18 Dec 2009 It happened just before Christmas126390 Itu terjadi tepat sebelum Natal Felix keeps himself hidden behind the wall. His heart beats quickly. He closes both of his eyes and tries to concentrate on hearing what is happening behind the wall. Felix bersembunyi di balik tembok. Jantungnya berdegup kencang. Dia memejamkan kedua matanya dan mencoba memusatkan pikirannya untuk mendengar apa yang terjadi di balik tembok. “Knock. Knock.” "Tok. Tok." “Sob. Sob.” "Hiks. Hiks." “Knock. Knock.” "Tok. Tok." “Felix, are you there?” "Felix, kau di sana?" Felix tries to not make any noise. Felix mencoba untuk tidak menimbulkan suara apapun. “Felix, could you open the door for me. I need to see you.” "Felix, bisakah kau bukakan pintu untukku? Aku perlu bertemu denganmu." Felix opens his eyes and looks at his ceiling. Felix membuka matanya dan memandang langit-langit. “Felix, I know you are there. Your light is on. Your usual shoes are outside. I did not see your keys near your mailbox, your safest place to keep the keys. Could we talk for a few minutes, please?” "Felix, aku tau kau ada di sana. Lampu menyala. Sepatu yang biasa ada di luar. Aku tidak melihat kuncimu di dekat kotak surat, tempat yang kau anggap paling aman untuk menaruh kunci. Tolong, bisakah kita berbicara beberapa menit saja?" Felix takes a deep breath. Felix menarik nafas panjang. “Felix, could you say anything, anything to make me relieved. I am confused. I don’t know who I could trust anymore. Why did you do that? Was it really you? It does not like you at all.” "Felix, bisakah kau berbicara sesuatu, apapun yang bisa membuatku tenang. Aku bingung. Aku tak tahu siapa lagi yang bisa kupercayai. Kenapa kau lakukan itu? Benarkah itu kau? Itu tidak seperti kau." Felix exhales slowly. Felix pelan-pelan menghembuskan nafas. “or it is really you. I have never thought that you would do that without any explanation like this. You did not pick up or return my calls. You did not want to face me. I don’t know you anymore. If this is what you wish, then be it. From now on, there is nothing between us. I don’t want to see you again.” "atau itu memang kau. Aku tak pernah menduga kau melakukannya tanpa penjelasan seperti ini. Kau tidak mengangkat atau membalas teleponku. Kau tak mau menemuiku. Aku tak seperti mengenalmu lagi. Kalau kau memang mau begitu, terjadilah. Mulai sekarang, kita tidak saling kenal. Aku tak mau melihatmu lagi." Felix quietly gets down and sits on the floor. He feels pain and sadness. Everything has its price and that is the price that he has to pay for what he has done. Felix turun dari kasur dengan hening dan duduk di lantai. Dia merasa sakit dan sedih. Semua hal ada harganya dan ini harga yang harus dia bayar akibat perbuatannya. This is in Felix’s house and that was Stephanie. She is Felix’s friend since they were just kids. Felix really cares about her. Stephanie trusts Felix more than other people. They often mock or argue to each other, but they know each other very well too. Ini terjadi di rumah Felix dan orang itu Stephanie. Dia teman Felix sejak kecil. Felix sangat peduli kepada dia. Stephanie mempercayai Felix lebih dari siapapun. Mereka sering saling mencerca dan mendebat satu sama lain, tapi mereka sangat mengenal satu sama lain. A couple weeks ago, Stephanie asked for Felix’s support to build a relationship with G and Felix agreed to do that. Felix just wants to see Stephanie has a happy life. A couple days from then, G became Stephanie’s boyfriend. Stephanie loves him with all her heart and everything went well. Then, a couple days ago, Felix threatened G and G broke up with her. It seems that Stephanie found out that Felix was the cause. Beberapa minggu lalu, Stephanie meminta dukungan Felix untuk menjalin hubungan dengan G. Felix setuju. Felix ingin melihat Stephanie senang. Beberapa hari kemudian, G menjadi pacar Stephanie. Stephanie mencintainya sepenuh hati dan