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There are many 'particles' that often be spoken while speaking Indonesian. A foreigner that has learnt Indonesian and comes to Indonesia will of course be confused with so many 'words' that he/she doesn't understand. Even when an Indonesian himself, if he/she never have thought about the particles, the meaning is also not understood. For example, while eating meatball soup, a friend comes from behind and asks, "Lagi makan apa sih? ("What are you eating sih?"). This "sih" has no certain meaning, it only expresses feeling. This is the advantage of using Indonesian than English, because there are so many words indicating feeling, as it is with Japanese.
 Ada banyak 'partikel' yang suka diomongin waktu ngomong bahasa Indonesia. Orang asing yang belajar bahasa indo lalu datang ke indo pasti bingung ko banyak kata yang ga ngerti yah? Malah kalo kita sendiri ga pelajari, artinya pun ga tau. Misalnya, lagi makan baso, lalu temen nanya dari belakang, "Lagi makan apa sih?". Kata "sih" di sini gada arti kususnya, cuma menunjukkan perasaan. Inilah enaknya pake bahasa Indo daripada Inggris, soalnya banyak kata penanda perasaan, seperti bahasa Jepang juga.
Ada banyak 'partikel' yang suka diomongin waktu ngomong bahasa Indonesia. Orang asing yang belajar bahasa indo lalu datang ke indo pasti bingung ko banyak kata yang ga ngerti yah? Malah kalo kita sendiri ga pelajari, artinya pun ga tau. Misalnya, lagi makan baso, lalu temen nanya dari belakang, "Lagi makan apa sih?". Kata "sih" di sini gada arti khususnya, cuma menunjukkan perasaan. Inilah enaknya pake bahasa Indo daripada Inggris, soalnya banyak kata penanda perasaan, seperti bahasa Jepang juga.
There are many 'particles' that often be spoken while speaking Indonesian. A foreigner that has learnt Indonesian and comes to Indonesia will of course be confused with so many 'words' that he/she doesn't understand. Even when an Indonesian himself, if he/she never have thought about the particles, the meaning is also not understood. For example, while eating meatball soup, a friend comes from behind and asks, "Lagi makan apa sih? ("What are you eating sih?"). This "sih" has no specific meaning, it only expresses feeling. This is the advantage of using Indonesian than English, because there are so many words indicating feeling, as it is with Japanese.
Kemarin ada bule nanya lewat imel, dia mau bikin suatu artikel mengenai bahasa 'kasar' Indonesia, lalu minta ku cekin dulu dan minta saran2 dsb. Ternyata karena orangnya uda belajar indo cukup lama, bagus juga pembahasannya. Walaupun ada beberapa yang salah dan terasa aneh. Jadi ku bantuin dan tambah beberapa kata baru.
Yesterday a western asked me by email, she wanted to make an article about Indonesian slang, then she asked me to check it first and to give some suggestions etc. The fact that she has studied Indonesian for quite a long time, the article is good enough, although some are wrong and some feel unnatural. So I helped her and added a few new words.
Gara2 itu ku jadi tertarik dan mau coba bikin ulasannya di sini. Semoga lumayan nyambung dan berguna untuk orang asing yang belajar bahasa Indonesia. (Sebetulnya ku tulis artikel2 juga uda sedikit2 pake partikel itu yah?)
Because of that I become interested on it and now want to make an article about it. I hope it can be followed and is useful for foreigners that learn Indonesian (Actually I wrote the articles with some particles, didn't I?)
- How about ...
Coba dulu deh = How about trying it first?
Lanjutin besok lagi deh = How about continuing it tommorow?
- I think ... / I decide ...
Mau yang mana? ~ Yang biru deh = Which one do you want? ~ I think I'll choose the blue one.
Aku pergi deh = I think I'm going now / Better if I go.
- indeed / of course / You should have known that ...
Kamu dapet kue gratis juga? Dapet dong = Did you get the free cake? Of course I got it.
Suka yang mana? (choosing a girl) ~ Yang itu dong = Which one do you like? ~ Of course him/her (I think you think the same too)
- soften a prohibition or command
Jangan keras-keras dong (lagunya) = Don't set it so loud please (the music)
Eh, kertasnya masukin semua dong = Hey, please insert all the paper!
- Hey (requesting attention)
Eh, sini sebentar = Hey, come here for a minute!
- Correcting incorrectly spoken words / "I mean"
