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RatHoles: Are you bored?
The entrance door of the nearest toilet in my dormitory vanished! The "man" sign that usually sticks on the door, is on the floor. Weird, a door suddenly vanished, is it stolen, or just now there were people fighting? Other things: Yahoo! Messenger's status, rejection of acceptance of working, and a noisy story. One of trash articles.
 Pintu masuk WC terdekat di asramaku menghilang! Tanda "pria" yang biasanya nempel di pintu, tergeletak di lantai. Aneh, pintu tiba2 hilang, dicuri, atau baru ada orang berantem? Selain itu: status Yahoo! Messenger, penolakan diterima kerja, dan kisah ribut. Salah satu artikel sampah.
Tampaknya artikel ini membuat sedikit masalah terutama bagi yang tidak setuju dengan pendapatku. Karena itu bacalah dengan hati yang tenang dan anggap saja ini hanya bualan.
Seems that this article made some problems especially for those who are not agree with my opinion. Therefore please read this with a calm heart and just assume that this is only fake.
Misteri Pintu WC
Pintu masuk WC terdekat di asramaku menghilang! Tanda "pria" yang biasanya nempel di pintu, tergeletak di lantai. Aneh, pintu tiba2 hilang, dicuri, atau baru ada orang berantem?
Mystery of a Toilet Door
The entrance door of the nearest toilet in my dormitory vanished! The "man" sign that usually sticks on the door, is on the floor. Weird, a door suddenly vanished, is it stolen, or just now there were people fighting?
Status Yahoo! Messenger
Status Yahoo! Messenger ku, beberapa hari terakhir ini:
- iPod video hardisknya buatan Indo ^^
- senwit 30000 kalori
- susah jadi cowo selalu kalah
- maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf
- \
Yang ke-3 dan ke-4 akan dijelaskan di bawah. Yang ke-5, karena ga tau mau tulis apa.
Yahoo! Messenger's Status
My Yahoo! Messenger's status, these last days:
- iPod video's harddisk is made in Indonesia ^^
- 30000-calorie sandwich
- being a male is difficult, always lose
- sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
- \
The third and fourth will be explained below. The fifth, is because I don't know what to write.
Lebih Suka Ditolak daripada Diterima
Beberapa hari lalu aku kirim imel ke direktur pengurus magang. Aku diterima magang di salah satu perusahaan di Singapura, sebut saja "D". Tapi keliatannya bukan tempat kerja yang menyenangkan. Jadi aku kirim imel itu, dan penolakanku diterima ^^, dan aku senang. (Aneh juga, saat orang2 mengejar dan tak mendapat, aku dapat tapi menolak)
Aku sudah diterima di "D" untuk magang, yaitu perusahaan lokal dengan wawancara. Kode programnya ***. Namun, aku mau menolak penawaran itu.
Alasan aku ingin menolaknya:
- Waktu aku diwawancara, pewawancara bilang bahwa proyeknya mengenai analisis hardware untuk video decoding, aku sama sekali tak tertarik. Aku percaya aku bagus di software tapi sangat parah di hardware.
- Pewawancara bilang aku akan kerja "sendiri" pada proyek baru, aku akan kerja sesukaku, dan aku disuruh laporan ke dia tiap satu atau dua minggu. Menurutku kerja bukan kerja melulu, tapi juga bergaul. Aku tak mau kerja sendirian sepanjang hari di kantor.
- Pewawancara bilang proyeknya tidak berhubungan dengan (nama divisi perusahaan). Hanya karena dia tertarik dengan video coding dan aku harus riset untuk dia. Nanti, di presentasi akhir kerja, aku harus membuatnya berhubungan dengan (nama divisi perusahaan), supaya perkerjaanku tak dianggap tak berhubungan.
- Pewawancara bilang aku harus lembur di asramaku setelah jam kerja, tanpa bayaran. Gajinya pun sangat kecil, hanya $500.
- Aku disuruh riset selama Desember dan hubungi dia lewat imel, bahkan waktu aku di rumahku di Indonesia.
Sebetulnya, pas selesai wawancara aku berharap tak diterima di "D".
Karena itu, aku lebih suka kerja di salah satu perusahaan tanpa wawancara yang aku daftar dulu, maka aku mau menolak tawaran dari "D".
Better to be Rejected than Accepted
A few days ago I sent an email to the director of the management of the apprentice.
I was accepted as an apprentice in one of the companies in Singapore, let's say it "D".
But it seems that it is not a satisfying workplace. So I sent the email, and my rejection was accepted ^^, and I was happy.
(It is strange, while people pursued and could not get, I could but rejected)
