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![]() 21 Sep 2005 Let's Make Japan #2!![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mari Membuat Japan #2! Gara2 nonton anime Yakitate Japan 27, yang di akhirnya ada cara bikin roti Japan #2, kami mencoba membuatnya.. walau dengan peralatan masak yang terbatas karena kami tinggal di asrama. Hasilnya... walau keliatannya agak beda dengan contohnya, tapi enak juga ko... yang penting inilah pertama kali bikin roti, berarti pengalaman baru. Because we watched an anime titled Yakitate Japan 27, which there is a method to make a bread Japan #2 in the end, we try to make it.. although using limited cooking equipments because we stay on a dormitory. The result is... even though it seems different from the example, nevertheless it's pretty delicious... the important thing is that this is the first time I make bread, that means a new experience. Pertama.. cari dulu di Google, dan akhirnya resepnya ditemukan di sini. Bahan yang diperlukan: ●Terigu 350gram ●Mentega 21gram ●Gula 21gram ●Susu 35cc ●Air 180cc ●Ragi bubuk 5gram ●Garam meja 6.5gram. Wah, aneh amat sih angkanya. First of all.. I searched the recipe on Google, and I found it here. Needed materials: ●Bread flour 350gram ●Butter 21gram ●Sugar 21gram ●Milk 35cc ●Water 180cc ●Dry yeast 5gram ●Table salt 6.5gram. Wah, the numbers are very wierd. Bahan2 di atas dicampur dalam sebuah baskom, harusnya sih. Tapi ga punya juga, jadi pake panci saja. Masukin tepung (*), gula (**), garam (***), air, dan susu. Alat ukur yang kami punya hanya takeran yang biasa dipake untuk masak nasi, sebesar 180cc, sedangkan timbangan sama sekali ga ada. Padahal, di awal resepnya tertulis begini: "Kalau bikin roti, membuatnya dengan mengukur teliti bahan2 adalah hal yang paling penting, karena itu bikinlah dengan mengukurnya benar2 yah!" (*) Tepung 1 kg dituang ke 2 tempat plastik, dikira2 dibagi rata, supaya jadi kira2 500 gram tiap tempat, lalu diambil kira2 lagi 2/3 lebih dikit. The above materials is to be mixed in a bowl, that's the suggestion. But we don't have that, so we just use a saucepan. Then we add the flour (*), sugar (**), salt (***), water and milk. The measuring device we had is only a measuring cup that is usually used to cook rice, it's 180cc, where a scale was not there at all. It's so, even that on the beginning of the recipe, it is said like this: "If you are going to make bread, making it while measuring the materials with care is the most important thing, so make it while measuring it well, ok?!" (*) 1 kg of flour is poured into 2 plastic bowl, approximately the same amount, so that it become about 500 grams each bowl, then we take it about 2/3 portion plus a little. Aduk2, lalu encerkan ragi bubuk (1 sahet 11 gram, jadi untuk dapetin 5 gram ga begitu susah, bagi 2 aja lalu kurangi dikit) dengan air, wah tak disangka ternyata ragi + air baunya sangat menyengat, warnanya pun jadi coklat (hmm tadinya emang uda coklat sih). Tambahkan ke adonan, dan seorang teman siap mengulen2 adonan dengan tangan yang katanya udah dicuci bersih. Setelah rasanya ga seperti tepung, mentega 21 gram ditambahin (sekaleng 500 gram, dibelah kaya motong pizza, tapi ngambilnya susah, liat foto), lalu diulen2 lagi sampe ga lengket... Mix them all, then dissolve dry yeast (1 sachet is 11 grams, so to get 5 grams is not so difficult, just divide it by two and less it a little) with water, wow I was surprised knowing that yeast + water has a very stingy aroma, the colour is also become brown (hmm before that actually it was brown, by the way). Add it into the mix, and a friend is ready to mould it up with her hands that she said they have been washed thoroughly. After the mix feels not flour-like, 21 grams of butter is added (a can is 500 grams, split it like cutting pizza, but it was hard to take out the butter, see the photo), then mould it again