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1. If you are not currently using Windows XP, just skip to the next number. If you spend a lot of time doing nothing on your computer, probably you need to skip this also. Do you know what "System Restore" is? If you do, please skip to the next number. You can actually increase your harddisk free space easily. Last time I do this on my supervisor's computer, the free space increases by 3 GB. How to do it: (See your current free disk space.) Go to the Control Panel. Open the System icon. Click the System Restore tab. Tick the Turn off System Restore on all drives. Then your computer will scare you by giving a Yes/No question. Just click Yes and see how much your harddisk free space has increased...

1. Kalau Anda tak sedang pakai Jendela XP, loncati saja nomor ini. Jika Anda suka nganggur dan bengong di komputer, mungkin Anda perlu melewati ini juga. Apakah Anda tau apa itu "System Restore"? Jika ya, loncati nomer ini. Anda sebetulnya bisa menambah sisa kosong harddisk Anda dengan mudah. Terakhir kali aku lakukan di komputer supervisor, sisa kosongnya bertambah 3 GB. Caranya: (Liat berapa sisa kosong harddisk.) Ke Control Panel. Buka System. Klik tab System Restore. Nyalakan Turn off System Restore on all drives. Lalu komputer akan menakuti Anda dengan memberi pertanyaan Yes/No. Klik Yes saja dan liat sebanyak apa sisa kosong harddisk Anda bertambah...

2. If you have graduated from junior high school, you should know the Black theory that states that the heat taken is the same as heat released. And many people that have grown-up strive to lessen their body weight. That is by as much as possible getting the energy out of the body (sports etc), and as little as possible taking the energy into the body (food etc). But have you ever thought, why don't you just drink cold water? Doesn't your body release energy to heat the water to make the water's temperature the same as your body's temperature? For example if we drink 2 litres of water from the refrigerator (5°C) and the body's temperature is 37°C. So the energy we release to heat the water:

m c Δt = (2 kg) (1 kcal / kg) (37 - 5) = 64 kilo calories

That is approximately equal to 22-minutes walking or 8-minutes running. That's not bad, right?

2. Kalau Anda sudah lulus SMP, harusnya tau Asas Black yang menyatakan kalor yang diambil sama dengan kalor yang dilepas. Dan kalau sudah gede banyak orang kesusahan ingin menguruskan badan. Yaitu sebanyak mungkin keluarkan energi dari tubuh (olahraga dsb) dan sedikit mungkin masukkan energi ke tubuh (makanan dsb). Tapi pernahkah Anda pikirkan, kenapa tidak minum air dingin saja? Bukankah tubuh akan mengeluarkan energi untuk memanaskan air itu sehingga suhunya sama dengan tubuh? Misalnya sehari kita minum 2 liter air dari kulkas (5°C) dan suhu tubuh 37°C. Maka energi yang kita keluarkan untuk memanaskan air itu:

m c Δt = (2 kg) (1 kkal / kg) (37 - 5) = 64 kilo kalori

Itu kira-kira sama dengan jalan kaki 22 menit atau lari 8 menit! Lumayan kan!

3. Our tongue can sense four basic tastes, which are sweet, sour, salty and bitter. No, not strawberry, chocolate, orange, vanilla etc. But some study said that there is one more taste called umami (旨味). It is the taste that we sense from MSG, meat or cheese.

3. Lidah kita bisa mengecap empat rasa dasar, yaitu manis, asam, asin, dan pahit. Bukan stroberi, coklat, jeruk, vanila dsb loh! Tapi ada yang bilang ada satu rasa lagi yaitu umami (旨味). Rasa itulah yang kita rasakan dari vetsin/MSG, daging, atau keju.

4. Maybe you don't know this yet: Measure your body's height. Stretch out your arms to the opposite direction and measure the farthest distance (from fingertip to fingertip). The measurement will be the same!

4. Mungkin Anda belum tau: Ukur tinggi badanmu. Bentangkan tanganmu sejauh mungkin dan ukur jarak terjauh dari ujung jari ke ujung jari. Hasilnya akan sama!

5. Most likely you have tried to pack things into a plastic bag and tie it, but had difficulties opening the tie in other occasions. This is how you can tie it so that you can open the tie easily! But there is one condition, that you must have plastic remaining long enough because you will need one more bend on the plastic. (Requires Flash 8)

5. Anda pasti sudah berkali-kali memasukkan barang ke plastik dan mengikatnya, tapi kesulitan membuka ikatannya kembali di saat lain. Begini cara mengikat supaya dapat dengan mudah dibuka kembali! Tapi syaratnya, harus ada sisa plastik cukup panjang karena perlu tambahan satu lipatan plastik. (Perlu Flash 8)

Written by: yuku

Is it original? or you copy paste it from other source?
for number 2, its just your imagination or you have try it? ^^;
For number 4, I dont agree. Think that some people have extremely long arm. (at least, we can see it at sports manga :P some of the player is said to have a verrrryyy long arm that can punch you from the distance or steal the ball from your possesion! :P)
but, good job yuku :D

bebek [sg], 22 Jan 2006, 4:38 reply
number 1, isn't it dangerous to turn off the system restore?
number 3, very interesting... by the way, what is 'umami' in English (maybe Indonesian :P)

koe [sg], 22 Jan 2006, 13:36 reply
Good, good, good, good, good...^^

Lesmanahadi [id], 22 Jan 2006, 16:52 reply
I don't agree with point no. 2. Drinking too much cold water is definitely bad for ur health. It is true that the cold water u drink will absorb the heat from the body so that the body need more energy to heat itself back to its normal temperature. But all the enzyme and the system in our body have certain range of temperature so that they will perform optimally. If u keep drinking cold water, your body will be subjected to the sudden drop in temperature which render ur body system not function optimally at that moment.
The best thing to do diet is eat sufficiently (not too much) and do undou regularly. If u dun know undou, ask the moderator of this website. :P:P

Yakumo [us], 23 Jan 2006, 6:40 reply
biasa2 aja,,
nothing special

sofi [id], 26 Oct 2006, 12:55 reply
soalnya sudah bagus (sangat bagus kq) tetapi kalu bisa soal harus dapat membuat para siswa tertarik untuk melakukan percobaan. sebab sampai saat ini kebanyakan siswa hanya berusaha untuk menghafalkan formulasi dan latihan soal, sedangkan untuk melakukan experiment cenderung di abaikan. Soalnya sangat bagus kq tetapi harus ada peningkatan dan dibikin lebih menarik.

wachid [id], 12 Dec 2006, 19:38 reply
umami tu artinya gurih kali ya???

nadnad [id], 26 Jul 2007, 17:08 reply
nice article

Ivolina [id], 3 Oct 2007, 6:35 reply
I want2try no1but...is it save4my cmptr?i'm just not really sure:p anyway about the diet,forget drinking cold water!it's not good4health.the best4us is warm water:) coz it's easier2process.lagian wkt i2gru olahraga gw pRnh blg kLo mNum aer dgin bs bqin otot peruT kendor n jadinya maLahan bs nduT

Blackframe_glasses [no], 30 Jul 2008, 5:03 reply