでしょう?
Kiss me good-bye, love is memory
確かな物を探して 誰もが恋するが
Kiss me good-byeさようなら
Kiss me good-bye, love is memory
Kiss me good-bye泣かない
The Lyrics - Romanized (pronouncation-style)
Artist: Angela Aki
Writer: Angela Aki
Composer: Uematsu Nobuo
anata wa mayotte ite mo, DOA wa aite iru yo
futari no sekai dake de wa, mitasarenai no deshou?
hane o ageru kara shinjite tobeba ii
Kiss me good-bye, love is memory
anata o ushinatte mo
aishita kioku ga tsuyosa ni kawaru kara
tashika na mono o sagashite, dare mo ga koi suru ga
yuruganai ai wa jibun no naka ni aru
Kiss me good-bye sayounara
atarashii watashi ni kawaru
Kiss me good-bye, love is memory
atarashii futari ni kawaru nara
Kiss me good-bye nakanai
anata o aiseta kara
anata o aiseta kara
The Lyrics - Romanized (writing-style)
sakusi: ANJERA AKI
sakkyoku: uematu nobuo
anata ha mayotte ite mo, DOA ha aite iru yo
futari no sekai dake de ha, mitasarenai no deshou?
hane wo ageru kara sinjite tobeba ii
Kiss me good-bye, love is memory
anata wo usinatte mo
aisita kioku ga tuyosa ni kawaru kara
tasika na mono wo sagasite, dare mo ga koi suru ga
yuruganai ai ha jibun no naka ni aru
Kiss me good-bye sayounara
atarasii watasi ni kawaru
Kiss me good-bye, love is memory
atarasii futari ni kawaru nara
Kiss me good-bye nakanai
anata wo aiseta kara
anata wo aiseta kara
The Lyrics - English Translation
Even though you are lost, the door is open.
Aren't you satisfied with the world of just two of us?
Because I give you wings, please believe me and you will be okay to fly.
Kiss me good-bye, love is memory
Even though I lose you
Because the loved memory changes to strength
even though everybody fall in love looking for a definite thing,
the love that does not shake is inside myself
Kiss me good-bye, goodbye
I will change to a new me
Kiss me good-bye, love is memory
If we change to a new us
Kiss me good-bye, I will not cry
Because I was able to love you
Because I was able to love you
Liriknya - Terjemahan Indonesia
Walau engkau tersesat, pintunya terbuka loh.
Tidak puaskah engkau dengan dunia milik hanya kita berdua?
Karena kuberi sayap, percayalah, terbanglah saja.
Kiss me good-bye, love is memory
Walau aku kehilangan engkau
Karena kenangan bercinta berubah menjadi kekuatan
Walau siapapun jatuh cinta mencari hal yang pasti
Cinta yang tak bergoyang ada di dalam diri
Kiss me good-bye, selamat tinggal
Berubah menjadi diriku yang baru
Kiss me good-bye, love is memory
Kalau kita berdua berubah menjadi yang baru
Kiss me good-bye, takkan menangis
Karena dulu aku bisa mencintaimu
Karena dulu aku bisa mencintaimu
The Lyrics - English Version
You say my love is all you need, to see you through
but I know these words are not quite true
Here is the path you're looking for, an open door
Leading to worlds you long to explore
Go, if you must move on alone
I'm gonna make it on my own
Kiss me good-bye, love's memory
Follow your heart and find your destiny
Don't shed a tear, for love's mortality
For you put the dream in my reality
As times goes by I know you'll see this of me
I loved enough to let you go free
Go, I will give you wings to fly
Cast all your fears into the sky
Kiss me goodbye, love's mystery
All of my life I'll hold you close to me
Don't shed a tear for love's mortality
For you put the dream in my reality
Kiss me goodbye, love's memory
You put the dream in my reality
Final Fantasy 12 Kiss me goodbye Free Download MP3 Video and PV and Music Parent Directory iPod iTunes Song
Written by: yuku
| kasi lagunya juga donk... ^^ biar sekalian bisa dinikmati
sambil lihat liriknya... ga usah di bikin flashnya kayak
pocket fantasy, mp3 nya aja udah sangat bagus karena lagunya
buagus... yuku sugoi... mana lagu-lagu yang
dijanjikan???? :D

| Cuman mau benerin.. "..just released, 1.7 copies of it
were.." kurang kata "million"

| kok ga isa download sihhh sedihhh di bikin biar isa
download jg donk trus kok cm instrumen yah

yahhh [sg], 3 Apr 2006, 13:01 reply
| Wow, FF12 (Final Fantasy 12), can't wait to see the game.
Will it be another popular online game?