I have been accepted by "D" for my IA, which
is a local interviewing company. The programme code is ***. However, I would like to reject the offer.
The reasons why I want to reject it:
- When I was interviewed, the interviewer told me that the project
is about analyzing hardware for video decoding, which is not my
interest at all. I believe that I am good at software but very bad
at hardware.
- The interviewer told me that I will be working *alone* with a new
project, I will do anything as I like, and I am to report to him every week or two. I think working is not just about working but also to socialize. I would not like to be alone all day in
the office.
- The interviewer said that the project have no relation with "***". It is just because he is interested with video
coding and I am to do research for him. Later, in my end-of-work
presentation I should "somehow" relate it with "***",
so that my work is not considered irrelevant.
- The interviewer told me that I will do overtime work in my
hostel after work time, without payment. The salary is also very
low, only $500.
- I was told to do research in December and contact him via email,
even when I stay at my home in Indonesia.
Actually, just after the interview I was hoping that I would not be
accepted at "D".
Therefore, I prefer to work in one of the non-interviewing companies I
applied so I would like to reject "D"'s offer.
Ga Jelas
Aku punya teman yang baik. Cewe. Namanya X. Udah berpemilik. Udah kenal 2 tahun lebih. Teman yang baik. Dan jahat. Dan aneh. Dan suka sombong. Dan jarang menghubungiku kalau tak kuhubungi. Tapi baik. Dan manja. Dan ga bisa dikritik. Dan sok tau. Tapi baik. Dan suka gosip. Dan sering mengesalkan. Dan emosian! Tapi baik.
Suatu hari ada alur cerita seperti ini:
- Kami sudah terbiasa pukul2an (main2) -> ingat ini
- Makan malam di kantin
- Setelah makan aku pukul lagi (update 2007-2-4: ada yang bilang ga boleh pukul cewe gimanapun, walau lemah lembut maupun keras..)
- X tiba2 kabur dan kembali ke ruang belajar
- Aku datang ke ruang belajar
- Ruang belajar kosong, kertas2 X pun menghilang
- Kucari di sekitar, tak ketemu
- Aku telepon X, ternyata X udah pindah ke kamar temannya
- Aku kecewa dengan X, kabur tanpa bilang2, alasannya karena aku suka pukul2
- Karena pake telepon, teman X mendengar suara X
- Padahal teman X ga tau bahwa udah biasa pukul2an
- Akibatnya teman X mengira aku orang jahat, apalagi pukul cewe
- Itulah ga enaknya jadi cowo (!!!)
- Mumpung ada barang X yang ketinggalan, saatnya kuberi pelajaran, kubilang ada barang yang ketinggalan dan aku lagi menuju ke sana tapi ga tau nomer kamar dan kebingungan, tapi sebetulnya aku ga ke mana2
- Waktu lama berlalu
- X bingung aku ga tiba
- Kata X, ketemu di amfiteater aja (dekat dari kamar teman X)
- Ku SMS, kalau sudah sampe sana SMSlah aku
- SMS kuterima
- Ku SMS balik, "maaf jail"
- Mulailah banjir SMS
- X: Nyebelin. mu dmana?
- X: Apa artinya ijiwaru site? jgn bikin ku kesal lg.
- X: Anda mempermainkanku lg. siap2la ga bicara lg. dan gakkan ku ksh kado. selamanya. !!!!!
- Aku: Ijiwaru = jail. Jgn ksl lah. Kan jd impas, mu kasi plajaran bagiku dgn kabur, ku jg kasi ke mu. Senyumlah :) Besok hari cerah :)
- X: Hate u!!! dun want 2 talk 2 u anymore..
- Aku: Sabar.. Ga usa pk ingris la. Iseng dikit aja ko ksl. Tenangkan hati dan benkyou ^^ kesal sesaat jgn diamplify.
- X: It's diff! anda dg sengaja ngerjain ku. mempermainkan kebaikan hati org. hrsnya kt ud tau, emang rada ane c. mu licik dr dl skg smp selamanya. hrsnya ku jgn pcaya klo anda baek beneran. org kyk anda mah ga usa diksh kesempatan lg. really!!!! lbh baik ga kenal dg org kyk anda!!!!! bye, n i really mean it.
- Aku: Iya. Uda ah tenang. Teman yg baik ga bisa dihancurkan dalam 1 hari. Gpp mu pake ingris deh. Masa gt aja sampe marahnya ampun. Aku tau ko td jail usonya banyak. Gara2 awalnya mu bilang "pasti skarang lg jalan ke sini" jd tergoda jail. Kan mu cuma jalan dikit ke amfi. Jgn marah la. Gomen. n i really mean it
- X: Tiada maaf bagimu. +an pula anda bkn teman yg baik.
- Aku: Heeh ku ga bisa jd tmn yg baik. Ku tau harini ku jahat. Isengnya sangat++. Gomen skali lg. Smoga ku dimaafkan. Jgn marah dong. Gomen nih... Smoga mu masi mau btman dengan ku, gomen lg.
- Aku: Sama org lain ku suka gpp kalo org itu ga mau btman dgn ku, tp kalo mu apa2. Karna mu teman yg pnting. Ayolah..
