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For them who are already in university, they must have known what lecture is, this is where 100 or more students gather together in a big class and listen to the lecturer together. The lecturer will stand in front of the class and teach the lessons to all of the students.

Untuk mereka yang sudah kuliah, pasti mengenal istilah kelas besar atau lektur, di mana lebih dari 100 orang mahasiswa akan berkumpul di satu ruang kelas besar dan mendengarkan penjelasan guru bersama-sama. Si guru akan berdiri di depan kelas dan menjelaskan materi pelajaran kepada semua mahasiswa.

About this lecture, there is one interesting thing. For them who study in NTU, there is a term called lecture recording. This is a video that contains the recording of the lecture and is provided on NTU website after the lectures have finished. Therefore, the students that take the subject can review the lecture after that. Other than that, a lot of students depend on this recording when they skip the lecture. Actually there are some students that don't come to the lectures because there is a lecture recording already. They think there is no use of coming to lectures because lecture recordings are already provided and they can watch it anytime. Because of this there are only a few students coming to the lecture theatre.

Mengenai lektur ini, ada sesuatu yang menarik. Untuk mereka yang kuliah di NTU, ada istilah 'rekaman lektur'. Ini adalah video yang berisi rekaman lektur sebuah pelajaran dan video ini akan disediakan di intranet NTU ketika pelajaran itu usai, sehingga mahasiswa yang mengambil mata pelajaran itu dapat melihat ulang tayangan lektur ini di kemudian hari. Selain untuk melihat ulang, banyak mahasiswa juga mengandalkan rekaman ini ketika mereka membolos lektur yang bersangkutan. Malah juga, ada mahasiswa yang sengaja tidak datang karena sudah ada rekaman lektur. Menurut mereka, tidak ada gunanya datang ke ruang lektur karena sudah disediakan rekaman yang bisa ditonton kapanpun. Ujung-ujungnya, ruang lektur akan sepi mahasiswa.

Other than that there is one more term, which is 'lecture live' which is now being developed by a professor in NTU. I myself don't really understand this project. But as far as I know, this project will produce a live broadcasting of a lecture. So at the end the students don't need to come to the lecture theatres. They only have to listen to the lecture from their rooms through Internet. And at the end few students will come to the lecture theatres.

Selain itu, ada lagi istilah 'lekture live' yang sekarang masih dikembangkan oleh seorang profesor di NTU. Aku sendiri tidak mengerti banyak mengenai proyek baru ini. Tapi sejauh yang aku tahu, proyek ini akan menghasilkan tayangan langsung sebuah lektur. Pada akhirnya, mahasiswa tidak perlu datang ke ruang lektur. Mereka cukup mendengarkan di kamar mereka selama ada internet di komputer mereka. Dan ujung-ujungnya lagi, ruang lektur akan sepi mahasiswa.

In my opinion, this is very strange when viewed from 2 sides. If we look to the benefit, it will be very helpful for students when they review the material. From the other side, the availability of this recording can make the students feel lazy to come to the lecture. Not only the recording, with this new 'lecture live' the student will be lazier to come to the lecture because it will be more comfortable to follow the lecture from their own room. Then for what the lecture theatre was built? And how are the feelings of the lecturers who have to keep teaching when they know that only few students come to their lectures?

Menurut aku, hal ini sungguh aneh ketika ditinjau dari 2 segi. Dari segi keuntungan, rekaman akan sangat membantu mahasiswa ketika mereka mengulang materi yang bersangkutan. Di sisi lain, adanya rekaman ini malah bisa membuat mahasiswa malas datang ke lektur. Tidak hanya rekaman, bukankah dengan adanya tayangan langsung nanti, mahasiswa akan lebih malas ke ruang lektur karena akan lebih nyaman kalau mengikuti lektur di kamar masing2? Lantas untuk apa ruang lektur dibangun? Dan kira2, bagaimana perasaan guru yang mengajar di ruang lektur ketika mengetahui bahwa hanya sedikit mahasiswa yang datang ke lekturnya?

One of my friend's opinion: Even if there are a lot of medium like recording and live broadcasting (which result in the nearly empty lecture theatres), the students keep coming to the lectures because of one problem. Which is the feeling of guilt of not coming to the lectures.

Salah satu pendapat temanku: Meski sudah dibuat berbagai sarana seperti rekaman dan tayangan langsung (yang mana dampak negatifnya ruang lektur menjadi sepi), mahasiswa tetap datang ke lektur karena didorong satu hal. Yaitu rasa berdosa. Rasa berdosa karena malas datang ke lektur.

Is it so? How do you think? Please give your opinion in the comment part at the end of this web page. Thank you.

Benarkah demikian? Menurut kalian bagaimana? Berilah pendapat kalian di komen pada bagian akhir dari web ini. Terima kasih.