Tadi kan aku kasih kamu dua ratus, eh dua ribu? = Didn't I give you two hundred... I mean two thousand?
- By the way (changing topic)
Eh, inget ga tempat ini? = By the way, do you remember this place?
- Isn't it (question tag to assert)
Dia yang namanya Adi kan? = He is the one called Adi, right?
Bagus kan? = Good, isn't it?
- Didn't you remember that ...
Hah, dia mau datang? ~ Kan mu yang bilang, masa lupa? = Heh, he is coming? ~ Wasn't it you who said it to me, how can you forget?
- Because
Kenapa ga masukin kulkas aja? ~ Mana cukup, kan kulkasnya kecil = Why don't you put it in the fridge? ~ It's not enough, because the fridge is small.
ko / kok
- Why (asking) / I wonder why (just expresses wonder)
Ko kamu telat? = Why are you late?
Ko bisa dia dipukul papanya, aneh = I wonder why he is attacked by his father, it's strange.
- Actually ... (denying assumption)
Makan di sana enak ga? Aku ga pernah ke sana ko = Is it nice to eat there? Actually I haven't been there (I don't know)
Tiap hari aku tidur 8 jam, lama yah ~ Aku juga ko = I sleep 8 hours every day, it's long isn't it? ~ Actually me too (I think that's not too long)
loh / lho / lo
- expressing surprise after hearing something
Loh, katanya ga mau ikut? ~ Pikir-pikir pengen juga = What? Didn't you say that you didn't want to join us? ~ After thinking, I became more interested.
Aku bolos aja deh ~ Loh, kenapa? = I think I will skip (the lecture) (for now) ~ What?! Why is it?
- You know? / I'll let you know that ...
Ikut dong, Adi aja ikut loh = Please join us, even Adi joined us, you know?
Jangan main api, nanti kebakar loh = Don't play with fire, you may be burned, you know?
- asserting / making sure
Datang loh ke ultah Adi! = Don't forget to come to Adi's birthday party.
Ingat loh pesan saya! = Make sure you remember my advice.
- comes from "ini" meaning "this", indicating something related to here / current time
Cape nih = I'm tired (now)
Besok aja bikin kalimatnya, lagi sibuk nih = How if we make the sentences tomorrow, since I'm busy (now)
- Are you really ... ?
Udah mau pergi nih? = Are you really going now?
- emphasizes the subject
Adi nih yang masak = The one who cooks is Adi, you know?
- I wonder ... (sometimes need answer, sometimes not)
Tadi Pak Adi ngomong apa sih? = I wonder what Pak Adi said just now.
Berapa sih harganya? = I wonder how much the price is.
- expressing annoyance
Sebetulnya kamu lagi apa sih? = What are you EXACTLY doing?
Kenapa sih selalu telat? = Why are you always late?
- Because
Kamu sih datangnya lama, jadi semua telat = Because you came up late, everybody become late.
Aku sedih, kamu jahat sih = I'm sad, because you are evil.
- selecting something different than the others
Karyawan di sana bodo-bodo yah? ~ Adi sih pinter, ... = All staffs there are stupid, aren't they? ~ (All are stupid, except) Adi (which is) smart.
- But (sometimes the sentence stops there)
Semua soal bisa? ~ Bisa sih, cuma ada 1 yang ga = Did you successfully do all the questions? Yes I did, but there is one that I didn't.
Bisa main gitar? Bisa sih... = Can you play guitar? I can, but...
- See that! (I don't want to do anything about it from now)
Makan tuh kuenya = Eat the cake (I don't want to eat anymore)
Kamu tuh kerjanya tidur melulu = All you do is sleeping (I'm annoyed)
ya / yah
- Isn't it (question tag, wondering)
Tadi itu Adi ya? = The one (you met) just now was Adi, wasn't it?
Rapatnya mulai jam 8 ya? = The meeting starts at 8, isn't it?
- either .. or .. (if coupled with "kalau tidak" / "kalo ga")
Aku pasti bawa sesuatu. Kalo ga sabun ya sampo = I will bring something. Either soap or shampoo.
Kalo ga dimakan singa, ya digigit ular = You will be either eaten
by a lion or bitten by a snake.
- then (used with "kalau (tidak)" / "kalo (ga)")
Kalo ga bisa tidur ya baca buku telepon = If you cannot sleep, (then) read the telephone directory.
Kalo bisa bawa catatan, kalo ga ya gapapa (tidak apa-apa) = If you can, bring a notepad, but if cannot it's okay.
Kalo tetep mau antri ya silakan saja = If you still want to queue, it's okay with me.
- expressing dissatisfaction (in front of sentence)
Yah, Juventus kalah lagi = Sadly, Juventus is again lost.
Yah, kamu sih = It's because of you, you know? (softly)
Written by: yuku
| Waah.. bisa2nya partikel2 indo diganti jadi english..
padahal biasanya susah banget di translate.. thanx2 ya..
jadi dapat inspirasi :P