until it's not sticky anymore... Ternyata, puluhan menit ngulen, tetap lengket dan ga berkurang2. Aku pun pengen coba, jadi diserahkan ke ku, dan tak kusangka betapa capenya ngulen, jadi kepikiran berarti kan tangannya akan berkeringat dan keringat campur sama roti.. wah. Sudahlah, menyerah, seorang teman yang lain cuci dan basahi tangannya supaya ga lengket, segera kuserahkan, dan dibentuk bulat, dan ditaro di panci itu lagi, lalu dibiarkan 60 menit di dekat kasing CPU biar anget ^^ In fact, after tens of minutes we mould, it was still sticky and the stickiness never decreases. I also wanted to try, so it was handed over to me, and I didn't expect before that moulding was very tiring, and suddenly it comes to my mind that the hand will be sweating and the sweat will mix with the bread, wah. That's enough, we gave up, another friend washed and wetted her hands to make it not sticky, quickly I pass it to her, and it was made round shape, and it was put into the saucepan again, then it was ignored for 60 minutes near CPU casing because it's warm ^^ 60 menit kemudian diliat hasilnya... mengembang :D dan saatnya dikeluarkan dari panci, ternyata susah juga keluarinnya, lengket dengan pancinya.. hoho.. Setelah keluar, jatuhkan dari ketinggian 50 cm berkali2, biar udara di dalamnya keluar. (Wah masih lengket!) Lalu taro lagi di deket CPU dan tunggu lagi 60 menit, keluarkan, masukin ke reskuker (rice cooker) listrik tentunya, bukan yang berAPI2, dan nyalain powernya dan tunggu 60 menit lagi... 60 minutes has passed, see the result... it expands :D and it's the time to remove it from the saucepan, in fact it's rather hard, because it's sticks tightly with the saucepan.. hoho.. After it's taken out, drop it from height of 50 cm several times, to make the air inside go out. (Wah it's still sticky!) Then put it back on near CPU and wait again for 60 minutes, take it out, and put it inside a rice cooker, the electronic one of course, not the one with FIRE, and turn on the power and wait another 60 minutes... Wah ternyata reskukernya kekecilan (perhatikan foto baik2)! Pas dibuka sampe tutup atas reskukernya mandek dan copot, lengket ke tutup atas, roti pun jadi setengah berongga setengah padat, aneh juga. Tapi aroma roti semakin tercium wangi! Wah the rice cooker is too small (note the photo carefully)! When I open the cover, the cover itself sticks to the bread and it releases, the bread became half porous and half solid, wierd. But the bread aroma is getting nicer and nicer! Tak rumit lagi yang perlu dilakukan setelah ini. Lepaskan roti yang uda lengkeeeet sama reskuker (pake piso bisa, walau diprotes seorang teman karena rotinya rada penyek), balik, masukin reskuker lagi, jalanin lagi selama 60 menit! Keluarkan lagi, balik lagi (kembali ke posisi semula), jalanin lagi 60 menit! Jadi total fermentasi + pemasakan = 5 jam! Lama yah! What to be done after this is no more complicated. Remove the bread that is very stiiiiicky to the rice cooker (using a knife is possible, but one of my friend protested because the bread become has a 'cave'), turn it over, insert it into the rice cooker again, cook again for 60 minutes! Take it out again, turn it over again (back to the original position), cook it again for 60 minutes! So the total time of fermentation + cooking = 5 hours! Very long, isn't it!
Dan akhirnya pekerjaan kami selesai sudah, inilah hasil perjuangan pertama kali coba membuat roti, pada kenyataannya rotinya keasinan, sebagian padat, lembut, sebagian renyah, tapi enak (mengingat hasil perjuangan sendiri, tapi emang enak ko!) And finally our work is finished, this is our hardwork of making a bread for the first time, actually the truth is that the bread is too salty, a part of it is solid, some soft, some crunchy, but it's delicious (remembering that this is our own hardwork, but it's delicious indeed!)
Written by: yuku ![]() ![]() |