segalanya berjalan lancar. Kemudian, beberapa hari lalu, Felix mengancam G dan G putus dengan Stephanie. Tampaknya Stephanie tahu bahwa Felix penyebabnya. Felix and his friends planned to celebrate the Christmas day with Stephanie and her friends. Now the entire plan is in jeopardy. If Stephanie does not come, possibly her friends will also not come. Furthermore, some complications may occur because the number of people that will come to the Christmas event becomes uncertain, such as rent for a villa that hasn’t been paid fully and food ingredients or other goods that were bought for everyone. Thus, to be fair for everyone, Felix has to tell at least his friends and deal with their responses that most likely will not be good. Felix dan teman-temannya berencana merayakan hari Natal dengan Stephanie dan teman-temannya. Kini seluruh rencana terancam gagal. Kalau Stephanie tidak datang, kemungkinan besar teman-temannya juga tidak datang. Masih ada lagi keruwetan yang muncul kalau jumlah orang yang datang tidak pasti, seperti sewa vila yang belum dibayar, bahan makanan, dan barang-barang lain yang dibeli untuk semua orang. Supaya adil, Felix harus setidaknya memberitahu teman-temannya dan menghadapi tanggapan mereka yang kemungkinan besar buruk. Felix takes another deep breath, holds it for about one minute then exhales slowly. He has done it for 52 times. That much air may be able to fill one standard fire extinguisher until full. Fire extinguisher may be used to cool down his head. Instead of that functionality, it is also a perfect tool to knock down a human. Just knock it on the head and perhaps I will be down instantly. That is on Felix’s mind. Felix lagi-lagi menarik napas panjang, menahan napasnya sekitar semenit dan menghembuskannya pelan-pelan. Dia telah melakukannya 52 kali. Udara sebanyak itu kelihatannya bisa memenuhi setabung pemadam api. Pemadam api mungkin bisa mendinginkan kepalanya. Namun selain kegunaan itu, pemadam api juga alat yang sangat cocok untuk menjatuhkan manusia. Pukulkan saja ke kepala dan aku akan tumbang dalam sekejap. Itulah isi pikiran Felix. Felix understands that although it (the fire extinguisher) may solve his problems, but his friends will be at disadvantages. Christmas day is only two days later, so there is not much time left. Therefore, he starts to contact them one by one. Felix menyadari bahwa pemadam api dapat mengatasi masalahnya, tapi teman-temannya akan tetap rugi. Hari natal tinggal dua hari, tidak banyak waktu tersisa. Maka, Felix mulai menghubungi mereka satu per satu. “Hallo!” "Halo!" “Hi, Bro, we got an issue.” "Hai teman, ada masalah nih." “Oh, yeah. I have got it too. It’s very wild, wilder than all that I’ve ever seen before.” "Betul. Aku juga sudah mendapatkannya. Benar-benar liar, lebih liar dari yang pernah kulihat." “Not the latest issue of Zoo magazine. It’s about our Christmas plan.” "Bukan majalah Hutan edisi terbaru. Ini tentang rencana hari natal kita." “Oh, don’t worry! I haven’t bought the tissues yet, we can use yours then.” "Oh, tenang saja! Aku belum beli makanan apapun, kita bisa pakai punyamu saja." (“Aaarrrggghhh… how should I explain things to this guy”) “Not about that, it’s about Stephanie.” ("Aaaaggghhh... bagaimana bisa kujelaskan pada orang ini") "Bukan tentang itu. Ini tentang Stephanie." “Oh, I see. Me, you and Stephanie know each other since back then. I don’t have any doubt about you, Bro. I can entrust her to you, can’t I. I will support you from distance because these days I am quite busy. Christmas is coming.” "Oh gitu. Aku, kau dan Stephanie sudah lama kenal kan. Aku tidak meragukanmu. Aku bisa mempercayakan dia padamu. Aku akan mendukungmu dari jauh karena belakangan ini lagi agak sibuk. Natal segera tiba." “Thanks for your support.” (with disappointment tone) "Makasih atas dukunganmu." (dengan nada kecewa) He contacted his other friends, but the result is similar. It