 | Ass,,,Saya Ibu Siti Di Singapore - Saya Mengutarakan Kalau
Saya Menang Togel Lagi,Itu Atas Bantuan NYAI RONGGENG
Terimah Kasih Banyak Yaa NYAI YAng Telah Memberikan Angka
Jitu Nya Kepada Saya Yaitu 9283 Dan Alhamdulillah
Berhasil,Berkat Bantuan NYAI Saya Sudah Bisa Membahagiakan
Kedua Orang Tua Saya,Bahkan Semua Hutang-Hutang Saya Bersama
Hutan Kedua Orang Tua Saya Semuanya Pada Lunas Dan Bahkan
Saya Juga Sudah Bisa Membuka Usaha Kecil-Kecilan,Bagi Anda
Yg Ingin Seperti Saya Silahkan Hub Nomor NYAI RONGGENG Di :
085286344499 Karena Cuma Angka Ghoib NYAI RONGGENG Saja Yg
Memberikan Bukti YAng Lain Maa Cuma Menghabiskan Uang
Saja,Nomor Ritual NYAI RONGGENG Memang Selalu Tepat Dan

Ibu Siti [--], 6 Jul 2018, 20:15 reply
| kok ga ada particle "nyo". Hehehe :)

| I thought of another use of "yah" particle. You can use it
to express disappointment. Example: "Yah, Juventus kalah

| iya kok ga ada "nyo" ? Towew towew.. gunyu gunyu..

| Yuku, ada yg salah ketik tuh... "khusus" Hehe.... Nway,
keren juga ada yg menganalisa partikel di bhs indo....

| Comment deleted.

.... [sg], 7 Dec 2005, 6:05 reply
| Comment deleted.

.... [sg], 7 Dec 2005, 6:07 reply
| Hi, nice article.. gimana dengan "Si" "Si maya marah
tuh" "Telepon aja si adam"

Tya [cz], 24 Mar 2006, 20:38 reply
| hi..!luckily i found this website.i'm a malaysian who wants
to learn the indo slangs.maybe one
day,i can use it and understand once i have an indonesian
friend.i wish there'll be more.coz,there's alot more that i
understand of the indo language or slang...although malay
quite similar with the indonesian language.anyway,keep the
work.thank you and all the best with the website.salam buat
teman di indonesia!

| thanks for helping my assignment by ur article...

| Hey... I came across this page when I was exploring, seeking
for Indonesian slang language. Currently I am constructing
my new weblog. I don't think it's a good idea to visit my
blog as it hasn't been finished yet. Well... I have to say
that your article is very good. I am surprised! But I think
your efforts are useless: Languages cannot be systematize, I
think. Besides, English doesn't have particles,
so... But... Your article is very good (haven't I said
that?) BTW, do you speak Japanese? Please correspond with
me! savagedragons3000@yahoo.com

| i like indonesian so much , i'm from libya and i wanna to be
an indonesian . i already study indonesian from internet
and i want to learn slang good luck and thanks so much

| wah, bagus juga yak. jadi klo ada yang mo belajar bahasa
indonesia yg "slang" bisa buka ini aja. boleh juga niy buat
referensi cowok gwe yg bule ituh...heheh!!!

| i want to learn nihon go lenguage,I don't no what can i do
about that thank u

| aku suka bahasa indonesia . aku mencoba belajar bs indonesia
dan basa sunda . kumaha damang .

| thanks, that really helped alot

julian [au], 25 Oct 2006, 11:24 reply
| salut Jack. Aku juga lagi kumpulin yang kayak gitu untuk
ngajar di sekolah Internasional di kotaku. Napa kata "coy"
ga dimasukin?

| wow, yuku keren banget... bisa bahasa jepang juga ya ? hebat
banget!! kok bisa 3 bahasa gitu sih =)) cool~

getsuga [au], 26 Nov 2006, 12:59 reply
| hello!!!saya mahasiswa pilipin. Saya belajar matematik di
universitas pilipin. saya suka artikel ini. saya mau pergi
ke bali, indonesia nanti tahun... terima kasih...:)

 | saya ingin belajar bahasa thailand dimana saya boleh dapat

| dude, your site is not bad but your english equivalents are
worded badly and instead of having 5 / 6 alternatives in
english for the one particle, if worded correctly, could be
narrowed down to 2 or 3.
hit me up with an email if you still maintain this site.