| OMG! I love you! Thank you so much for the lyrics, I was
dying to find them ^^ I bet you had a lot of work to do
this... thank you again =D Bye bye!

| thanks alot this will help me alot on my english essay XXX

moggie [gb], 22 Apr 2006, 16:08 reply
| klo dikasi file lagunya, lebih ok loh... emang sih,udah
banyak yg punya.. tapi kan, klo yg belom, bisa dapetin
disini sekalian ^ ^

| wah,,,thanks buat text-nya. Kalo ada yg mau liat video klip
Angela Aki,,, mampir yah di

| hei semuanya kenalan dong + kalau bisa minta resep makanan
jepang lagi ya dan juga ajarin bahasa jepang.aku dari dulu
pengen belajar bahasa jepang

| thank you

hqthexpmaker [vn], 9 Jul 2006, 11:53 reply
| Lagu bagus, kata katanya cukup simple tapi menyentuh hati

| great!, hope u guys add more like this...

| Love it, thanks Do you know where I can download it??

May [mx], 27 Jul 2006, 17:14 reply
| http://www.ffinsider.net/file.php?loc=http://www.oxyshare.co
od-Bye%20-featured%20in%20FINAL%20FANTASY%20XII-.mp3.html download here

| menarik banget!!!!!!!!!!!!

edy [jp], 29 Aug 2006, 11:30 reply
| can pls send the whole song of this Kiss me good-bye MP3 for
me??? Japan and also English version..... tks

| If I don't want Mp3 Download but I want code of this
Sound[Now playing on this page] for my homepage. Where I can
get it?

FWk [id], 14 Oct 2006, 20:59 reply
| esta bacan

| waw..wat a nice lyrics..where can i get the mp3?

| gue gak bisa tau keindahan lagunya

sofik [id], 26 Oct 2006, 13:01 reply
| Hi, I'm from Arequipa-Perú, just let tell you that since
the very first moment I hear this song my hearth was broken
in a thousand pieces... and having the track here to sin is
the best

| Hi! i am italian,but this article is fantastic!!! :-D

| hello!
i like this MIDI
where did yuu get it?
i want it to put up in friendster.
i like this song very much.
any idea where to download its japanese version?

Tetsuya [my], 19 Nov 2006, 2:52 reply
| I very 2 like all song in Final Fantasy cause the songs very
taken my heart and I want buy the cd or mp3,who I can buy

| l like this song so much too... it describes my condition
precisely. it beautiness is in simple but deep lyric and
also great tones... thanks for the informations!!!!!

kawaii na rini-chan [id], 27 Nov 2006, 11:28 reply
| thx 4 da sound ya! =)

| tolong bikin lagu MP3 dengan suara orang yang menyanyinya
dong, pliss. Gua suka bgt ama tu lagu.

| this is so good! I love it. Thank you for having it!:)

smamuad [us], 29 Dec 2006, 3:35 reply
| ya ampun.. nyari lirik kiss me goodbye malah nyasar di kejut
lagi..hihihihi.. makasih bang yuku.. ntar artikel
nyusullll.. abis balik sg duluu.. hihihi ;p

| BAgus kok aku suka bgt lagunya apa lagi main gamenya

| aku mau download lagunya, kok g bisa giman caranya? krn q
penggila game FF

sylva [us], 14 Jan 2007, 2:15 reply
| I was wonder if you can tell me how can i get the song kiss
me goodbye in piano version i do really love it
thank you

| banyakkan lagu anime. chaiyokkkkkk!
-MaLaYsIaN gAmErS-

| So amazing to hear this song... By reading the lyrics... I
can feel the emotion that the song carries

| gw bener2 terkejut nich ampe mau pingsan......waduh...?

| Waaaaaaa!!! I love this song!! Suara penyanyinya keren
banget, Angela Aki gitu lo!! Aq suka!! By the way,, syapa
pny lg ini,, plisss,, send to my email,, at
real_of_mylife@yahoo.co.id ..
Key,, plissssssss,,, >.<

| biasa ja

mimie [id], 7 May 2007, 13:05 reply
| I've tried to find this song's mp3 piano version for a long
time but I can't find any. Can you guys tell me where should
I find it.