is that Felix has to take responsibility to solve this problem by any ways necessary. Felix menghubungi teman-temannya yang lain, tapi hasilnya mirip-mirip saja. Bahwa Felix harus bertanggung jawab mengatasi masalah ini dengan cara apapun. Now, he carries all of those by himself. Stephanie is not there to help Felix like it used to be. Actually, these problems can be solved if his relationship with Stephanie is fixed, but he does not want to tell Stephanie about his reason in doing that to G. He does not want Stephanie to be wounded deeper because at this particular time Stephanie has already been wounded. Felix thinks that there is no hope that everything will be back like it used to be. Kini, semua masalah ditanggung Felix sendirian. Stephanie yang biasa membantu Felix tidak ada. Sebetulnya, masalah ini bisa diatasi jika hubungannya dengan Stephanie pulih, tapi Felix tidak mau memberitahu Stephanie alasan Felix melakukan itu pada G. Felix tidak mau Stephanie terluka lebih dalam karena saat ini Stephanie sudah terluka. Felix merasa sudah tidak mungkin semuanya bisa kembali seperti sedia kala. The clock is ticking and Felix can’t ask for help from any of his friends. At that time, Felix thinks that nobody in this world can help him. He himself is not sure whether he can get through the problems. Those bring uneasy feeling to Felix. That night strong wind pushes trees back and forth. The owls did not even think to howl, they run and keep their life safe. Felix could not sleep even though he really wants to get rid of these as soon as possible. Jam berdetak dan Felix tidak bisa meminta tolong pada teman-temannya. Saat itu, Felix berpikir bahwa tiada seorang pun di dunia bisa menolong dia. Dia pun tidak yakin apakah dia bisa melewati segala masalah ini. Felix merasa tidak enak. Malam itu, angin yang kencang mengguncang pohon-pohon kesana kemari. Burung hantu pun tidak berniat meraung, mereka melarikan diri ke tempat perlindungan. Felix tidak bisa tidur walaupun dia ingin melewati masalah ini secepat mungkin. Felix is lying on his bed with his eyes are closed. He hasn’t sleep yet, but he is not fully awake either. He is remembering a story that was told by his elementary school teacher back then. He can not remember it clearly, but it is about a race that waited to be set free, promises about a saviour that would bring freedom, and the fulfilments of the promises. Slowly he fells asleep. Felix terbaring di kasurnya dengan mata tertutup. Dia belum tidur, tapi juga tak sepenuhnya bangun. Dia mengingat-ingat cerita yang dituturkan guru TK-nya dulu. Samar-samar, tapi rasanya mengenai sebuah suku yang ingin merdeka, menunggu seorang penyelamat yang dijanjikan, dan akhirnya janji dipenuhi, penyelamat itu membebaskan mereka. Pelan-pelan Felix tertidur. The next morning, it is just one day before Christmas. Felix hears a melody vaguely. Furthermore, the melody becomes harder and clearer. He tries to recognise it. It is like a Christmas song with… vibration. Then Felix realises that his cell phone is ringing. He picks it up. Pagi berikutnya, satu hari sebelum hari Natal. Felix mendengar sebuah lagu. Lagu itu semakin keras dan jelas. Felix mencoba mengenalinya. Tampaknya itu sebuah lagu natal dengan... getaran. Felix tersadar bahwa ponselnya berdering. Ponsel diangkat. “Hi, Dad! How are you?” "Hai! apa kabar?" Itu adalah telepon dari Bapaknya. “Terrific. Felix, are you still sleeping?” "Sangat baik. Felix, kau masih tidur?" “No, I just woke up.” "Baru saja bangun." “Good. Today the weather is very nice. It made me woke up early, so I have to call you earlier as well. How is everything going?” "Bagus. Cuaca hari ini bagus sekali. Aku jadi bangun pagi, maka kau kutelepon pagi-pagi. Bagaimana kabarmu?" “Yeah, I still have to settle a couple of things today, but I can handle it myself. There is nothing for you to worry about.” "Yah, aku masih punya beberapa masalah