- Dan tidak ada sms lagi dari X sampe hari berubah
- Hari besoknya, jam 14 ku telepon, tanya mau ketemu di mana untuk penyerahan barang tertinggal
- Dan dijawab dengan normal
- Dengan kata lain SMS si X di atas bohong
- Besoknya lagi, X uda sangat normal dan kembali seperti semula
- Itulah kenapa X jahat tapi baik.
I have a kind friend. A girl. Her name is X. She has been owned. I know her since more than 2 years ago. A kind friend. And evil. And weird. And often arrogant. And seldom contacts me if I don't contact her. But kind. And spoiled. And cannot accept critiques. And acts as if she knows anything. But kind. And likes gossips. And often makes me mad. And emotional! But kind.
One day there was a plot like this:
- We have been accustomed to punch each other (for fun) -> remember this
- Dinner at canteen
- After dinner I punched her (update 2007-2-4 Somebody said that no matter what it's forbidden to punch a girl, no matter it is weak or strong..)
- X suddenly ran away to study room
- I came to study room
- Study room became empty, X's papers also vanished
- I searched around there, could not find her
- I called X, it was known that X had moved to the room of X's friend
- I was disappointed with X, because she went away without telling me, the reason is because I punched her
- Because she used a phone, X's friend heard her
- Even though X's friends didn't know that we had been accustomed to punch each other
- The result is that X's friend thought that I was evil, moreover I punched a girl
- That is the unniceness of being a male (!!!)
- In the event that one of X's thing was left behind, this was the time to give her a lesson, I thought, so I said there was a thing that was left behind and I was heading there but I didn't know the room number and I was confused, but actually I didn't go anywhere
- A long time passed
- X felt strange that I didn't come
- X said, let's meet at the amphiteater (near the room of X's friend)
- I SMS her, if she had arrived there please SMS me
- I received SMS
- I SMS back "sorry that I teased you"
- And the SMS flood began
(cronologically) (The words in italic were really in English, not Indonesian)
- X: Annoying. Where are you?
- X: What is the meaning of ijiwaru site? don't make me mad.
- X: You tricked me again. be ready that i won't talk anymore. and i will never send you a gift. forever. !!!!!
- Me: Ijiwaru = tease. Don't be mad. Now it's even, you gave me a lesson by running away, and I gave it to you too.. Smile please :) Tomorrow is a sunny day :)
- X: Hate u!!! dun want 2 talk 2 u anymore..
- Me: Be patient.. No need to use english. Why even a little trick made you mad. Let your heart calm and study ^^ don't amplify a short madness.
- X: It's diff! you are purposefully teased me. you teased a person's kindness. I should have known, that it was strange. you are cunning from the past until the eternity. i should have not believed that you are really kind. a person like you should have not be given more chance. really!!!! it's better if i i don't know a person like you!!!!! bye, n i really mean it.
- Me: Yes. Calm down please. A good friendship cannot be destroyed in a day. It's okay if you want to use english. I wonder why only because of that you can be very mad. I know that I teased you and lied to you. It's because you said to me "I'm sure that you are walking to here" so I was teased to tease you. You only walked a bit to go to the amphi. Don't be mad, ok. Sorry. n i really mean it
- X: There is no forgiveness for you. In addition, you are not a good friend.
- Me: Yes I know that i could not be a good friend. I know that i was mean. I was very teasing++. Sorry once more. I hope you forgive me. Don't be mad. Really sorry... I hope you still want to be my friend, sorry again.
- Me: With other people I think it's ok if he/she don't want to be my friend, but not with you. Because you are an important friend. Come on..
- And there were no more sms from X until the day changed
- The next day, at 2pm I called her, asked her where to meet to hand over the forgotten thing
- And she answered normally
- In other words, the SMSes above were lying
- The day after, X has become a very normal person and back to the condition before
- That's why X is evil but kind.
Bonus (update 2006-10-27)