| boni

nik [sg], 18 Jan 2007, 11:27 reply
| wah,, ngebahas tentang partikel slang indonesia ya,,
thanks,, mayan ngebantu untuk ngejelasin orang korea yang
lagi belajar bahasa indonesia,, ^^

ay [kr], 28 Jan 2007, 12:47 reply
| Having reverse pattern comparing to Indonesian and English,
Japanese has something to be considered. For instance,
Watashi wa Indomie ga suki = Saya Indomie suka = I Indomie
like. I've been wondering why Japanese has that kind of
pattern. Where does it come from? A friend of mine told me
that its stucture showed us how they try to make the
relationship between subject and object are so close. What
about Indonesian language? Are there any causes why slang
paricles exist in Indonesia language? Once we understand
this, we will appreciate our language more than ever even
they are only slang particles.

 | I think, actually, I'm quite positive that the Indonesian
particles are needed when spoken, because Indonesians want
and need to be expressive. Otherwise, Indonesians will sound
too dull like in meetings or speeches. Example:
A: Koq lu nggaq ngomong ke gue dulu sih? Why didn't you tell
me sih? (with 'sih'=expression of sadness and
disappointment, without 'sih' = expressing anger)
B: Lho, kan udah gue bilangin. Lho, kan I told you already.
('lho'=expressing surprise, without 'lho'= I'm not so
surprised that you didn't know, with 'kan'=did you not hear
me?, without 'kan'=in my opinion it sounds like B is blaming
A for not listening to B) There's a whole intonation that
comes into play with this. I have heard foreigners speaking
Indonesian by making up their own intonations. It sounds
really strange because I can't tell their emotion when
speaking, but some foreigners can pull it off really well
that they sound like real Indonesians.

Senantiasa [id], 8 Oct 2008, 14:26 reply
| gw tertarik nih , hehehehe , gmn kalo partikel "sih" dipake
dalam kalimat ini :
A : menurut gw dia gak sombong kok
B : iya juga "SIH"... *itu kan kata orang² (tambahan
supaya kalimatnya lebih mudah dimengerti)
thx = ]

mrtn [id], 27 Feb 2007, 16:18 reply
| Wah, web-nya bagus.
Annyeong haseyo!
Saya sedang belajar bahasa korea. Sudah di taraf dapat
membaca huruf-huruf hangeul dan menuliskannya serta mengerti
sedikit kosakata-nya. Tapi sayangnya saya belajar
sendiri/otodidak, jadi bahasa korea saya tidak berkembang,
padahal banyak yang ingin saya tanyakan.
Jika ada kelompok belajar bahasa korea atau orang korea yang
berminat belajar bahasa indonesia atau inggris, saya
berkenan bertukar ilmu dengan anda semua. Tanpa dipungut
biaya tentunya.
Kalau ada yang berminat tolong kirim email ke

debie [id], 2 Mar 2007, 12:57 reply
| Say, menurut aku, kata 'sih', 'dong', 'deh' ... dll, itu
bukan menunjukan feeling tapi lebih ke arah emphasis
(penekanan). Kalo bahasa Inggris mungkin seperti kata
'though'. Misalnya: 'I don't know though', kalo di artikan
ke bahasa Indonesia kurang lebih 'gue ngga tau deh'. Atau
contoh lain kata 'well' di depan kalimat dalam bahasa
Aku quote para 1 di atas: 'Inilah enaknya pake bahasa Indo
daripada Inggris, soalnya banyak kata penanda perasaan' ...
Aku agak kurang setuju dengan kalimat ini. Bahasa Indonesia
lebih enak karena struktur bahasanya gampang di pelajari dan
grammar-nya ngga macem-macem, tapi susahnya di Indonesia
banyak bahasa percakapan (colloquial) yang ngga masuk di
kamus. Tapi kalo di bilang bahasa Indonesia lebih enak di
pake karena banyak pake perasaan ... kayaknya ngga ada
hubungan dengan kenapa suatu bahasa lebih enak di pake atau
ngga. Bahasa Inggris juga banyak pake perasaan, misalnya
'jeez oh' ... ini kurang lebih artinya 'duile' atau 'ya
ampun' ... dll.

| hiiiiiii........
bagus bgt dah bkn article like this,,,,,,
aq mo nanya neh??? sama ga yg km bkn ini dg tag question
indonesia, ex: dia siswi smu, bukan?
nah aq mo tanya kalo2 km punya data2 ttg ini thxxxxxxxxx b4

hanie maniez [id], 26 Apr 2007, 6:43 reply
| tremakasih 4 page ini i am gratfull 4 this effort and iam
looking 4ward 2 speak indo language kaya orang indo.
padahal i am trying 2 add this bagos language as kelima
languag , jadi shukran dari galbi saya dari saudi arab

| thanks from the information about.it can help me to learn
english more.ok!!!!!

