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![]() 26 Dec 2008 Is it important? Important? See for yourself.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ah, masa ga penting? Coba liat dulu, mungkin menambah wawasan! 1. Kegiatan sehari-hari yang cukup sering dilakukan di saat pagi: mandi (+keramas kalo perlu), gosok gigi, dan buang air besar. Jika kita melakukannya secara berurutan, tentu akan memakan waktu cukup banyak. Betapa enaknya jika kamar mandi kita ada jamban dan pancuran air (shower), sekalian sikat giginya taro di dalam. Dengan demikian, ketiga kegiatan itu bisa dilakukan dalam waktu singkat. Basahi rambut. Duduklah di jamban dan ketika itu mulailah mengeluarkan bolu. Lalu pakaikan sampo, setelah itu nyalakan shower yang digantung ke arah anda. Dengan demikian rambut hampir terbilas. Selama itu, mulailah menyikat gigi, dan ketika penyikatan selesai, pengeluaran bolu harusnya cukup tuntas. Setelah penyelesaian buangairbesar, bisa kumur2 sekaligus membilas rambut dengan tuntas. Mandi sejenak lagi (badan uda basah kan), dan segera bereslah urusan pagi. 1. Daily activities, which are quite often done in the morning: bathing (+ also shampoo if needed), brushing teeth, and releasing your dung. If we do it sequentially, it will take quite a lot of time. How wonderful if in our bathroom there is also a closet and a shower. Moreover if the toothbrush is put inside. Thus, the three activities can be done in a short time. Wet your hair. Sit on the closet and at that time, start to release your 'cake'. Apply the shampoo, then start the shower that has been directed towards you. Thus, the hair will be almost rinsed. In the mean time, start brushing your teeth, and when completed, the output of your cake should have been completed. After the completion of cake-releasing, you can gargle and rinse your hair thoroughly at the same time. Bathe a while more while your body has been wet by now, and your morning affairs will be done instantly. 2. Kereta dalam kota (seperti kereta listrik di Jakarta), ada di mana2. Di Singapura, yang bernama MRT, penumpangnya kadang ribut dan memakai ponsel seenaknya, tapi dilarang makan dan minum. Di Jepang (futuu densha), justru ponsel dilarang dipakai sehingga ada ketenangan, tapi makan minum diperbolehkan (tapi tetap bersih). Di Amerika, tak ada larangan makan minum maupun ponsel, jadi agak kotor dan sering terlihat tumpahan makanan di lantai. Di Indonesia, :). 2. City trains (such as the electric trains in Jakarta), are everywhere. In Singapore, which is called MRT, passengers are sometimes noisy because they are using mobile phones, but eating and drinking are prohibited. In Japan (futuu densha), mobile phone use is banned, the situation is calm, but the food and drink are allowed (nevertheless it is still clean). In the United States, there is no prohibition of eating and drinking nor using mobile phone, so they are a bit dirty and often I saw food and drink spills on the floor. In Indonesia, :). 3. Pada kamera SLR (Single-lens reflex, kamera yang apa yang dilihat di lubang intip sama dengan yang ditangkap oleh kamera). Kamera ini lensanya menonjol ke luar dan bisa diganti2, bagian yang paling kuat justru di bagian lensanya. Jadi, Anda bisa pegang kamera itu dengan pegang lensanya saja, dan tubuh kamera akan ikut terangkat dengan aman (liat gambar). Ngomong2, panah hijau kesayangan Anda nampang. 3. In SLR cameras (Single-lens reflex, the camera where what you see in the viewfinder is the same as what the camera captures). This camera's lens that protrude outside and can be replaced is actually the strongest part. So, you can hold the camera by only holding the lens part, and the body of the camera will be lifted up securely (see image). By the way, the green arrow that you always love has appeared.
4. Di Singapura dan Malaysia, ada minuman cukup umum yang bernama Bandung. Waktu ku pertama mendengar namanya, kukira ada hubungannya dengan kota Bandung. Ternyata itu minuman yang dibuat dari susu dicampur sirup mawar (rose). Pernah dengar? Mirip susu soda gembira? Tapi ini ga pakai soda, ga ada buihnya. Namun sayang, minuman susu yang sehat itu pun ada versi palsunya. Pada suatu ketika ku beli Bandung dalam kemasan, dengan warna seperti biasa, ketika dirasakan ko agak beda. Tercantum komposisinya, tak mengandung susu. Namun: Air, gula, pewarna, perasa, natrium benzoat. Hati-hatilah juga dengan minuman yang seperti susu padahal bukan. 4. In Singapore and Malaysia, there is a quite common drink called Bandung. The first time I heard the name, I thought it is related with Bandung city, Indonesia. It turns out that it is a drink made from milk and mixed with rose syrup. Ever heard of it? It is called happy soda milk in Indonesia. However this does not include the soda. However, unfortunately, the once-I-thought healthy milk drink has the fake version. Once when I bought Bandung in a packaging, with the usual colour. When I drank it I felt a little different. The ingredients are listed, which contain no milk. The ingredients were: Water, sugar, colouring, flavouring, and sodium benzoate. Exercise caution with drinks that look like milk but they are not. 5. Taukah Anda kenapa observatorium (gedung khusus dengan alat2 untuk mengamati bintang) terletak jauh dari kota? Seandainya ada di pusat kota, akan lebih mudah diakses, bukan? Karena, di pusat kota ada terlalu banyak cahaya dari rumah dan gedung serta lampu jalan. Adanya cahaya itu membuat bintang susah dilihat! Coba saja lihat langit ketika di samping Anda ada lampu2. Secara mengherankan, lampu2 tersebut membuat cahaya bintang susah terlihat. 5. Do you know why observatories (a special building to observe star) is located far from the city? If it is in the downtown, it will easier to access, isn't it? Because, there is too much light from house and building and lamppost in the downtown. That light make the stars difficult to see! For example see the sky where there are lamps just beside you. Amazingly, those lamps make the stars difficult to see.
Written by: yuku Related articles:
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