yanto_jakop yang jago berbahasa Jepang menerjemahkan dialog SMS di atas. Katanya, "penyangkalan: penerjemah bukan yang jago bahasa Jepang jadi ampuni kalau ada salah"
yanto_jakop who is expert at Japanese translated the SMS dialogue above. He said, "disclaimer: translator is not one who is expert in japanese so please forgive if something is wrong"
- X: 本当にむかつく。。今どこ?
- X: 「意地悪して」ってどういう意味なの?うざいね。
- X: またからかって。。もう話したくない。プレゼントも一生あげない。永遠にね!
- 僕: 意地悪 = JAIL. 悔しくないで。公平じゃない。そっちも逃げて、僕を教わるんじゃない。僕もこれで返す。笑って :) 明日天気がいいからさ :)
- X: 君のこと、大嫌い!もう話したくない!
- 僕: 落ち着いて。。英語使わなくてもいい。ほんの冗談なのに。心を冷して、そして勉強^^ 一時の悔しさをあんまり気にしないで。
- X: 違う!君はわざとあたしをからかってる。人の好意をあまく見るな。最初から変だったことをもう気付いたはず。お前はいつもずるい!いい人だと信じたのは多間違えだった。お前みたいな人間は消えた方がいい。まったく。。知らない方がいいわ、こんな人!もういいわ、さようなら!本気に言ってる。
- 僕: ああ、落ち着いて。いい友達を一日だけでなくすなんて、切ないよ。英語を使ってもかまわない。こんな只事でこう怒るなんて。。いたずらのことも嘘のことも分かってる。初めに君は「今きっとここに歩いてるんじゃない」と言ってたから、ちょっといたずらしようかなと思った。君ももう少し歩くとAMPHIに着いたでしょう。怒らないで。ごめん。本気に言ってる。
- X: 言い訳がもう聞きたくない、特にお前からはね。最初からいい友達もないし。
- 僕: 僕はいい友達になれないのをよく知ってる。今日はとても悪かった。からかいすぎて、ごめんね。怒らないで。友達になれればいい。もう一度ごめんね。
- 僕: 他の人が僕と友達にならないなら大丈夫けど、君はちがう。大切な友達だから。ね。。。
Isi Hati Seseorang
Beberapa kesimpulan dari kisah di atas:
- Seperti beberapa orang Indonesia yang kuliah di Singapura, kalau lagi marah X sering pake bahasa Inggris. Menurutku itu sebabnya karena dengan bahasa Inggris, yaitu bahasa yang tidak sefamiliar bahasa Indonesia, dia merasa lebih ada "jarak" dengan ucapannya, sehingga perasaan bersalah yang timbul waktu mengucapkan itu, lebih sedikit. Itu kesannya jadi setara dengan kalau mengutip perkataan orang lain. Dengan kata lain, dia akan merasa bahwa dia hanya mengutip perkataan orang lain, bukan marah yang keluar dari dirinya. Entah kenapa orang2 begitu. Aku ga suka. Sok inggris pula...
- Aku pernah dengar, kalau cewe lagi marah, jangan diajak ngomong dulu, tunggu sampai reda, setelah itu baru bicarakan lagi. Ternyata betul juga.
- Kejadian di atas terjadi pada masa ujian, membuat pikiran kurang konsentrasi 1-2 jam. Usahakan hal seperti itu tak terjadi pada Anda.
- Sekali lagi, itu ga enaknya jadi cowo.
- Hal lainnya, aku orang iseng, jadi orang2 selalu menganggap aku yang bersalah, kecuali orang yang kenal dekat denganku. Tapi aku senang dengan iseng, dan iseng hal yang menyenangkan.
- Sekali lagi, kenapa orang2 pake Inggris hanya waktu marah atau memohon sesuatu yang tak biasa atau melarang sesuatu atau memberi kritik pada sesama teman. Pengecut! (ini bukan lagi ngomongin X)
Inside Someone's Heart
Several conclusions from the story above:
- Like several Indonesians who are studying in Singapore, if X is angry she often uses English.
In my opinion, it is because by using English, which is a language that is not as familiar as Indonesian to her, she felt that she has the "distance" between her and her statement, so the feeling of guilty that emerged when she says that becomes fewer. The impression is equal to of quoting other person's words.
In other words, she will feel that she only quoted other person's words, not saying the anger that comes from herself. I don't know why people are like that. I don't like it. Acts tough on English.
- I had heard, if a girl is still angry, we should be not speak to her first, better to wait until the anger has become lesser, then discuss it again. Evidently true.
- The incident above happened in the exam period, it made less concentration for 1-2 hours. Try to get the matter like that do not happen to you.
- Once more, that is the un-niceness of being a male.
- The other thing, I am a mischievous person, so people always regards that I am the one that is guilty, except people that are close to me.
- Once more, why people uses English only while they are angry or request something that is not usual or prevent me to do something or give a criticism to a friend. Cowards! (this is not talking about X)
Kisah2 di atas bisa benar maupun tidak. Jangan mikir apapun yang tidak pasti! Bagaimanapun, ini artikel sampah, seperti sudah dibilang sebelumnya. Kalo belum coba klik link di atas, klik aja, menarik loh.
The stories above could be real or not. Don't think anything that is not sure! Anyway, this is really a trash article, as I have said before. If you haven't clicked the links above, just click them, they are interesting.
Written by: yuku
| something's missing...... my oh my... *versi indo :
ealah mboh wes...