Wita [id], 25 Jun 2007, 4:25 reply
| This is a really fantastic, useful article. I heard these
particles all the time when in Indonesia, but could never
get a satisfying explanation of what they meant. Keep up the
good work!!

| dude, your site is not bad but your english equivalents are
worded badly and instead of having 5 / 6 alternatives in
english for the one particle, if worded correctly, could be
narrowed down to 2 or 3.
hit me up with an email if you still maintain this site.

| Bahasa slang lebih tepat disebut bahasa gaul.

benny [us], 7 Aug 2007, 5:40 reply
| krennnh,,
boleh chii co-pas ke blog chii ngga?

chii~ [id], 12 Sep 2007, 16:30 reply
| keren coy!!! gimana dengan "ah"
a: say km cantik deh,,
b: "ah" km bisa aja...
Thanx alot..

cepoy [id], 19 Sep 2007, 21:35 reply
| Wah thanks buanget ya, kalo nggak liat ni blog mana ngerti
maksud bhs kita yg jika di inggriskan jadi kacau... kaya un
ussualy sama missed place

| heu..heu,,atashi terkejut melihat site ini..
hehehe lucu..

| I don't have many comment.in my opinion,"in the real
indonesian language never have the slang particles.it is
like: "sih,kok,si,etc".for example :
1. "Ada apa,sih ?"
2. "Kok,marah ?"
3. "Si Bayu pergi ke pasar". dan lain-lain
so,that is only bahasa yang tidak baku(bahasa gaul)artinya
kita tidak di haruskan menggunakan partikel-partikel
itu.tetapi,harus ingat penekanan nada pada kalimat tersebut,
apakah kalimat itu kalimat tanya, kalimat pernyataan atau
kalimat perintah.
for example :
1. Ada apa ?
2. Mengapa marah ?
3. Bayu pergi ke pasar.
ok ?.............for this.thanks.........

| euleuh-euleuh bahasa ingrisnya apa?

andy [id], 9 May 2008, 16:55 reply
| eii .. bagus lho artikel e!
ga kebayang nek isa djelasin kyk gini lho!!! hahaha!!
hebat jg~~ =)

| kurang kata 'aja' n 'lagi' misal : pede aja lagi...
terussama partikel "wong", : wong dia yang salah kok!

| nambahin aja..
- emphasizing statement. i.e : ya iya lah.. emang begitu
emang banyak ya partikel2 slang di bahasa indonesia, gw ngga
kebayang kalo ada orang bule yg udah lama belajar bahasa
indonesia formal, tiba2 disuruh belajar ngomong pake bahasa
slang, hahaha.. pasti kacau berat..

bondanrastika [id], 26 Jun 2008, 4:31 reply
| thanks cinta, tugas le beres berkat artikelmu!!!

Lele [id], 9 Jul 2008, 2:16 reply
| ktnya mas da bahasa jepangnya jg ??? apa gw yg salah nyari??

BAJAHITAM [id], 25 Jul 2008, 9:05 reply
| terima kasih ,aku senang belajar bahasa inggris slang.bisa
kasih khabar gimana cara dapatkan buku yg bagus dan complit
supaya klo ngomong ma bule itu saling ngerti,gitu lho,
mohon petunjuk dong.

