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13 Nov 2008

Tentang Situs Ini

Kejut.com adalah suatu situs yang berisi berbagai artikel unik. Hampir semuanya asli, maksudnya, Anda tak melihatnya di situs lain. Pembuatnya Yuku Sugianto dan Adhi Lesmanahadi . "Kejut" adalah sebuah kata dasar Bahasa Indonesia yang biasanya digunakan dengan imbuhan, seperti terkejut, kejutan, mengejutkan, dikejutkan, dll.

About The Site

Kejut.com is a site that features unique articles. Almost all of the contents are original, that means, you will not see them in another sites. The developers are Yuku Sugianto and Adhi Lesmanahadi . "Kejut" is an Indonesian word that has a basic meaning of surprise. It is more often used in the derivatives: terkejut (to be surprised), kejutan (a surprise), mengejutkan (surprising), dikejutkan (being surprised by someone), etc.

Latar Belakang

Pada tanggal 18 Juli 2005, Yuku memberikan Adhi ide ini di telepon. Awalnya disebabkan seorang tukang blog yang beruntung dan sukses. Tapi akhirnya kami memutuskan tidak mengikuti dia. Daripada membuat blog, kami memutuskan menaruh apa yang kami punya yang mungkin berguna bagi pembaca. Diawali dengan layout dasar buatan Adhi, kami mengembangkan dan membuat banyak pembaruan agar situs ini semakin menarik dikunjungi.

Setelah 3 bulan lebih lelah membuat artikel-artikel dan desain website dan kode-kode PHP, pada 4 Oktober 2005, versi beta diluncurkan untuk kalangan terbatas, dengan 14 artikel. Berbagai saran masuk dan beberapa perubahan dibuat sebelum peluncuran sesungguhnya. Foto dan arsip belum ada.

Akhirnya, pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2005, situs ini diluncurkan secara resmi. Lihat Sejarah di bawah untuk catatan perubahan.


On July 18th 2005, Yuku give the idea to Adhi on the phone. First, it was because of a blogger that successfully provitable. But then we decided not to follow the blogger. Instead of making a blogger, we decided to put all we have that are interesting to us or we think useful for the reader. Started by basic design layout that created by Adhi, then both of us developed and made many updates to make this website is even more interesting to visit.

After more than 3 months of making articles and website design and PHP codes and became tired, on October 4th 2005 we launched the beta version for limited audiences, containing 14 articles. Various suggestions are obtained and some changes were made before the real launching. Pictures and archives are not yet ready.

Finally, on October 30th 2005, this site is officially launched. See History below for updates log.


Bagian Sejarah ini tidak termasuk penambahan artikel, gambar, link, atau perubahan sangat kecil.

Klik di sini untuk melihat sejarah.


This History section does not include additions of articles, pictures, links, or very small changes.

Click here to see the history.

Sekilas tentang Pembuat

Pembuat website ini adalah dua orang mahasiswa S1 dari dua universitas dan jurusan yang berbeda di negara yang berbeda. Mereka berdua bertemu pertama kali pada tahun pertama di sekolah menengah umum, tapi baru saling mengenal pada tahun kedua. Saat ini mereka kuliah tingkat tiga.

A Slight Information about the Webmasters

Two people behind this website are undergraduate students from two different universities and majors in different countries. Both of them met for the first time at their first year in senior high school, but have just talked to each other in the second year. Currently they are in the third year in university.

Panduan Menjelajahi Situs Ini

Website ini dibuat dalam dua bahasa: Indonesia dan Inggris. Anda dapat melihat bahasa Indonesia saja (Indonesian), Inggris saja (English), atau dua bahasa (Bilingual) dengan memilihnya di kotak dengan border merah di sisi kiri. Di sana tertulis "Pilih Bahasa" (beranimasi).

