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Finally, a GAME that can be played at Kejut.com!
Try BedaSama (SameDifference), a very simple game that requires extra concentration.
The rules are very easy, see whether any changes are in the shape, then press Left or Right.
Submit your score and compare with your friends!
 Akhirnya ada GEM yang bisa dimainin di Kejut.com!
Cobalah BedaSama, gem sangat sederhana yang butuh konsentrasi ekstra.
Caranya mudah, liat apakah ada perubahan gambar, lalu pencet Kiri atau Kanan.
Kirim skormu dan bandingkan dengan teman2mu!
High Scores
How to Play
Press Start. First, just look at the thing that is displayed to you. Then press any key. After that, do the following repeatedly: If the thing differs from the previous thing, press left on the keyboard. If the thing doesn't change, press right. That's it! So simple.
Cara Main
Tekan Mulai. Pertama, lihat benda yang ditampilkan. Lalu, tekan sembarang tombol. Setelah itu, lakukan ini berulang-ulang: Kalau bendanya berubah dari sebelumnya, tekan kiri di kibod. Kalau bendanya tidak berubah, tekan kanan. Begitu saja! Mudah kan.
- Don't rush - slower but correct is better.
- Avoid mistake, since the score increases rapidly if you don't make any mistake.
- Keep concentrating - anything else you think will fail you.
- Make sequential corrects and you will get bonus time.
- Don't even think about your current score or time
- Jangan ngebut. Pelan tapi betul lebih baik.
- Awas salah. Kalau betul terus, peningkatan nilai akan jadi sangat cepat.
- Konsentrasi terus. Kalau pikir hal lain kemungkinan akan salah.
- Ada bonus waktu kalau betul berturut-turut.
- Jangan pedulikan nilai atau sisa waktu saat main.
This game can also be downloaded and distributed! Click here to download the desktop version of the game. It runs on Windows, Linux, and maybe Mac (update: yes it runs on Mac). It has more features than the applet version in this page!
Gem ini bisa diunduh dan dibagi-bagi juga! Klik di sini untuk mengunduh versi desktop gem ini. Jalan di Windows, Linux, dan mungkin Mac (apdet: oh memang bisa di Mac). Ada beberapa fitur yang ga ada di versi applet di halaman ini!
Tell your friends!
Let's make others know this game and let them compete with you! Just copy and paste the HTML code below to your blog, myspace, facebook, website and so on. Let's let's! (The banner below this time is not made by the graphics artist so it is not as good as usual)
Ayo sebarkan gem ini pada teman2 mu dan bandingkan perolehan kalian ^^ Masukin kode HTML di atas pada blog, friendster, situs, dan lain2. Ayo ayo...
Credits and Testers
- Adipro
- Arri Dhana
- Asa
- Derianto
- Fu
- Hanbeng
- Hans Guruh
- Kaminari
- Rin
- Wihu
- Saku (also zh-translator)
- dan lain2 (kebanyakan)
Written by: yuku
| sangat suka dengan sound effect time up
kalo game udah mulai, combo box sebelah tombol start itu ga
bisa diakses...

| KEREN! :) bagus

| gamenya bagus. ketagihan tapi kok button "?' kaya truncated

theresia [sg], 24 Feb 2008, 14:33 reply
| I recommend you guys must try this game, it' s amazing, and
you'll never know when you'll be killed by the next monster,

| I was wrong, it's not the "Savior in NTU" game, Yuku, can
you put that game in?

| Arrrghhhh, why am I addicted but still can't reach 300k?

| hebat, javanya itu versi yang sudah dilokalisasi. :p
pake regional setting chinese langsung ganti ke chinese

Theresia [sg], 29 Feb 2008, 3:53 reply
| akhirnya 300k :)

theresia [sg], 1 Mar 2008, 2:42 reply
| btw apa cuman aku aja ya, tapi yg 'position' itu lebih
gampang buat aq score=p...
there dpt 300k itu pake yg mana? (bagi2 resep=p hehe)

adit [sg], 3 Mar 2008, 18:21 reply
| Ha3 sulit juga ternyata. Tapi asyik! :)

Levi [sg], 17 Mar 2008, 15:00 reply
| daku selalu goblok maen ginian (game yang membutuhkan
kecepatan tangan dan mata).
Hanya dapet score 1803 T__T

bebek [sg], 22 Mar 2008, 16:29 reply
| haha aku pake yan gsahpe soalnya menurutku lebih gampang
(ganti warna dan shape dalam satu masa)

theresia [sg], 28 Mar 2008, 5:57 reply
| mantap coy

| Sayang sekali harus pakai java :((

| keyboard bahasa indonya bukan papan kunci ya

theresia [sg], 15 Apr 2008, 9:13 reply
| Yoooo... it makes me addicted....

rinei [id], 25 Apr 2008, 8:41 reply
| Akhirnya, nomor satu juga...

Jay NTU [sg], 26 May 2008, 13:02 reply
| wow gamenya keren
lmynlah 7x coba uda best this week...

| oce...!!!

| jay imba........

gues [sg], 28 Oct 2008, 3:38 reply