| Lho, deng, ye, bok ama mah-nya manah? Ni deh, gue tambain. I
would like to add four more:
- (with a smile) I was lying/I was joking
A: Umur lo brapa? How old are you?
B: 27 bok! Eh, nggak 23 deng! I was lying and joking, I'm
actually 23 (said with a smile)
- (usually with a serious face) I was wrong
A: Giman udah dateng belom? Has Giman arrived?
B: Udah. Yes, he has.
A: Lho, boilnya mana? Lho, where's his car?
B: O, belom deng... O, he hasn't arrived deng...
- That's not what I was talking about
A: Lu bisa berenang? Can you swim?
B: Bisa lah, gaya doang batu sich. Yes of course, but only
rock style sich.
A: Ye, itu mah gua juga bisa. Ye, I can do that too. (That's
not what I call swimming)
- Disappointed in you (in a funny way)
A: Lho, TVnya koq nggaq nyala2? Lho, why isn't the TV
turning on?
B: Ye, kalo kabelnya belom kepasang, mana mungkin? Ye, if
the cable is not even plugged, how is it possible?
BOK/BOQ (this is pretty new actually, I only started hearing
it 3 years ago)
- Similar to the second meaning of lho written in the
article, but whereas lho is used when the listener doesn't
know the statement, bok is used regardless of whether the
listener knows or doesn't know. Used mostly to emphasize
when telling something.
- Or it's used to mean, friend like 'coy'
A: Pestanya di rumah lu aja bok! Let's have the party at
your house bok!
B: Tapi rumah gua nggak gede2 amet bok! But my house is not
really that big bok!
SICH/SIH (adding two meanings)
-blaming/you/his/their/my mother's/that person's fault
A: Yah, kita ditinggalin. Yah (sad), they left us.
B: Elu sich lelet banget. You sich are so late. (your
-admitting/ I must admit...
A: Eh, lu kan udah lama di Jepang, lu udah mantep dong bhs
Jepangnya...? Eh, you've lived in Japan for so long, your
Japanese must be really good, right?
B: Gua belom bisa ngomong sich, tapi nangkep doang sich gua
udah bisa. I can't speak yet sich (admitting), but
understanding sich (if you're only talking about
understanding), I understand pretty well.
I tried writing this, but it's really hard. Can't put it
into words...

Senantiasa [id], 8 Oct 2008, 15:28 reply
| Wah..artikelnya bagus...:) sip deh pokoknya..

NanTo [id], 5 Nov 2008, 7:02 reply
| makasih...tentang tambahan pengetahuan di dalam bahasa

| baguslah buat add bahasa slang gitchu d(",)

| apa maksud mentok dalam bahasa indonesia?saya tidak begitu

cassie [sg], 2 Feb 2009, 14:05 reply
| can u please translate this to me in english???
"Oi Guys...
Cewe Prashant TERBARU...
Comment dong. Masa temen kita dapet cewe abis 7 tahun ga ada
yang kasih support. C'mon ppl. Vijay, Goof, Chir... Post ini
harus terus dibagian atas di home of semua friend circle..."

| good work friend..i believe u've done some research for your
work..i am also interested in doing research on this

| thanks a lot your information helps me much in teaching my
student study Bahasa Indonesia :)

| its' good...
thnks udah bntiun gw, nambah kosa kata di novel gw....

| interesting explanation. can u send me further article's of
u? i would be glad if i receive ur article.

surya [id], 12 Jun 2009, 3:30 reply
| salam kenal buat semuanya, aku suka belajar apa aja, so ini
sangat unik karena pra kata (english personal of people in
indonesia) tu banyak ragam bahasa dari sabang sampai
merouke. salut buat yang punya inspirasi dan membagikannya ,
tks bauangget

ASEP [kr], 13 Jul 2009, 1:33 reply
| tolong adain macemm" dialog dongk !
misalnya , tntang pain , suggestion , dll .
tolong ia .

amie [id], 28 Jul 2009, 7:00 reply
| Good,t dibnyakkin lagi kosakatany..

| ww.......keren baget artikelnya
kapan2 bisa ajarin aku gAK????

| arti kata dunno apa sih ?

aku ini aku [--], 20 Dec 2009, 14:13 reply
| Weiztt.. Good bangeutz. Web anda sangat membantu saya untuk
belajar bahasa inggris. Eh,ia kalau boleh,aku pengen tau bhs
inggrisnya "cape.. dweh.." gitcyu lokh.."

| klo dalam bahasa inggris ada namanya backsignnal yg
maksudnya feedback untuk speaker bahwa si listener nya tetap
mendengarkan dan memperhatikan apa yang si speaker bilang.
contohnya: uh-uh, yeah, mmm...nah dalam bahasa indonesia itu
namanya apa yah????(lagi d sruh bkin artikel ttg itu

kiki [id], 2 Jan 2010, 9:24 reply
| sori.sori salah ketik..maksudnya backchannel signal.

kiki [id], 2 Jan 2010, 9:26 reply
| yupz..........
ena ambil buat tugas yach????

ena [--], 12 Jan 2010, 4:20 reply
| boleh donk bsok2 di ksh contoh2 percakapan inggris yang buat
4 orang...bwt praktek UN.............bwt tgs soal na susah

mea [id], 15 Jan 2010, 12:32 reply
| Kren buaNget.,,,
coCok u/ d tiruwW..
N kl bs, d prbnyk lg cth2x yC...
I'm wait...