  • Kotak dengan border merah berisi menu ke halaman lain.
  • Kotak dengan border biru berisi isi dari halaman itu atau artikel itu.
  • Navibox adalah nama untuk kotak berisi menu ke halaman lain.
  • Ratholes adalah nama untuk kotak berisi jalan pintas ke artikel lain yang diambil secara acak.
  • Di artikel dan Pictures serta beberapa bagian tertentu, di bagian atas tertera berbagai tanda seperti ini:


    24 Dec 2005
    • Di bagian kiri itu judul, dalam satu atau dua bahasa.
    • Di kanan atas, tanggal pengubahan, bukan tanggal pembuatan, dekatkan tikus untuk memunculkan keterangan.
    • Di kanan bawah, pada contoh ini, 547 adalah berapa kali halaman tersebut dibuka, dan sebelah kanannya rata-rata dari nilai-nilai yang diberikan pengunjung di bagian bawah halaman. Semakin penuh terisi, semakin tinggi nilainya.
  • New Articles berisi artikel-artikel terbaru yang diurutkan juga berdasarkan tanggal perubahan, bukan tanggal pembuatan.
  • Archives berisi seluruh artikel yang pernah dipublish di Kejut.com.
  • Komentar diurutkan sesuai waktu pengimputan komentar, komentar baru yang Anda masukkan akan ditampilkan di paling bawah.

Guide to Browse The Website

This website is created in two languages: Indonesian and English.
You can view it in Indonesian or English only, or Bilingual by choosing it in the box with red border on the left. "Choose Language" (animated) is written there.

  • Boxes with red border contain menus to other pages or artilcles.
  • Boxes with blue border contain contents of a page or an article.
  • Navibox is the name for the box with red border which contains menus to other pages.
  • Ratholes is the name for the box with red border which contains shortcuts to other articles that were randomly selected.
  • On articles and Pictures and also some other determined parts, at the top there is some marks like these:


    24 Dec 2005
    • On the left is the title, in one or two languages.
    • On the right-above is the date of modification, not the date of creation, hover with your mouse to show information.
    • On the right-below, in this example, 547 indicates how many times the page is opened, and on the right side of it is the average of the ratings given by visitors in the below section of the page. The fuller it is, the better the rating is.
  • New Articles contains latest articles. Here, articles sorted based on time when the articles are edited, not created.
  • Archives contains every article that has ever been published in Kejut.com.
  • Comments sorted based on time when the comments in. The latest comment will appear at the bottom.


"Setiap kata terucap adalah sabda pandita ratu." Itu adalah cuplikan dari Puisi Cinta, puisi dari film AADC (Ada Apa dengan Cinta). Memang benar, setiap kata yang ada di situs ini berasal dari pengarangnya masing-masing (kecuali kutipan, dsb), tapi kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kebenaran isi situs ini dan penggunaannya di luar situs ini.


"Every word spoken is the word of a queen." That is a quotation of Cinta's Poem, a poem from a WHWL (What Happened with Love) movie. It is true that every word in this website was created by its author (except quotations, etc), but we do not take any responsibilities about the correctness of the contents and every use of any outside this website.

Terima Kasih

  • Arri Dhana (perubahan border isi artikel)
  • Asa (penerjemah plan_your_days)
  • Aswin Nugraha (flatworld)
  • Duncan (wallpaper)
  • Eko I. (raid, wallpaper)
  • Favian (supereyes)
  • Imam Benjol (massmedia, nationalism)
  • Irwan (penghancur kertas)
  • Kharis Furiku (juru foto)
  • Kiko (lecture)
  • Lydia S. (bantuan dalam memilih kata "KEJUT")
  • Reno D. (penghancur kertas)
  • sylvdoanx (penerjemah massmedia)
  • Tania Kangol (model foto)
  • Theodora Amanda Devi (japan2)
  • Olyvia Chen (japan2)
  • Vida Junita (tariansangmaut, lahir)
  • Yanto Jakop (update, puisi)
  • Yenni A. (penghancur kertas)
  • ... dan Anda! (pengunjung)