Wind [th], 10 May 2007, 1:38 reply
| this song is very good..
I like it...
n thanks too for the text yooo...
n this article is amazing too...

| jelek ah kurang siiipppp

Angga [id], 13 Jun 2007, 6:45 reply
| Gilaaaaa.... Keren BGT lagunya....!!! Daleeem..... gw lagi
cari not2&partitur lagunya,,niyh... ada yg punya,,kaga?????

| nice songs.... but yuku pelitt ahh,,,ga mo bagi2...

| Thanks for the nice nice translation! =)
Btw, anyone has any idea where to buy ffxii OST in

Saint xyz [sg], 15 Aug 2007, 4:45 reply
| ok

| Big thx for your great lyrics romanized.
^-^ From Thailand

| wah... I love this song!! It's a little different from the
others love's theme, i think. Thanks a lot for the lyrics!!

| acctualy I know this song,the tone you given is not enougth
of the english verson.but I love it

| woowww.....
aku suka banget nih lagu!!!
makasih banget yah liriknya!!!

| mana lagumya??????

wong edan [jp], 12 Oct 2007, 3:44 reply
| Keren bgdh.. Tw ga download videony dmna??

Fiz ajjah [us], 18 Oct 2007, 18:37 reply
| ã“ã®æŒãŒå¤§å¥½ãï¼ãã

ã‚ャサリン [gb], 24 Oct 2007, 14:42 reply
| Hey i love this song and it reminds my of somone very dear
to me and even thought its over i still love him very much
so caleb.....Kiss me goodbye

| PIOLAVAGO!!!!!!!!!!

nara que ver [ar], 25 Dec 2007, 5:47 reply
| me olvide de ponerle puntaje......que dije????
chan chan chan!!
chau -_______-
feliz navidad ¬¬

| gak ngerti gw lagunya,,ora jelas e!!!!!skali2 nge_rock

| bagus banget ........ sip deh bRowww...

| i lurf u sing !!!!!angela aki!!!

| æŒãŒã‚ã£ãŸã‚‰ã‚‚ã£ã¨

| sumpah....keren banget dah tuch Anjera Aki.....

goceng [id], 29 Jun 2009, 15:10 reply
| I just hurt. :(

| wou,,,menakjubkan!!

udin [--], 18 Nov 2009, 10:09 reply
| FAV. gw nihhhhhhhh music oke game nya juga oke

Fajri Kurniawan [--], 14 Dec 2009, 0:02 reply
| waahhh!! ge iseng nyari eh ternyata dapet! ada lagunya pula.
lagunya lembut banget! pecinta FF nee. Love you FF!

ditha [--], 10 May 2010, 7:24 reply
| Aseeek gw dah dapet ver english n original juga nih lagu
bagus bgt bwat gw yg sering sakit hati n for cc sarah jgn
rusak web ini klo gak tau lagunya n gak usah comment

| can you tell me where i can buy the alum of the piano
version of this song

tess [au], 21 Sep 2010, 0:44 reply
| Greatly greetings dear BROther'SISter here n there aLL of
I MUST THANK YOU whoever made this happen, this is great,
your songs my friend like it....
.......♥♫♪........Here is the path you're
looking for .........♥♫♪.... .... AN OPEN
I'm saying....staying ....singled... maybe this wiLL stands
forever, please make me strong dear aLL, I need you
But I'm not alone♥♫♪.... I have my family
n friends in here, so I must:
♥♫♪.... ThankfuLLy now
♥♫♪.... ThinkfuLLy next

| ♥♫♪......Go♥♫♪...... Im
gonna make it on my own ♥♫♪........ ( that
friend like this one)
♥♫♪.... .... AN OPEN
DOOR......♥♫♪.... ( this one is me)
♥♫♪......Salamku sehati sampai sejiwa
sehidup sampai semati sampai

L♥7 [id], 25 Jan 2011, 22:55 reply
| wowh.....!!!
mkasih bnyak udh boleh tw Lyric nya,

Ulquiorra Espada [no], 5 Feb 2011, 10:27 reply
| wowh.....!!!
mkasih bnyak udh boleh tw Lyric nya,

Ulquiorra Espada [no], 5 Feb 2011, 10:27 reply
| wahh..., harus cari di googel nich ^____^

| omm~ woosh.. i think it curshed my soul~~

| kayaknya nadanya cuma buat song lyrics english ver

delizz [--], 4 Apr 2011, 10:29 reply
| dimana ya saya bisa nge-download nih song piano background ?

FFfans [--], 14 Jul 2011, 17:12 reply
| haha.lagunya ffx makin enk'' aja :)

Sally [--], 2 Sep 2011, 21:52 reply
| veryy gooooood (y)

| lagu'a keren bangettt
w tw nich pas maen showtime ,,,
bisa sampe b'x" w ulang lagu'a !!!
