Every year, including 2005, many countries celebrating CHRISTMAS EVE. As you know, Christmas brings you Christmas Holiday. It's fun, but Kejut.com is also fun. NOW, you're watching our article for this Christmas... Setiap tahun, termasuk tahun 2005, banyak negara merayakan MALAM NATAL. Seperti yang Anda tahu, Natal membawa Anda ke dalam libur Natal. Liburan menyenangkan, begitu juga dengan Kejut.com. SEKARANG, Anda sedang menyaksikan artikel kami untuk Natal kali ini...
Dear all visitors,
Every year, including 2005, many countries celebrating CHRISTMAS EVE. As you know, Christmas brings you Christmas Holiday. It's fun, but Kejut.com is also fun. NOW, you're watching our article for this Christmas:
Kepada semua pengunjung,
Setiap tahun, termasuk tahun 2005, banyak negara merayakan MALAM NATAL. Seperti yang Anda tahu, Natal membawa Anda ke dalam libur Natal. Liburan menyenangkan, begitu juga dengan Kejut.com. SEKARANG, Anda sedang menyaksikan artikel kami untuk Natal kali ini:
Type your message in the comment box (green border):
Fill " Your rating: " for this article.
Fill " From ", " Email ", and " Website " with your identities.
Fill " Comments " for ones who you want to congratulate this Christmas.
Let them know what you want to say, send this article's address.
To: devi, dipta, oli, setiawan, etc who dwell in a lion
island on this Christmas, waaaaa!!!!
yuku [id], 24 Dec 2005, 16:33 reply
To: Oli Message: Merry Christmas! Selamat
Natal... "Christmas waves a magic wand over this world,
and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful."
~Norman Vincent Peale-
Adhi [id], 24 Dec 2005, 16:38 reply
To: Tombo Message: Merry Christmas and have a wonderful
and unBoring christmas day ^^
Adhi [id], 24 Dec 2005, 16:44 reply
To: Randy Message: 1. Is the content of your 'To'
section arranged alphabetically? If yes, perhaps my name shd
start with 'a' ^^ 2. Why "waaaaa!!!!" ???? 3. "Met
Natal" again
olive [sg], 24 Dec 2005, 17:15 reply
To: Adhi and Kairi Message: ~ Wish you guys a very
merry christmas! ~ God Bless
olive [sg], 24 Dec 2005, 17:17 reply
To: Everyone that I know but haven't been wished a merry
christmas from me Message: 1. Wish you all a very
merry CHRISTmas! Be Happy and rejoice! for Jesus was born 2k
yrs ago to save u and me :) 2. Say NO to Santa!!!
olive [sg], 24 Dec 2005, 17:20 reply
To: rizki Merry Christmas and don't be swallowed in
busy+ness too much!
yuku [id], 24 Dec 2005, 18:50 reply
To: Everyone who read this greeting Message: I may not
know you, and you may not know me. But one thing we know, we
are celebrating Christmas today. Christmas is not about
gift, or ritual that we just do every year. It is a
remembrance of the greatest gift of all fro the world, it is
about Christ. Let us give thanks and rejoice for the Son of
God who came for us! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!
Kittymew [sg], 25 Dec 2005, 2:45 reply
Sorry, mistyping ... fro should be for ^^
Kittymew [sg], 25 Dec 2005, 2:46 reply
To yuku Happy Chinese New Year coz it's too late to reply
now for Christmas.
Tenma chan [us], 23 Jan 2006, 6:54 reply
hepi chainis niu yer juga ya, abis uda telat si natalnya,
tsukamoto san [kr], 23 Jan 2006, 17:37 reply
Merry Christmas....^-^ God Bless u.
Lina [id], 11 Dec 2006, 12:42 reply
Merry Christmas n happy NeW Year, God bless u..........4 eva
Lina [id], 11 Dec 2006, 12:45 reply
"Met NATAL 'n' TAHUN BARU cayank.Mdh2an di tahun
2007 nnt hub qt smakin akrab yach.......n hrpn aq smga Tuhan
mengabulkan hrpan2 qt slma ini n msh mjg hub qt.Yg lbh ptg
dr sma hrpn itu adlh "Smga Cayank Smakin Sayang ma AQ"
LINA [id], 17 Dec 2006, 13:56 reply
none picture its so very ugly
dexter [ph], 7 Dec 2007, 5:52 reply
To : Smua temenku yang merayakannya !
Merry Christmas ^^
Escher [id], 2 Dec 2008, 9:01 reply
1 nafas lagi,,,
1 hari lagi,,,
1 impian lagi,,,
1 kesmpatan lagi,,,
TUHAN berikan buat kita menjalani hari ini dan memahami
betapa besar kasihNya