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8th building, that's where I was heading to. I was in a rush knowing that the time had came. I needed to arrive there at 11 o'clock or I would be late for my lecture that day and it had already past 11 o'clock... Wha... And then finally I arrived near the classroom. Several of my friends standing in front of the room, chatted. I guessed they did gossiping. I entered the room, the lecturer seemed haven't reached the room. Fiuh... I guessed I saved myself, luckily. And then I got a seat, actually my friends had saved it for me. Thanks to them. Good for me. Not long after that, the lecturer came, the door closed tightly, seemed that noone allowed to get in or out.
Aku bergegas menuju Gedung 8, gedung di mana aku akan menjalani kuliahku hari ini. Aku kira aku akan terlambat. Saat itu jam sudah menunjukkan pukul sebelas lebih, kuliahku seharusnya dimulai pukul sebelas. Setibanya di depan kelas, tampak beberapa orang teman sekelasku sedang berbincang-bincang. Sepertinya aku belum terlambat. Aku memasuki ruang kelasku. Beberapa orang mahasiswa sedang berdiri dan berbincang-bincang dengan teman di dekatnya. Aku menengok ke arah meja dosen. Tidak ada orang di sana. Sepertinya aku memang belum terlambat. Aku segera menemukan tempat duduk, temanku sudah menyediakannya untukku, baris kedua dari depan. Tak lama kemudian, beberapa orang berhamburan masuk, lalu disusul dosenku, dan pintu ruang kelas ditutup.
Aku bergegas menuju Gedung 8, gedung di mana aku akan menjalani kuliahku hari ini. Aku kira aku akan terlambat. Saat itu jam sudah menunjukkan pukul sebelas lebih, kuliahku seharusnya dimulai pukul sebelas. Setibanya di depan kelas, tampak beberapa orang teman sekelasku sedang berbincang-bincang. Sepertinya aku belum terlambat. Aku memasuki ruang kelasku. Beberapa orang mahasiswa sedang berdiri dan berbincang-bincang dengan teman di dekatnya. Aku menengok ke arah meja dosen. Tidak ada orang di sana. Sepertinya aku memang belum terlambat. Aku segera menemukan tempat duduk, temanku sudah menyediakannya untukku, baris kedua dari depan. Tak lama kemudian, beberapa orang berhamburan masuk, lalu disusul dosenku, dan pintu ruang kelas ditutup.
8th building, that's where I was heading to. I was in a rush knowing that the time had came. I needed to arrive there at 11 o'clock or I would be late for my lecture that day and it had already past 11 o'clock... Wha... And then finally I arrived near the classroom. Several of my friends standing in front of the room, chatted. I guessed they did gossiping. I entered the room, the lecturer seemed haven't reached the room. Fiuh... I guessed I saved myself, luckily. And then I got a seat, actually my friends had saved it for me. Thanks to them. Good for me. Not long after that, the lecturer came, the door closed tightly, seemed that noone allowed to get in or out.
Itu adalah cuplikan kejadian di hari terakhir kuliah, keesokan harinya Ujian Tengah Semester(UTS) akan dimulai. Secara umum, semasa kuliah, banyak mahasiswa tidak menjalani haknya untuk masuk kuliah, mendengarkan kuliah, atau mencatat bahan perkuliahan. Mereka relatif mendapat kesulitan ketika mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi ujian. Mereka memang bisa membaca buku, tapi pada umumnya, mereka akan meminjam catatan dari teman-teman yang mencatat bahan perkuliahan. Aku termasuk salah satu dari mereka.
Tomorrow, the mid-term test would be held, so it was the last 'lecture' day. Generally, every time the lecture goes, there are always people who miss it, people who do not pay enouth attention, people who do not make lecture notes. They are people who will get difficulty to prepare themself for the test. They can read the book, but of course, they will choose to just copy another friend's lecture notes. I am one of them.
Seusai kuliah, aku dan seorang teman sekelasku pergi ke tukang fotokopi untuk memfotokopi catatan-catatan yang kami pinjam dari teman kami yang lain. Aku memesan beberapa buah kopi, dia juga. Karena catatan-catatan yang ingin kami fotokopi sama, maka kami menyatukan pesanan kami. Seusai seluruh catatan difotokopi, temanku membayar semua fotokopi catatan tersebut, lalu memberikan pesananku. Ketika aku mau membayar fotokopianku padanya, ternyata tidak ada uang pas di dompetku, dia juga tidak punya kembalian. Keesokan harinya, ketika aku hendak membayar hutangku padanya, dia bilang, "Aku ga ingat..." Intinya, aku tidak perlu membayar hutangku padanya.
So, after the lecture finished, I, with my classmate decided to copy our friends lecture notes at a shop nearby. I ordered several copy (another of my friend want it too), and so did she. We copied the same copies, so we just ordered them together, to save time. After all the notes had copied, my friend paid all of them, then giving me my orders. When I wanted to pay the copies, I didn't have enough money that fit us both, so I owed her that day. But the next day, when I wanted to pay them back, she said, "I don't remember..." In my point of view, she didn't want me to pay it back.
Ketika seorang dibebaskan dari hutangnya... aku berpikir, bahwa ada beberapa kondisi yang menyebabkannya:
- Dia tidak ingin kebaikannya dikembalikan, jadi aku yang berhutang budi.
- Dia pernah berhutang kepadaku dan dia ingin menebusnya, tapi aku tidak ingat.
- Tanpa alasan... aku tidak percaya akan hal ini, bagaimana mungkin seseorang melakukan sesuatu tanpa tujuan, ini juga termasuk 'Tidak perlu".
When someone is not allowed particular people to pay their debt, why is it? I thought there are some cause...
- He/She don't want his/her kindness returned, so I will owe them that much.
- He/She owed me and he/she want to return it, but I just so foolish to remember it.
- "No reason" (included "No need") ... I don't believe this, how can you do something without any reason/purpose?
Lalu, apa yang sebaiknya dilakukan?
- Biarkan saja, tidak perlu dipikirkan, jadi kamu hanya memerlukan SENYUMAN atau UCAPAN 'TERIMA KASIH"
Hal ini akan berkaitan erat dengan penyebabnya.
- Lakukan sesuatu...
Alternatif hal yang dapat dilakukan antara lain:
(+) Lakukan dengan cara lain, seperti membayari dia pada kesempatan lain (fotokopi, traktir makan), beri dia hadiah misalnya dus berisi uang dan pernyataan bahwa kamu membayar hutangmu (ini cara yang agak ekstrim kurasa).
(-) Memaksa dia menerima uangmu dengan cara apapun, seperti menyelipkan ke kantong celana, dll (cara ini mengadopsi sedikit teori Machiavelli, sangat tidak disarakan karena sangat mengesalkan bagi orang yang menerimanya)
What should I do?
- Let it go, never think about it again, so you just need SMILING or SAYING 'THANK YOU"
But, of course then you should guess the motivation.
- Do something...
Such as....
(+) Do it with another way, such as pay him/her in another attemp (photocopying, treating), give him/her a present with equal value. You can try to put an amount of money inside a box with your statement that you have already paid your debt, and give it (This is rather extreme, I think).
(-) Force him/her to receive your money with all you have, such as slipping it to his/her pocket, etc. (this is adopting a little of Machiavelli's theory, I'm not suggesting you to do it, because it often causes the receiver feel irritated).
Atau... ada cara lain?
Or... are there any other ways?
Written by: adhi