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![]() 11 Aug 2006 Live Happily Ever After![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hidup Bahagia Selamanya I found this article and I would like to share it with other as it's really helpful for most people. Aku menemukan artikel ini dan ingin membaginya dengan kalian karena artikel ini cukup berguna bagi sebagian besar orang. FIVE SIMPLE RULES TO BE HAPPY. Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
Lima Aturan Sederhana Untuk Menjadi Bahagia. Ingatlah lima aturan sederhana ini untuk menjadi bahagia.
I think that quite makes sense. If you have hatred and worries (two major complaints when you couldn't sleep or feel uncomfortable), you will keep thinking about them, you will load your brain with tons of heavy tought, you feel depressing. Something that is pressed can not be free. That's you can't be happy. There is an insurance company (for four-wheel vehicle) in my country, their motto is "Don't worry, be happy!" About simple life, for example: fashion mode is something that many girls wanna know, why, because may be they want to look up to date and have some chit chat with people with similar interest, but fashion mode make them need to spend more money, because they need to buy more and more clothes to keep their up-to-date-ness. Spending money for unnecessary purpose might be a burden for their financial, because they need to earn more to keep their lifestyle OR spend less on other needs. That might be pressing...^^; About Give more and Expect less. Once, I've ever help someone, of course most of you ever help someone, I help him/her when he/she needed a book which he/she didn't have, I shared mine with him/her, after that he/she said "Thank You" to me. That time, I was smiling... that's why "Give more..." is a true proof about be happy. Once, I've ever wanted something, bla... bla... bla... (you know what's i'm gonna write here, because the sentence is similar with a sentence above), I wanted it with all of my heart, I tought about it all the time, I have a very high expectation. Guess what... I couldn't get it, I feel realllly disappointed, may be you will imagine that my face look dizzy, that's a true experience that a high expectation will not give you happiness. About Living No one can go back and make a brand new start. (if you believe in God) Disappointments are like road humps, they slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards. (if you believe in God) When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means .... There's a purpose to life's events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard. Tentang kehidupan Siapapun dapat mulai sejak saat ini dan membuat akhir yang baru. (Jika kamu percaya bahwa Tuhan ada) Kekecewaan seperti "polisi tidur", mereka memperlambat kamu sedikit tetapi selanjutnya kamu akan menikmati jalan yang lancar. (Jika kamu percaya bahwa Tuhan ada) Ketika sesuatu terjadi padamu, baik atau buruk, pertimbangkanlah apa artinya .... Ada suatu tujuan untuk setiap kejadian dalam hidup, untuk mengajar kamu bagaimana tertawa lebih sering atau tidak menangis terlalu keras. About Love You can't make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the person to realise your worth. The measure of love is when you love without measure. In life there are very rare chances that you'll meet the person you love and loves you in return. It's better to lose your pride to the one you love, than to lose the one you love because of pride. We spend too much time looking for the right person to love or finding fault with those we already love, when instead we should be perfecting the love we give. When you truly care for someone, you don't look for faults, you don't look for answers, you don't look for mistakes. Never abandon an old friend you will never find one who can take his place. Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older. Tentang Cinta Kau tidak dapat memaksa seseorang mencintaimu, apa yang dapat kamu lakukan hanyalah membiarkan dirimu untuk dicintai, selebihnya terserah pada orang itu untuk menilai dirimu. Ukuran cinta adalah ketika kau mencintai tanpa batas. Lebih baik kehilangan harga dirimu kepada orang yang kamu cintai, daripada kehilangan orang yang kamu cintai karena harga dirimu. Kita membuang terlalu banyak waktu mencari orang yang tepat untuk dicintai atau mencari kesalahan pada orang yang telah kita cintai, ketika sebaliknya kita sebaiknya menyempurnakan cinta yang kita berikan. Ketika kamu sungguh peduli kepada seseorang, janganlah kamu mencari kekurangan-kekurangannya, janganlah kamu mencari jawaban-jawaban, janganlah kamu mencari kesalahan-kesalahannya. Jangan pernah meninggalkan seorang teman lama yang kamu tidak akan pernah menemukan penggantinya. Persahabatan bagaikan anggur, semakin lama semakin baik.
Written by: adhi ![]() ![]() |