yang perlu dibereskan, tapi aku bisa mengatasinya sendiri. Tenang saja." “That’s my son. You have become more mature and independent. I just want to remind you that your uncle with your lovely cousin will visit us the day after tomorrow. Make sure you come by!” "Aku bangga padamu, Anakku. Kau menjadi makin dewasa dan mandiri. Jangan lupa, lusa paman dan anaknya yang imut itu akan datang ke sini. Pastikan kau datang juga!" “Sure. Don’t worry, Dad. I still remember that.” "Tentu. Jangan khawatirkan hal itu. Aku masih ingat." “And one more thing, I may not be able to help you, but you know that I am not your only father. See you then.” "Dan satu hal lagi. Aku mungkin tak bisa membantumu, tapi kau tau bahwa aku bukan bapakmu satu-satunya. Sampai jumpa." “Bye.” "Mari." The sun shines brightly so that it seems that last night nothing happens. However, Felix still has to make a move. He is still considering about cancelling the previous plans, bearing the loss and developing new plans or doing some adjustments and sticking to the previous plan while also thinking about other possibilities. However, it is quite difficult to come up with another idea when he thinks that there is no hope. Matahari bersinar terang sampai seakan-akan tidak terjadi apapun semalam. Namun, Felix masih harus berusaha. Dia masih mempertimbangkan apakah rencananya sebaiknya dibatalkan saja, menanggung kerugiannya dan membuat rencana baru; atau tetap dengan rencana sebelumnya dengan beberapa perubahan. Tapi susah sekali memunculkan ide ketika rasanya tidak ada harapan. Felix keeps moving around inside his house. It resembles his worries like a slogan: more laps mean more worries. After a couple laps, he is slowing his speed and looking around, not only walking and thinking like before. He saw a cross that was given to him by his father when he began his life there. Then he realises what he often forget about. It is The Father who art in Heaven. Felix berputar-putar di dalam rumahnya. Itu menandakan kalau dia lagi khawatir, seperti kata slogan: semakin banyak putaran, berarti semakin khawatir. Setelah beberapa putaran, dia melambatkan kecepatan dan melihat sekitar, tidak hanya berjalan dan berpikir seperti sebelum itu. Dia melihat salib yang diberikan oleh Ayahnya sebelum dia pindah ke sana. Lalu dia menyadari apa yang sering dia lupakan. Itu adalah Bapanya di Surga. At that particular time, Felix remembers the story clearer. Once upon a time, there was a race that often lived in suffer for ages. They have to work for the Egyptian, camp out in a long journey, pay taxes to the Roman, etc. However, they have a God. The God that guided them to get out of Egypt, provided foods when they were hungry in the journey and promised to send a saviour. The God had never failed to fulfil His promises. Therefore, the people hoped, prayed, believed and were able to get through those. Thousands years ago, the promise was realised. The saviour was born in humble way on Christmas day. His birth became the beginning of a new light and salvation for the people and the rests of the world. At that night, many people who know about His birth were filled with joy. Pada saat itu, Felix mengingat cerita itu dengan lebih jelas. Dulu, ada suatu bangsa yang hidup dalam kesukaran selama berabad-abad. Mereka harus bekerja untuk Mesir, berkemah dalam perjalanan panjang, membayar pajak kepada Kekaisaran Romawi, dll. Walaupun demikian, mereka punya Tuhan. Tuhan yang membimbing mereka keluar dari Mesir, menyediakan makanan ketika mereka kelaparan dalam perjalanan dan menjanjikan mereka seorang penyelamat. Tuhan yang tidak pernah gagal dalam memenuhi janji-janji-Nya. Maka, orang-orang pun berharap, berdoa, percaya dan sanggup untuk melewati masa-masa itu. Ribuan tahun lalu, janji itu terealisasi. Sang Juru Selamat lahir dengan sederhana pada Hari Natal. Kelahiran-Nya menjadi awal dari terang yang baru, menandakan