Thanks To

  • Arri Dhana (change of border of article contents)
  • Asa (plan_your_days translator)
  • Aswin Nugraha (flatworld)
  • Duncan (wallpaper)
  • Eko I. (raid, wallpaper)
  • Favian (supereyes)
  • Imam Benjol (massmedia, nationalism)
  • Irwan (paper shredder)
  • Kharis Furiku (photographer)
  • Kiko (lecture)
  • Lydia S. (helped to choose the word "KEJUT")
  • Reno D. (paper shredder)
  • sylvdoanx (massmedia translator)
  • Tania Kangol (photo model)
  • Theodora Amanda Devi (japan2)
  • Olyvia Chen (japan2)
  • Vida Junita (tariansangmaut, lahir)
  • Yanto Jakop (update, puisi)
  • Yenni A. (paper shredder)
  • ... and you! (visitor)

Nikmatilah situs kami dan fasilitas RSS-nya, juga tak lupa Buletin Kejut!

Please enjoy our website and the RSS facility, and also the Kejut Newsletter!

Written by: webmaster

gatau ma koment apa, tp dipaksa krn di suruhkomen.
akhir kata, di ksh deh: cukup bgs artikel2nya, (terutama usaha dr pemiliknya yg sgt bersemangat ngajak org nulis -_-" )

olive [sg], 15 Sep 2005, 15:08 reply
koq ada thanks to tania kangol? emang ada fotonya ya? di artikel mana?

kharis [id], 17 Oct 2005, 12:16 reply
dear Kharis,
I have read your comment and I guess you haven't notice that Tania's photos appears in your picture which we use in 'picture' icon. Thanks for asking.

Adhi [id], 17 Oct 2005, 15:57 reply
Olalaa.. kereeeennn ;)

Erlin Diana [sg], 19 Oct 2005, 8:46 reply
Great job!!! cool...

William Kangdra [sg], 19 Oct 2005, 15:02 reply
COOOLLLLLL.......... ^^

Inche Ali [sg], 21 Oct 2005, 11:26 reply
ehmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, it's quite interesting

pococo [id], 31 Oct 2005, 9:13 reply
wah belakangan kejutannya rasanya agak berkurang? lagi sibuk yah sang pembuat2nya? hehehe :P

Derianto Kusuma [id], 24 Feb 2006, 6:29 reply
nice work to relief stress of work :p

fumowing [id], 9 Nov 2006, 5:24 reply
The Opera Portable which I downloaded from your website keeps crashing about every time I use it. I lose all work in the process if not saved. Any idea why this happens. I like this Web browser but not dependable if it continue to crash like this. Please help.

Bruno [ca], 21 Nov 2006, 17:58 reply
Hello, i just wanted to thank you for the opera portable, for this, you deserve a million thank yous:)

Csaba Tóth [sk], 30 Apr 2007, 19:32 reply
mmmmmm, it's nice. thanks 4 opera portable

madsyair [id], 1 May 2007, 17:09 reply
nice "kejut" I think.
but lebih dikembangkan lagi yah. S E M A N G A T.....!!!!
by the way bisa nggak kita kasih ato kirim cerpen di situs ini???kalo bisa khan lebih sempurna lagi iyah nggak???

nEnI_cute [id], 31 May 2007, 3:58 reply
It's Interesed Website, DiffereNt ThaN aNothEr WebSite, So UnIQue. SO SWEET......

ViThacHaN [id], 19 Jun 2007, 6:42 reply
thank yach!!karna informasi ini ku tambah ngerti tentang dunia web...!!salam kenal dari ku anak SMKN 1 JOMBANG.

nina [id], 3 Aug 2007, 2:42 reply
boleh donk..minta alamat, no telp dll ato website tentang smkn 1 jombang...
aku alumni tahun 2001, skrg aku tinggal dijakarta. aku kangen sama smkn 1 jombang jg sama guru2 pengajarnya..
please klu ada yg punya alamat & websitnya japri aja ke alamat emailku ya...kusniawati_ekin@yahoo.com

iin kusniawati [id], 10 Sep 2007, 6:10 reply
Apa-apaan sich ini! Gue gak ngerti, kejat-kejut dogen!!! jelasin dong, gak ada yang gue dapetin dari sini!!!!

Mimi_mut [id], 12 Aug 2007, 5:15 reply
Thank so much.I luv everything about Opera! and I founded!