Cynthia [us], 2 Mar 2010, 11:14 reply
| asik ni!!!!
buat tambahan yg lagi belajar bahasa Indonesia

santy [id], 12 Apr 2010, 2:29 reply
| ** good idea... I wish you all the best... **
Best regards

| Wah, hebat..!!!!

| me = nge (used in active sentence)
merokok (formal) = ngeroko (informal) = (rokok=smoke;me- =
-ing = smoking)
memakan = ngemil = eating
makan = eat
ngemil = eating (only for eating snacks, u should always say
NGEMIL, MIL itself has no meaning)
aku = I/me (formal for dating/personal relation/only used
beetween male to female, if used by male to male could
describe having a GAY relation)
saya = I/me (formal for business/asking direction/not so
personal relation)
gw = I/me (slank)
gw cape ah = i'm tired (+ah means confirmation of the tired
condition, without +ah means you're tired but perhaps still
can continue little bit)
kamu = you (formal for personal relation)
anda = you (formal for business relation)
lu / loe / luh = you (slank)
awas lu yeh = watch it (treathening words; with +yeh ending
as a confirmation that you really should be carefull)
hueeee, baru sadar kalo bahasa indonesia itu susah juga
dipelajari yah, kirain mandarin itu bahasa paling susah,
ternyata ngajarin bahasa indonesia itu yang paling susah
karena terlalu banyak partikle yang harus disesuaikan dengan
keadaan sekitar dan perasaan dan penekanan, termasuk kata2
makian juga banyak sekali perubahan pemakaian partikel nya
yah. hohoho.....
stupid = bodoh (soft/formal); bego (quite harsh); tolol
(very harsh); gebleg (soft, used for joking)
gw gampar lu = i slap you OK (could be a threatening, could
also be used in joking, depend on the speaker face)
cape lah, banyak banget yang mesti di tulis, hehehe
(tired - lah, so many to be written)
banyak = many
banget = so..... (so many) = slank
sangat = so..... = same like banget, it just formal
well, better come to indonesia to hear the slank spoken by
indonesian, step by step you could get a feeling on that
slank language when to be used or when is not.

| makasih ya... ni artikel uda bantu bgt buat bikin tugasku...
baru sadar tnyt bahasa indonesian tuh susah puol... bahkan
beberapa partikel aku baru tau artinya stlh baca artikel
ini... astagaa.... orang indo pun pusing...

| Hi, I think this article is very useful... i do want to
suggest to make this article perfect is to add sound clips
of the usual intonations of the particle because of course
english speaking intellectuals usually arent equipped witht
he skill of properly intoning foreign expressions.
thank you,

| waduh thanks bgt udah udah mau ngebantuin......

Laras [id], 27 Aug 2010, 9:08 reply
| wah...ble jg artiklny!bs mbntu org lain bljr!!!bguz2...biar
tmbah aml!

| kmaren agak susah gmna ngunkapinx tp krang dapat bocoran
deah.. hehehe ^.^

Lita [--], 3 Jan 2011, 4:33 reply
| Wonderful and asiiiiik banget.
Very clever and useful.
I am starting part time job as 'guru bahasa Indonesia' or
teaching Indonesian language for South African who is going
to Indonesia to work with Indonesian company.
This is very helpful in the way I am teaching South
Thank you very much, perhaps you have more Easy
Conversations which I could use in my course.
Djaka 'ZULU'

| Either sama dg otherwise donk?

Nie [us], 26 Mar 2011, 19:11 reply
| @nathan: bali dan indonesia itu satu negara,bali adalah
salah satu dari provinsi di indonesia

| ehhh O,O bangus banget nih XD~
ngga ada kata "banget" yah? hehe~
ditambahin lg dong,, seruu ^^b
yap lanjutkan ~ lalalala~

| kereeeenn makasih..

akbar [--], 26 Apr 2011, 11:10 reply
| What does this mean: ama doi

| mantapppppppp..............
makasih bangat..............!!!!!!!!!!

ongen [--], 10 Jun 2011, 15:29 reply
| sughoi ne..... keren banget ada yg menuliskan tentang
partikel slang dalam bahasa indonesia.
selama ini memang inilah bagian yg sulit dijelaskan pada
orang asing yang belajar behasa indonesia. pengajar biasanya
hanya mengajarkan bentuk formal, alhasil begitu orang
asingnya datang ke indonesia jadi bengong. hehhehe
salam kenal ya.... boleh minta data pribadinya untuk sumber?
kalau nanti artikel ini saya bagikan pada siswa saya
nanti... *_^

| I'm verry garetful 2 u, becoz with this web, I have a
vocabulary more. Thank you verry much :)

Fanny [--], 15 Jul 2011, 10:30 reply
| aku tau bahasa thailand aja...:)

cahaya petunjuk [--], 15 Aug 2011, 18:29 reply
| Can't believe that i found this page!! it's very useful for
my job.. now i can teach those Japaneses in my company how
to use Indonesian slang... formal language bores them to
death... thank you!