Written by: kiko

Hi, I'm final yr std in NTU and for the last four years I attend lectures faithfully. No, not because I feel guilty for skipping lectures, it's just that I found the quality of lecture recordings are not sufficient for me to study the subject.
Btw, really good website you have, keep it up :)

anonym [sg], 1 Apr 2006, 16:37 reply
Hi, thank you for the comment. Yes, I also agree with you. This should be the correct reason, why people should attend lecture now (because maybe in future, there are another means of lecturing which is much more better :D, who knows? )
Thank you for the comment and the compliment. Hope you will enjoy your days.

kiko [sg], 2 Apr 2006, 13:41 reply
eh: ku melihat sebuah masalah:
- murid jadi ga bisa tanya ke guru
- murid jadi ga bisa bahas2 soal2 sulit sama guru
- guru ga bisa memastikan apakah muridnya uda ngerti ato belom, ato di bagian mana pelajaran yg sulit, dll
jadi sisi interaktifnya hilang deh..
klo misalnya di masa depan bisa ada live lecture yang misalnya bisa saling liat (guru liat ratusan murid dan murid liat guru) dan misalnya bisa + chat dan doodle (papan tulis yg di yahoo messenger), baru deh kayanya asik juga dari kamar :P

Derianto Kusuma [id], 2 Apr 2006, 8:41 reply
hmm, benar juga, tapi:
1. meeski di lecture tidak ada sisi interaktif, di tutorial, anda bisa bertanya banyak hal. Anda juga diperbolehkan mengunjungi si guru di kantornya :D
2. tentang tanggapan masa depan, kelihatannya keren juga. Tapi aku jadi kasian sama gurunya, apa nggak pusing ngurus 100 orang live! Hehe...
3. terima kasih atas pendapat anda... Kasi lagi yah!!! :P

kiko [sg], 2 Apr 2006, 13:38 reply
kalo saya, kalo emang ada lecture recording, sy ebih milih nonton recondingnya..soalnya kalau ke lecture, wa bakalan ketiduran...dan sthl bangun jadi lost deh ga ngerti lecturernya ngomong apa.. jadi buat sy, lebih effektif kl nonton recording

jamur [dk], 2 Apr 2006, 11:47 reply
Benar, tapi terkadang, yang melakukan lecture recording itu sendiri terlambat datang. Akhirnya tidak 100% lecture ter rekam. Hehe, bagaimana menurut anda?

kiko [sg], 2 Apr 2006, 13:34 reply
mnurut gw sih lecture recording enak
tp lbh byk yg ga enaknya
misal : ga bisa ngobrol ama temen, ga bisa nanya ke temen
dan lecture recording sendiri kadang ga jelas, kepotong2,
bisa ada bisa ga, kalo guru nulis apa lagi, ga kliatan biasa nya
yah mnurut wa sih, dtg ke lecture lbh enak, meski kl diliat lagi sih, mgkn ga efektif >.< soalnya lbh byk ga dengerin nya

.... [sg], 3 Apr 2006, 13:00 reply
Hmm, if the class size is too big, i think it's not lecture anymore, but preaching. Consequently, the person who teaches is not a lecturer, but a preacher.
What do you think?

anon [sg], 4 Apr 2006, 9:18 reply
I attend lectures cos some may have recordings, some do not, and those that do have recordings, well, sad to say, the quality may not be as good as expected. Especially from the old LTs. Somehow I feel that the human touch is missing by viewing the lecture recordings... LoL

nicole [sg], 4 Apr 2006, 10:31 reply
hey yo...final year student here...hmm...i skipped lotsa lectures and i don't really find problem with tht :/ well, i guess tht's my way of enjoying life to the fullest...i just skipped lesson and take a break when i got tired of it....=) anyone disagree with me?? hahaa....

yuuki-kun [sg], 4 Apr 2006, 18:35 reply
hey yo...hmm..preaching?? haha...why don't you read your dictionary and compare the two meanings...they're quite different, hence i disagree with you...=)

yuuki-kun to anon [sg], 4 Apr 2006, 18:39 reply
buat deri : kayaknya kalo pake chat + doodle masi kurang interaktif, gmana kalo pake virtual reality aja ^^

nyo [sg], 8 Apr 2006, 9:55 reply
virtual reality?? heh iya susah nyo, itu tampaknya buat di masa depan sekali :)

Derianto Kusuma [id], 8 Apr 2006, 13:55 reply
I think, attending lectures is important, why? because in a lecture, we may meet people that we are looking for, when you have some problems, you may ask it to the lecturer immediately, and... are there sufficient cute girls? Just kidding.

Lesmanahadi [id], 10 Apr 2006, 11:51 reply
Heem... good point. yup2.. Attending lecture is very important to me.. I also wonder why... I even took 179 once to go to lecture because i was late ^^; (felt stupid after that)I need to admit though, that 99% of the time i felt sleepy inside the LT.. and eventually didn't listen to what the lecturer is talking... huahaha.. So what is my purpose going there?... May be because of the kiasu mode.. dun't know.. however, by attending the lecture, i can atleast keep track of how lag am i behind =)

Erlin [sg], 12 Apr 2006, 5:48 reply