keselamatan yang terwujud bagi bangsa itu dan seluruh dunia. Pada malam kelahiran-Nya, banyak orang yang tahu tentang kelahirannya dipenuhi sukacita. Felix decides that he will come to a ‘Night Before Christmas’ mass in a church. There, during the mass, Felix prays to The God that is usually referred as The Father. In his own prayer, Felix admits that what he has done is not entirely right for everyone and he should have done better. He also asks for strength and support, so he can be brave enough to speak and get through the problems without hurting anybody. After that he still ask for something else. Felix memutuskan bahwa dia akan datang ke Misa Malam Natal di gereja. Di sana, selama misa berlangsung, Felix berdoa kepada Tuhan yang biasa disebut Bapak. Dalam doanya, Felix mengakui bahwa perbuatannya tidak secara keseluruhan baik untuk semua orang dan dia melakukan itu dengan cara yang kurang baik. Dia juga meminta kekuatan dan dukungan, agar dia bisa berbicara dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan berani dan tanpa menyakiti orang lain. Setelah itu dia masih meminta sesuatu yang lain. After the mass, Felix heads to Stephanie's house. She is the one that Felix needs to ask for an apology. Felix still considers that he may hurt Stephanie more, but this time he believes that God will help him and Stephanie. He will do the best he can do and God will take care of the rests. Setelah misa, Felix pergi ke rumah Stephanie. Felix perlu untuk meminta maaf pada dia. Felix masih mempertimbangkan bahwa dia mungkin akan menyakiti Stephanie lebih dalam lagi, tapi kali ini dia percaya bahwa Tuhan akan menolong dia dan Stephanie. Dia akan melakukan yang terbaik yang bisa dia lakukan dan Tuhan akan menangani lainnya. In no time Felix arrived in front of Stephanie's house. He rings the bell and somebody comes out of the house. Felix tiba di depan rumah Stephanie dalam sekejap. Dia membunyikan bel dan seseorang muncul dari dalam. "Hi, I am Felix. Is Stephanie home?" "Halo, aku Felix. Ada Stephanie?" "I am sorry, she has not returned home yet. Do you want to leave any message for her?" "Maaf, Stephanie belum pulang. Mau titip pesan?" "Thanks, but I prefer to say it personally. I will return again later." "Makasih, aku akan bilang sendiri saja. Nanti aku ke sini lagi." Felix walks a couple steps against the house and then he stops. He sees something like part of a long jacket behind the tree. The colour is red, just like Stephanie’s favourite colour. It seems that somebody is hiding behind the tree. Felix berjalan beberapa langkah menjauhi rumah itu kemudian berhenti. Dia melihat sesuatu yang mirip jaket panjang di balik pohon. Merah, seperti warna kesukaan Stephanie. Kelihatannya seseorang bersembunyi di balik pohon. Felix whispers, “Hallo! Who is it?” Felix berbisik, "Halo! Siapa itu?" “…” "..." “You, who hide behind the tree, could you hear me?” "Kau yang sembunyi di balik pohon, bisa dengar aku?" The person behind the tree, “Sorry, you must have made a mistake, there is nobody hiding behind the tree.” Orang di balik pohon berkata, "Maaf, Anda salah. Tidak ada seorangpun sembunyi di balik pohon." Felix thinks that he recognizes the voice. Rasanya kukenal suara itu, pikir Felix. “People may think I am crazy, if I say that I meet a tree that can speak then.” "Nanti aku dikira orang gila, kalau kubilang aku bertemu pohon yang bisa bicara." “You know, the tree is not only able to speak, the tree is also able to scream, call the police and make you staying in jail for years. Therefore, you should be afraid of the tree and GO AWAAAY! GO, AS FAR AS YOU CAN, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!” "Pohon tak hanya bisa bicara, tapi bisa teriak, memanggil polisi dan membuatmu dipenjara bertahun-tahun, loh. Karena itu, jauhilah pohon dan PERGIII! PERGI SEJAUH MUNGKIN SECEPATNYA!" Suddenly a hand pointed to the street comes out from behind the