Jason [th], 24 Sep 2007, 15:18 reply
nice work!!

shia [id], 30 Sep 2007, 10:40 reply
testi n comment

gawenk [id], 13 Mar 2008, 1:35 reply
I think your "portable opera" rocks...
Did you guys make it? I'm thinking of starting a blog or something and I'll be interesting in working with great minds like yours

lami [us], 21 Mar 2008, 20:05 reply
yes, we created it. Tell us your blog address when you have made it, I would love to view it.

yuku [sg], 22 Mar 2008, 1:34 reply
ayo, tingkatkan lagi!!!

wiwik [id], 17 Jul 2008, 13:05 reply
Hi, Yuku and Adhi,
your web site is a pleasure to read and explore. I accidentally found it whilst google-ing Indonesian TV programmes and I agree with the sentiments on the mass media article.
I have lived here for six years now and although I can see Indonesia has a lot of problems to surmount I am sure they will eventually succeed.
The people are very talented creatively and of course very friendly towards us Bules! I have made very many Indonesian friends and hope that I can continue to live here for a long time to come.
Great work you guys keep it up .
All the best Steve (UK)

Steve [id], 26 Nov 2008, 5:03 reply
Hello Y 'n A..
i just want to know the real name of BebekRewel,
is it appears in your Thanks to ?
do you have her picture ?
GBU always.

BebekRewel fan [id], 12 Mar 2009, 6:52 reply
hello buddy i read your article i like it dear i learn alot of things from your comment dear thanx for this information
<a href="http://www.legalx.net">Lawyer Directory</a>-Lawyer Directory

Neil Johnson [in], 26 Apr 2009, 6:06 reply
eh gmn ya yg taw buatin akooe friendster donkk akoe mow bkn pingbox ja swuusah bgt ga dpt ijiiyin

hilmakamelia [id], 4 Jun 2009, 3:26 reply

halimah [id], 4 Jun 2009, 7:15 reply
boleh juga, kupelajari dulu yach...

BOGOR [id], 17 Jun 2009, 19:26 reply
Aku inigin bergabung ke Facebook.com

asdasd [id], 12 Sep 2009, 2:32 reply
yang ngarang cerpen "mereka bilang aku gendut" siapa?
HGS tuh cpa?

ama [id], 7 Oct 2009, 8:23 reply
mendaftar frendster

Medan [id], 1 Dec 2009, 16:49 reply
aq pengen cari teman cwe ne, bsa bantu ga kwn2

Medan [id], 1 Dec 2009, 16:53 reply
hai para cewk sklian........
jangn mrah prcaya ma cowk y.....
cowk it makhluk yang pling kejam d atas dunia

yuli [--], 23 Mar 2010, 9:33 reply
Hi just checking up your site , and found android dictionary. nice one. could you share the KBBI dictionary ?
i intended to build a spell checker for ms word. or if there is one already please let me know.
thanks , please contact me trough my email
sincerely yours

ahmy [id], 4 Apr 2010, 7:53 reply
Mas Yuku Sugianto dan Adhi Lesmanahadi,
Kami sangat tertarik dengan aplikasi KBBI Mobile yang anda kelola/ciptakan. Untuk membuat suatu produk aplikasi lain yang sejenis, perusahaan kami mau mengajak anda bekerjasama. Kami menunggu jawaban anda segera.
Mohon kontak 08129667949 atau ke alamat email tsb.
Terima kasih

Viktor Pane [id], 27 Aug 2010, 9:24 reply
Mas Yuku Sugianto dan Adhi Lesmanahadi,
Kami sangat tertarik dengan aplikasi KBBI Mobile yang anda kelola/ciptakan. Untuk membuat suatu produk aplikasi lain yang sejenis, perusahaan kami mau mengajak anda bekerjasama. Kami menunggu jawaban anda segera.
Mohon kontak 08129667949 atau ke alamat email tsb.
Terima kasih

Viktor Pane [id], 30 Aug 2010, 12:36 reply
its very good short story"
i use your short story to my research, They say I'm fat
and use stream of consciousness method by Gillian Lazar.
may you allow me?

aan [--], 29 Oct 2010, 3:20 reply