Egie [--], 22 Aug 2011, 2:20 reply
| brilliant!
hard to find this kind of info anywhere else, if all you
know is formal indo you might as well be on another planet
as to try to understand people talking on the street.
more please

mike [au], 22 Aug 2011, 12:19 reply
| Mksh ats bantuanya..

| blog loe bagus dan sangat mengibur, sering sering di update
dong blognya. blog loe berpotensi banget tau

tuti [--], 19 Oct 2011, 12:32 reply
| unyu-unyu..

| kalo yang 'kan' itu di inggris kayak question tag ya?
btw, keren nih blognya
good job :)

aik [--], 12 Nov 2011, 15:21 reply
| Kok kaya gt sih?
Q jd bngng

Ahmad jumadi [--], 16 Nov 2011, 11:05 reply
| so.. good.. Hehehehe.. Cume ntu nyang w tau,..

indonesian [--], 23 Nov 2011, 14:06 reply
| thanks bangt

| bguz buanget..!!!

nur rokhma [--], 7 Dec 2011, 3:55 reply
| bima,daniyal,hendra,rinda andria lestari,nur rokmah sedeng
semua kecuali agku

tanpa identitas [--], 7 Dec 2011, 3:58 reply
| aDuh Teman Q Gila semua

| padahal nggakk tuccchh!!!

| bima,hendra,tanpa identitaz,rinda andria lestari,daniyal
kyok asu ,keat,anjok

| pokoknya thanks for this info

| Waah,,Thanks ya, gara2 artikel nie, tgz qw pda kelar

| hmmmmmmmmmm,,,i think is good

| wow tq tq for this web

| Artikelnya bagus,
Kalau boleh saya minta izin untuk mengutip sebagian dari
artikel ini untuk kemudian saya masukan ke dalam aplikasi
yang sedang saya buat...
saya sedang membuat aplikasi Desktop Indonesian Slang
Dictionary, dan aplikasi tersebut akan saya share sebagai
opensource (freeware application) supaya banyak bisa belajar
lebih jauh lagi tentang indonesia...
Ditunggu Reply-nya ...
Hidup Indonesia...

| Artikel ini sangat bagus,,
saya ada lagi ngerjain skripsi saya dengan judul analysis
indonesian slang language.
saya mohon masukannya..makasih
kalau bisa kirim ke email saya ya

bravo fick bae [--], 26 Mar 2012, 12:43 reply
| bgus banget,, ijin copy paste ya?

javar [--], 13 May 2012, 1:30 reply
| How about: Terus, gue musti bilang 'wow', gitu? So, should I
say 'WoW', gitu= apa ?

Reza Barly [--], 6 Oct 2012, 11:12 reply
| ã‚‚ã—ã‚‚ã—、nama saya suzumiya, saya
jatuh cinta dengan bahasa indonesia dan tentunya negaranya.
saya dari jepang. mau tanya, gimana caranya membedakan dia
sebagai seorang laki-laki ataupun perempuan.

| OMG its soo much rock!!! great job lol lol i love it so
much. im indonesian n im teaching bahasa indonesia for
korean (mostly) its really help me to explain it even by
korean language though! thank u sooooooooo
keep work!! ^o^

| Bahasa Indonesia baku sebenar nya sudah lengkap untuk
menjadi bahasa percakapan, namun karena Indonesia ini
terdiri dari banyak bahasa daerah yang mempengaruhi Bahasa
Nasional maka timbullah bahasa yang tidak beraturan ini atau
lebih dikenal sebagai bahasa Pasar. untuk mengerti arti dan
maknanya tidak lain belajar bahasa asalnya. bahasa Pasar
atau lebih dikenal sekarang "slag" ditiap daerah tentu saja
tidak sama. yang selama ini orang cuma tahu slag jakarta.
sebenarnya ada banyak slag di Indonesia. slag Medan, slag
Aceh, slag makasar dst. tolong dicari saja. jadi mari
berbahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar. Bahasa
menunjukkan Bangsa.

Jitu Indra Timur [id], 17 Sep 2013, 9:16 reply
| What is the meaning of "co" in the sentence?
Here is an example.
Billy: masok kui co ngowo 2 yo co

Thomas Kwan [--], 17 Mar 2014, 1:47 reply
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Paranormal Ampuh [--], 4 Oct 2023, 14:30 reply