tree. Felix also can tell that whoever hides behind the tree, she is crying. Tiba-tiba ada tangan yang menunjuk ke jalan keluar dari belakang pohon. Felix tahu siapapun yang bersembunyi di balik pohon sedang menangis. “Indeed. If the person is a criminal, he deserves to be treated like that. I must admit that I had done a crime. I stole smile, happiness, security and future from a person that I care about the most. I am also a criminal and the tree has the right to throw me into the jail.” "Tentu saja. Seorang kriminal layak diperlakukan seperti itu. Aku mengaku telah berbuat kriminal. Aku mencuri senyum, kesenangan, keamanan, dan masa depan dari seorang yang paling kupedulikan. Aku seorang kriminal dan pohon berhak melemparkanku ke penjara." “I don’t want to hear anything from you again. Go and save yourself! Don’t stay there!” "Aku tak ingin mendengar apapun lagi darimu. Pergi selamatkan dirimu! Jangan diam saja di sana!" “I will not go. I am a bad person, a criminal. I regret what I have done, so I am ready to receive the punishments.” "Aku takkan pergi. Aku orang jahat, seorang kriminal. Aku menyesali perbuatanku, jadi aku siap menerima hukuman." “You have regretted it. That’s enough. Just go before others see you there!” "Kau sudah menyesalinya. Sudah cukup. Pergilah sebelum orang lain melihatmu di sana." “Let others hear! Let the world knows! MY NAME IS FELIX. I HAVE STABBED MY BEST FRIEND FROM HER BACK. I APPROACHED HER BOYFRIEND WITHOUT TELLING HER. I MADE HER BOYFRIEND BROKE UP WITH HER.“ "Biarkan orang lain mendengar! Biarkan seluruh dunia tau! AKU FELIX. AKU SUDAH MENUSUK TEMAN BAIKKU DARI BELAKANG. AKU MENDATANGI PACARNYA TANPA MEMBERITAHU DIA. AKU MEMBUAT PACARNYA PUTUS DENGAN DIA." “STOP!” "BERHENTI!" “I LEFT HER ALONE WHEN SHE WAS DOWN. I DID NOT STAY BY HER SIDE WHEN SHE NEEDED ME. I DID NOT GIVE HER ANY EXPLANATIONS. I MADE HER PERPLEXED.” "AKU MENINGGALKAN DIA SENDIRIAN KETIKA DIA TERJATUH. AKU TIDAK MENUNGGU DI DEKATNYA KETIKA DIA MEMBUTUHKAN AKU. AKU TIDAK MEMBERI DIA ALASAN APAPUN. AKU MEMBUAT DIA KEBINGUNGAN." “STOOOP!” "BERHENTIII!" “I DRAGGED HER INTO A HOLE AND I DID NOT THROW ANY ROPE TO SAVE HER. I LET HER FELL DEEPER AND DEEPER. EVEN THOUGH I WANT HER TO LIFE HAPPILY, I MAKE HER LIFE MISERABLE. I AM SORRY, I AM YOUR FRIEND AND I AM ALSO THE WORST FRIEND IN THE WORLD.” "AKU MENJATUHKAN DIA KE DALAM LUBANG DAN AKU TIDAK MELEMPAR TALI UNTUK MENYELAMATKANNYA. AKU MEMBIARKAN DIA TERJATUH DALAM DAN LEBIH DALAM LAGI. WALAUPUN AKU MAU DIA HIDUP BAHAGIA, AKU MEMBUAT HIDUPNYA KACAU. MAAF, AKU TEMANMU DAN AKU JUGA TEMAN TERBURUK SEDUNIA." The person gets out from behind the tree. She runs into Felix. She is Stephanie. “Sssh...! You will make my neighbours wake up. Don’t embarrass me!” Orang yang ada di balik pohon keluar. Dia berlari ke arah Felix. Dia Stephanie. "Ssst...! Kau akan membuat semua tetangga bangun. Jangan mempermalukan aku!" “I ALSO…” "AKU JUGA..." Before Felix finishes his words, Stephanie covers his mouth with her bare hands. Sebelum Felix selesai bicara, Stephanie menutup mulutnya dengan tangannya. “You really make me hate you more.” "Kau membuatku makin benci." Felix takes Stephanie’s hands off and holds those tightly. Felix menyingkirkan tangan Stephanie dan menggenggamnya. “Stephanie, I will give you an explanation.” "Stephanie, mau kujelaskan." “I have heard everything from G. Why didn’t you tell me by yourself? Why I have to hear it from somebody else. You are my friend, right?” "Semua sudah kudengar dari G. Kenapa kau tak bilang padaku langsung? Kenapa harus kudengar dari orang lain. Bukankah kau temanku?" “Stephaniee, listen to me. Since this is Christmas and in Christmas people forgive each other. I apologize for that. It is still my mistakes, so I will make it up to you.” "Stephanie, dengarkan. Hari ini Natal yaitu hari ketika orang mengampuni orang lain. Aku minta maaf. Semua itu kesalahanku, aku akan menebusnya