pindut [sg], 9 Nov 2005, 1:49 reply
| Life will be more beautiful if we try to be more forgiveful
and merciful. Friendship never die. Peace... :):):)

| ringan dan bagus, sesuai selera bebek :D Kesimpulannya
yang pertama brilian, sisanya biasa aja

| menurut CSC180 Effective Communications, anda : -
Ternyata yellow hat, selamat ! - menggunakan tipe teddy
bear, selamat juga ! - 2 dari 3 rule of handling
conflicts sukses tapi aneh, orang *nama_suatu_kota* kalo
marah ga pernah pake "ku" dan "mu" lho..

| siapa x nya... weleh..btw ex=> jg dibaca x kan? :P
==>beneran becanda...

... [sg], 10 Nov 2005, 19:06 reply
| Menarik dan menegangkan. He he he. 2 dari 3 handling
conflicts sukses, selamat yah...!

| Weeeeekkk... Jail benaraaan.. Kaciaan ceweknyaaa (ikutan
marah).. haha.. jokin2.. Siapa2 ceweknya? mo temanan jugaa
:D.. (asyik kalo ada yang dijailin gak marah.. haha.. jokin2
juga.) Last word: Asyik tuh bacanya! ngilangin stress :D
Thanx ya!

| kesimpulan ttg bhs inggrisnya menarik Karena commentsnya
"preferably in English": Conclusion ttg bhs englishnya
interesting ;P

| waa bacanya asik!

| well,kalo lagi marah, gue juga suka pake inggris dengan
vocab yang lebih terbatas drpd indo biar lebih bisa "nahan
diri" dan gak ngomong yang kasar banget... hehehe..

| mu jangan kejam / iseng lg ama cewe yah klo bisa...
kasian cewenya loh. Dasar... :p

| i'm just wondering why there is a person like you, who don't
like people using english but ask comment PREFERABLY in
ENGLISH. weird...

| gile.. cowoknya sih nyebelin abiss! kalo gue ketemu elo,
hmm..gue sambelin lo ..biar dimakan rame2 ma tempe di
kantin. uh! .. mana nih girl power ya. well .. girls will be
girls.. and boys will be toys.. lalalalala.. girl power!

| aduh mu emang jaat deh. ku ga mau sama mu lg deh.

| wakakakaka every piece of your article is always fresh
to be read nice work event it is junk.

fumowing [id], 9 Nov 2006, 5:20 reply
| Another great junk story... oops... sorry in english biarpun
sebenernya gua orang indo ^^

jchrist [id], 4 Apr 2007, 13:41 reply
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shodiq [id], 9 Jun 2008, 4:09 reply
| great story...!!!
i like it...:)

miki [jp], 17 Jun 2010, 6:00 reply