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![]() 27 Dec 2005 Which one I should do first?![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Kerjain yang mana dulu yah? When you have some tasks, some jobs, or some other things that you have to do, not like Windows, sometimes it is difficult for us to do several thing at one time (we do not always be able to do some tasks together, but there are some that can be done together, such as thinking about your dream girl when you take a bath, walking while sleeping, etc). Ketika kamu mempunyai beberapa tugas, pekerjaan, atau hal-hal lainnya yang harus kamu lakukan, tidak seperti Windows, kadangkala kita mengalami kesusahan untuk melakukan beberapa pekerjaan sekaligus dalam satu waktu. Tapi ada juga beberapa kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan sekaligus, seperti berpikir tentang cewek yang kamu taksir sambil mandi, berjalan sewaktu tidur, dll. Example: You are a very SLIM^^ man, you have some tasks that you have to accomplish before you confess your love to her (the chosen one... by you of course). You want to do it just after her birthday (Wooo.. romantic! but You may ruin it, Risky! But you are very tough), you only have a plenty of time. Everyday, you need to eat 3 times (normal) + 8 package of snacks. Then, lunch time comes, you need to eat on time so you can keep your schedule, but your parent suddenly ask you to accompany her to a shopping center because she need to buy some napkins, she is running out of it. This morning, you haven't took a bath, horrible, the cute girls may afraid of getting too close to you. If you take a bath, it will need another 30 minutes, much longer then time necessary for eating. Oops! Your parent keep calling your name. How about that? (Is this another trash article? Ans.: Of course not, this is not trash or rubbish article). Contoh: Kamu orang yang sangat KURUS^^, kamu ada beberapa tugas yang harus kamu selesaikan sebelum menyatakan cintamu padanya (yang dipilih... olehmu tentunya). Kamu mau menyatakannya tepat setelah ulang tahun dia (Wooo.. romantis! tapi Kamu bisa mengacaukannya, Resiko! Tapi kamu sangat tegar), kamu hanya punya banyak waktu. Tiap hari, kamu perlu makan 3 kali (normal) + 8 pak cemilan. Lalu, waktu makan siang tiba, kamu perlu makan tepat waktu supaya jadwalmu ditepati, tapi orang tuamu tiba2 menyuruhmu menemaninya ke shopping center karena dia butuh beli serbet karena sudah habis. Pagi ini, kau belom mandi, gawad, gadis imut itu mungkin akan takut berdekatan denganmu. Kalau kamu mandi, perlu 30 menit lagi, jauh lebih lama dari waktu untuk makan. Ups! Orang tuamu terus memanggil namamu. Gimana dong? (Apa ini sebuah artikel sampah lain? Jawab: Tentu tidak, ini bukan artikel sampah atau limbah). You may just follow your schedule, but your parent may be disappointed, the worst case is... she will not give you any more money. OK... you can eat later, today you just need to betray your schedule (shame on you). You need to take a bath before going out, so then you take a bath and then accompany your parent to the shopping center. It seems you arrange your tasks (bathing, going out, and eating) based on which one has nearer deadline or which one has earliest due date. Mungkin kamu mau ikut jadwalmu saja, tapi orang tuamu mungkin kecewa, kasus terburuknya... dia takkan memberimu uang lagi. Oke... makan bisa ditunda, hari ini khianati saja jadwalmu (payah kamu). Kamu perlu mandi sebelum pergi, jadi kamu mandi lalu menemani orang tua ke shopping center. Kelihatannya kamu menyusun tugas-tugas (mandi, pergi, dan makan) berdasarkan mana yang deadline atau tenggatnya paling dekat/awal. Actually, there are some "Priority Decision Rules" that we can use to arrange our tasks, such as:
How about that, which one will you choose? (You may choose some, because you may need some rules). Sebetulnya, ada beberapa "Aturan Penentu Prioritas" yang bisa digunakan untuk mengatur kegiatan kita, seperti:
Gimana menurutmu, mana yang kamu pilih? (Boleh pilih beberapa, karena mungkin perlu beberapa aturan). Is this article helpful? Interesting? You want another rubbish article? Apakah artikel ini bermutu? Menarik? Kamu mau artikel sampah lain?
Written by: adhi ![]() ![]() |