lain kali." “I have forgiven you.” "Kumaafkan." “Since this is Christmas and in Christmas people say the truth, I want you to know that I care about you, I want you to life in joy and I don’t want you to be hurt. I did that after I saw him cheated on you, but unexpectedly he did the least thing I thought he would do. I should discuss it with you, but I didn’t. I am sorry.” "Hari ini Natal yaitu hari ketika orang mengatakan kebenaran. Kau tau, aku peduli denganmu. Aku ingin kau hidup dalam sukacita dan tidak ingin melihatmu terluka. Aku melakukannya ketika aku melihat dia berbuat curang kepada-mu, tapi ternyata tidak tidak melakukan hal separah yang kubayangkan. Harusnya aku membicarakannya denganmu. Maafkan aku." "How many times should I forgive you?" asks Stephanie while smiles at Felix. "Berapa kali aku harus memaafkanmu?" tanya Stephanie dengan senyum kepada Felix. "Mmm... Seventy seven times seven?" "Mmm... Tujuh puluh tujuh kali tujuh?" "How many times have I forgiven you?" "Berapa kali aku sudah memaafkanmu?" "Mmm... Seventy seven times zero?" "Mmm... Tujuh puluh tujuh kali nol?" "How could? I could not believe this. I just forgave you. I don't want to forgive you anymore." "Kok bisa? Bagaimana mungkin? Tadi aku baru saja memaafkanmu. Aku ga mau memaafkanmu lagi." "DON'T! OK, I admit, I made another mistake. How about twice?" "Jangan! OK, aku akui, aku membuat kesalahan lain lagi. Bagaimana kalau sudah dua kali?" "I haven't forgiven you for the last one." "Aku belum memaafkanmu untuk yang tadi." "I think you have forgiven me." "Aku pikir kau sudah memaafkanku." "Not for that one." "Bukan yang itu." "Why?" "Kenapa?" "Why not?" "Kenapa tidak?" "Stephanie, look at me!" "Stephanie, tatap mataku!" "What?" "Apa?" "Since I am your friend, I am standing in front of you and you can see my expression, you will forgive me, right?" "Karena aku temanmu, aku berdiri di depanmu dan kau bisa melihat raut wajahku, kau akan memaafkanku, benar?" "Nice try. Mmm... OK, but I have one condition." "Mmm... Baiklah, tapi aku punya persyaratan." "What?" "Apa?" "Don't... ever... leave me again!" "Jangan... pernah... tinggalkan aku lagi." "I promise you that I will never leave you again." "Aku berjanji bahwa aku ga akan meninggalkanmu lagi." Then Stephanie embraces Felix. Felix hold Stephanie's hips tightly. Lalu Stephanie memeluk Felix. Felix mendekap Stephanie dengan erat. "Just so you know, I will never return to that guy again." "Supaya kau tau, aku ga akan kembali pada orang itu lagi." “Dong. Dong. Dong.” Church’s bells are ringing. "Tong. Tong. Tong." Bell gereja berbunyi. “I think it’s already 12 o’clock.” "Kayaknya sudah jam 12." "I think so." "Kayaknya sudah." “Stephanie...” "Stephanie..." "Mmm...?" "Mmm...?" "Merry Christmas." "Selamat Natal." "Merry Christmas, Felix." "Selamat Natal, Felix." After that Felix walked home. On the way, under the starry sky, Felix knows that he has been saved from his problems. Felix knows that with what has just happened, tomorrow’s plan will be just like the initial plan. God has really brought his hopes come into life. He also realizes that God is always there, therefore he should not be hopeless. It is the beginning of a new journey, just like what a Christmas is. Setelah itu Felix berjalan pulang ke rumahnya. Dalam perjalanan, di bawah langit yang bertabur bintang, Felix tahu bahwa dia baru saja diselamatkan dari masalah-masalahnya. Felix tahu bahwa dengan kejadian tadi, rencana untuk besok akan berjalan seperti rencana semula. Tuhan benar-benar membawa harapannya menjadi nyata. Felix juga menyadari bahwa Tuhan selalu ada, maka dia tidak boleh berputus asa. Itu adalah awal dari perjalanan yang baru, seperti apa yang terjadi pada hari Natal. “Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way…” "Ding deng dong, ding deng dong, lonceng berbunyi..."
Merry Christmas 2009 from all developers of Kejut.com
Written by: adhi |